Jay Lethal Responds To Allegations Against Him, Taeler Hendrix Releases Alleged Text Messages

Taeler Hendrix made an accusation last week that she lost her push in ROH because she refused to sleep with Jay Lethal. ROH responded by saying they are taking this claim seriously and they are currently investigating the matter.

Lethal broke his silence on the matter as he tweeted out a message to his fans. He wrote a full response in a notepad and included it as an attached screenshot.

"Please do not use my words here as fuel to attack myself or my accuser, there is already too much hate going around in the world so let's not add to it," Lethal advised in his tweet.

"Let me be clear, there is absolutely no validity to these baseless allegations," Lethal wrote in his longer response. "Throughout my career, I have sought to conduct myself with honor and integrity. I would never engage in any conduct that disrespects this business or the men and women in this industry.

"Every individual has a right to be heard and must be given every opportunity to speak truth to power. Anyone engaging in misconduct or abuse of any kind simply has no place in our business or our society.

"I am confident that these unfortunate allegations will be proven to be completely unfounded at the conclusion of Ring Of Honor's investigation."

Taeler Hendrix replied soon after Lethal's response by releasing a screenshot from a text message thread presumably from the current ROH World Champion. The message seems to indicate that Lethal was trying to reach Hendrix.

Hendrix went on to say Lethal pulled her aside at a live event to speak to her. She said the business has been a certain way for so long, but she's "tired of it" and "fighting for what's right."

If you use any portion of the quotes in this article please credit Wrestling Inc

