Bruce Prichard On WWE's Big Plans For The WWF Hotel And Casino

Vince McMahon and Company have always strived to establish as many cross-promotional efforts as possible to maintain the status of the brand. WWF New York transitioned into The World restaurant in New York's Times Square that kept WWE's logo in one of the world's busiest tourist hubs.

Near the conclusion of the Attitude Era, WWE was venturing into another space when the company looked into opening their own hotel and casino. The WWF Hotel and Casino would have been near the Interstate 15 freeway somewhere across from where the Mandalay Bay Resort and Casino resides on the Las Vegas Strip.

The WWF Hotel and Casino never got past the proposal stage and the company ended up selling the building in late December 2000 that was supposed to house this adventurous undertaking. If WWE would have followed through with the idea of opening a casino, they might have been the ones really gambling in the situation.

Even though nothing amounted from the idea of WWE having their own hotel and casino, there were some pretty big plans in the works for this new Vince McMahon owned property if they were able to get the project off the ground.

"I guarantee you that at some point in a lot of the proposals that were made that was in it," Bruce Prichard said on Something To Wrestle With referring to co-host Conrad Thompson reading a report saying WWE was planning "Stone Cold" Steve Austin betting chips, an Undertaker tattoo parlor, and a Sable lingerie shop. "Becuase we had everything under the sun. We had daily matches, we had retired wrestlers as greeters in the casino, you name it, it was pitched."

If you use any portion of the quotes in this article please credit Something To Wrestle With and Wrestling Inc for the transcription

Source: Something To Wrestle With

