Cody Rhodes Tells Other Wrestlers To Get On His Level, NJPW US Dojo (Video), ROH State Of The Art
- Above is a look inside the NJPW US Dojo and an interview with Head Trainer Katsuyori Shibata who says he asked to lead the training when the opportunity came along. In regards to what he's looking for, Shibata says it's a "Samurai."
"I think it's the best word to describe who I'm looking for. Samurai," Shibata said. "There's no such thing as a weak-hearted samurai. Nothing else matters. Not race or looks. What matters is spirit."
- Before we get to ROH Best in the World (current card here) ROH will be headed to Texas for its State of the Art shows in San Antonio and Texas. Below are the current cards:
June 15
* Young Bucks, Marty Scurll, and Adam Page vs. The Briscoes and Killer Elite Squad
* SoCal Uncensored vs. Atlantis, Stuka Jr., and Guerrero Maya Jr.
* Sumie Sakai and Tenille Dashwood vs. Thunder Rosa and Kelly Klein
* Cody vs. Jonathan Gresham
* Matt Taven and Vinny Marseglia vs. The Boys
* Jay Lethal vs. TK O'Ryan
June 16
* Silas Young vs. Jonathan Gresham vs. Cheeseburger vs. Punishment Martinez vs. Scorpio Sky vs. Adam Page (If any of the challengers pin Young, they instantly get a ROH World TV Championship match. If Young pins any of the challengers, they can't challenge for the title for one year.)
* The Briscoes vs. Killer Elite Squad (ROH World Tag Team Championship)
* The Kingdom vs. Atlantis, Stuka Jr., and Guerrero Maya Jr. (ROH World Six-Man Championship)
* Tenille Dashwood vs. Thunder Rosa
* Cody vs. Shane Taylor
* Marty Scurll vs. Jay Lethal vs. Flip Gordon
- We will have a special edition of the Wrestling Inc. podcast this Saturday night following UFC 225 to cover NJPW Dominion, UFC 225 with CM Punk's return and more with Matt Morgan, Raj Giri and Chris Featherstone. We'll also have complete live coverage of NJPW Dominion beginning early Saturday at 3am ET.

- Below, Cody (with Brandi Rhodes) spoke about his upcoming triple threat title match against ROH World Champion Dalton Castle and Marty Scurll. He also noted how in the matter of one year he's become 'the brand' for Ring of Honor.
"My mere presence means this is not an amateur show anymore," Cody said. "I'm the guy responsible for for filling the bellies of everybody waving the banner of Ring of Honor. I am Daddy and Daddy eats first."
Cody retweeted this video telling all wrestlers to "Get on my level. You're all so far behind."
#DaddyEatsFirst – @CodyRhodes #ROH World Championship Match at #ROHBITW!
Fri June 29 – LIVE on PPV and for #HonorClub VIP@UMBCEventCenter in #ROHBaltimore
Info: ROH Wrestling (@ringofhonor) June 6, 2018
Dear all wrestlers everywhere,
Get on my level. You're all so far behind.
Daddy Cody Rhodes (@CodyRhodes) June 6, 2018