Stephanie McMahon Talks Women's Tag Team Titles, If She Will Be Wrestling At WWE Evolution
Stephanie McMahon recently spoke with Sky Sports to promote WWE's all-women's Evolution pay-per-view set for October 28th. The full Q&A is at this link and below are highlights:

What the female Superstar of tomorrow looks like:
"They will continue to be the incredible women that they are today. When you think about our women – not only are they athletes, actors, they're philanthropists, public speakers, they're out engaging in corporate activities, they're out there performing in front of thousands and thousands of people live and millions of people around the world.
"They're travelling internationally, they're constantly on the road, they're doing reality tv, films, they are doing all of these incredible things. They are multi-talented, strong, intelligent strong beautiful women. Their beauty on the inside and their strength is what shines through on the outside and I think you're only going to continue to see that grow as our women become role models for more and more girls and women, and boys, around the world."
If she will be wrestling at Evolution:
(Laughter) "That's yet to be determined, we want to make sure our superstars really get the spotlight they deserve but if it makes sense then absolutely. But that's yet to be determined."
If Women's Tag Team Titles will be revealed at Evolution:
"Not quite yet but that's absolutely something we've heard loud and clear from our fan base and it's something we're keen on implementing as soon as we are able to."
Source: Sky Sports