WWE 205 Live Results (3/20): Mustafa Ali Vs. Drew Gulak In The Cruiserweight Tournament Semis

Welcome to our live coverage of WWE 205 Live, exclusively on the WWE Network! Join us immediately following the WWE Mixed Match Challenge around 10:20pm ET. Be sure to leave your feedback in the comments section, share our coverage of tonight's episode through social media, and REFRESH for the most up to date coverage.

Who will go on to face Cedric Alexander in the finals at WrestleMania 34?

- Recap of last week's match where Cedric Alexander defeated Roderick Strong.

- Preview of tonight's match between Mustafa Ali and Drew Gulak. We see clips of their previous rivalry where Gulak didn't appreciate Ali's high-flying style.

- Vic Joseph and Nigel McGuinness welcome us in to tonight's show as we get to our first match.

Lince Dorado (with Gran Metalik and Kalisto) vs. Hideo Itami (with Akira Tozawa)

Itami with some strikes early, gets tossed out of the ring. Dorado looks like he's going to fly, but fakes out Itami who takes his time getting back in the ring. Dorado using his speed to avoid Itami, hurricanrana, Itami to the outside and Dorado follow with a corkscrew flip over the top rope. He follows that up with some taunting on the announce table. Action back in the ring, but only for a moment as Hideo launches his opponent out of the ring.

Itami out on the floor, drives Dorado's back into the ring and sends him back in. Itami with a big strike to the face, Dorado answers with a springboard crossbody. He tries for a handspring attack, but Itami dodges it and hits a clothesline. Itami sent out to the floor near Gran Metalik and Kalisto. Itami shoves Metalik and he ends up getting shoved right back! Ref totally saw that and calls for the bell.

Winner: Hideo Itami via DQ

- Post-Match, Kalisto keeps his guys back while Tozawa holds Itami back after this one gets thrown out.

- Recap of Drew Gulak over the last couple weeks. We see Drake Maverick asking when he became such a goof. Gulak says he doesn't like being called that and wants to show what he can do in this tournament. He fully plans on winning and going to WrestleMania to face Cedric Alexander.

- Backstage, Cedric Alexander talks about his match last week, which was the greatest moment in his entire career. Says it hasn't sunk in yet that he's going to perform for 70,000 people, but the journey isn't over yet. All of this means nothing if he doesn't win the WWE Cruiserweight Championship.

- Backstage, TJP says he doesn't care who wins at WrestleMania, but does care who's next in line for a title shot and that's going to be him.

TJP vs. Kenneth Johnson

Johnson had previously worked in the Cruiserweight Classic. TJP getting in offense first, european uppercut, side suplex. TJP heads to the apron, float over senton. Johnson gets a kick to the face and a running cannonball, cover, one-count. TJP with a kick to the knee, dragon screw, kick to the head, detonation kick lands, locks in the kneebar and Johnson taps out. TJP doesn't let up on the hold though.

Winner: TJP via Submission

- We see some clips of Mustafa Ali who says the biggest thing that separates him from the others is heart. Talks about how he was a police officer in Chicago for four years before WWE. Wants a chance at WrestleMania, but also wants to create change. "People see 'Mustafa Ali' and typically boo that name. I want to change that."

- Backstage, Dasha Fuentes talks with Drake Maverick about how the match ended with Itami and Dorado. Maverick says he's livid because that was a marquee match that didn't end properly. He says next week Akira Tozawa, Kalisto, TJP, and Buddy Murphy will face off in a Fatal 4-Way match-up.

Mustafa Ali vs. Drew Gulak (Cruiserweight Championship Tournament Match)

Gulak looks completely focused just sitting in the corner until the bell rings. Ali is fired up as the two lock up. Alexander watching on from the back. Mat wrestling to start things off and Ali is getting the best of his opponent thus far. Both end up in the corner, Gulak with a shove, Ali shoves him back. Ali gets tossed up into the air and thrown down to the mat. Ali recovers, hits a hurricanrana, pop-up dropkick, and both end up in the corner again. Gulak with a cheap elbow and a big clothesline to the back of Ali's neck.

Ali tries to get to the second rope, ends up on Gulak's shoulders and ends up getting slammed down to the mat. Gulak goes for a pin, two-count. Ali with some palm strikes to Gulak's face and a spinning heel kick puts Gulak down. Facebuster by Ali, cover, two. Ali with some more big kicks at a grounded Gulak who then throws him into the second turnbuckle.

Gulak tries for a dragon sleeper, Ali fights out of it and then gets clocked with a clothesline. Gulak ends up out on the floor, Ali up to the top rope and hits a front flip to the floor! He swings away at Gulak's face and throws him back into the ring. "Ali!" chant breaks out as he goes for an 054, but Gulak sweeps his feet out from under him and he goes all the way down to the floor. Referee starts up his ten-count. Gulak breaks it up by going out to the floor and throwing him into the barricade. Gulak gets him back in the ring, but Ali rolls back to the floor. Gulak comes back out and charges Ali who ends up sending him over the announce table. Ali then dives on Gulak, swings away, and gets back in the ring.

Ali looking a bit crazy now and clears off the announce table, he brings Gulak up on the table and ends up getting back body dropped down to the floor! Ouch. Ten count started up, Gulak broke it up and sent Ali hard into the ring post! Gulak picks up his opponent and tosses him into the timekeeper's area. Ten count starts up again, he crawls towards the ring and gets in at 9 and 1/2. He looks to be out of as Gulak tries for the dragon sleep, Ali immediately grabs the top rope. Tornado DDT by Ali! He climbs to the top rope and lands the 054 for the victory.

Winner: Mustafa Ali via Pinfall (Advances to the finals to face Cedric Alexander at WrestleMania 34)

– Post-match, Dasha in the ring with Ali, asks how it feels to be going to WrestleMania. He says, "I'm not going to WrestleMania, we are going to WrestleMania." Ali hugs family in the crowd and gives the title a quick look.

