Big Actor Offered Role In Vince McMahon Biopic, The Hardys Post Fan Throwback Photo, Batista
- Above is the full match of Jeri-Show defending their Tag Team Titles against Batista and Rey Mysterio at Hell in a Cell in 2009. Big Show lands a knockout punch to Rey Mysterio to win via pinfall.
- According to PWInsider, Bradley Cooper (Hangover and American Sniper) has been offered the role of Vince McMahon in his biopic, Pandermonium. No word yet if Cooper is interested, but the thought is to land a big name early to help move the film along at a faster pace. The film is being put together by TriStar and WWE Studios.

- Matt Hardy tweeted out a photo of them with a fan as a baby and then years later, saying it's "wonderful" when fans tell them how the tag team was a big part of their childhood. Currently, Jeff Hardy is dealing with a rotator cuff tear that could keep him out of action until just after WrestleMania 34. Matt Hardy teamed up with Jason Jordan to face the Miztourage, earlier this week on Raw.
When wrestling fans tell us, "THE HARDY BOYZ WERE MY CHILDHOOD!"
They're usually not exaggerating & it's positively WONDERFUL!
? REBORN by FATE (@MATTHARDYBRAND) September 30, 2017