WWE Main Event Recap: Curtis Axel Vs. Titus O'Neil Rematch, Ariya Daivari, Cruiserweight Tag Action

WWE Main Event Recap – Columbus, Ohio

Curtis Axel vs. Titus O'Neil

This week's WWE Main Event starts off with a rematch from 2 weeks ago between Curtis Axel and Titus O'Neil. Titus tosses Axel into the corner early and uses his power to take the Ax Man to the mat with a shoulder tackle. Too much showboating from O'Neil though, who gets slapped by a recovering Axel. Curtis Axel with the advantage now as he spears Titus twice into the corner.


As the referee backs Axel off Titus, O'Neil comes back strong with a big forearm that turns the tide back in his favor. Titus beats Axel into the corner, slapping him in the chest and covering for a near fall. Axel powers out of a chin lock and catches Titus with a flurry of chops and kicks, followed by a dropkick and a swinging neck breaker. A running neck snap and a knee to the jaw by Axel but it's only enough for 2.

Curtis Axel sits up on the top rope but Titus is back up on his feet. Titus picks Axel up from the top turnbuckle and hits the Clash of the Titus for the 3 count and the win.

Winner: Titus O'Neil

-We get footage of The Miz, Maryse and Dean Ambrose from last week's Raw during the Superstar Shakeup. This sets up a recap of MizTV with Dean Ambrose from this past Monday, where The Miz calls the Intercontinental Champion a disgrace to everything a "WWE Superstar" should look and act like. He says Ambrose gets all his opportunities because the crowd loves him, and the Miz reminds Dean that he was barely on the card at WrestleMania 33. Miz calls Ambrose lazy and complacent, but Ambrose says he loves getting into fights and that's why he's the Intercontinental Champion who beat The Miz for the title. The segment ends with Ambrose looking for Dirty Deeds on The Miz before he and Maryse escape up the ramp.


- When we return from the break we're shown the Fatal 4-Way match between Sasha Banks, Mickie James, Nia Jax & Alexa Bliss to determine a new #1 Contender to the WWE Raw Women's Championship. The finish comes after Alexa Bliss dropkicks Nia out of the ring after Jax crushes Sasha with the Samoan Drop. Alexa picks up the pin over Sasha Banks to earn a Women's Title match against Bayley at WWE Payback.

Grank Metalik & Lince Dorado vs. Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari

All four competitors meet in the middle for the handshake to start the match. Daivari and Dorado kick things off and Lince uses his speed to fight off a double team before Ariya makes the quick tag. Gran Metalik tags in and lands a springboard handstand flip over Nese, followed by some top rope hopping and a huricanrana. Elbow drop off the ropes for a 2 count. Tony Nese takes advantage of Daivari's distraction and rolls into Metalik's legs to take the high flyer down, pulling him to the outside face first on the floor as we go to a break.

Tony Nese remains in control of Gran Metalik when we return. Daivari tags in to stomp Metalik into the corner. Nese is back in the match now and slows things down, twisting the head of Metalik. Tony Nese with a series of combo kicks and a leg sweep, but Lince breaks up the pin attempt. After Nese runs after Dorado in the corner, he comes back to pick up Metalik over his shoulder, only to get caught with a spike DDT that has both men on the mat!


Both Cruiserweights manage to make their way to their corners to make the tag. Lince dodges a few chops from Daivari, landing a huricanrana and a moonsault for a pin attempt that gets broken up by Nese. Lince with the superkick sending Nese to the floor outside, and Daivari hits a spinebuster on Lince for a 2 count. Daivari whips Dorado into the ropes only to get caught with a handspring stunner!

Metalik and Dorado take advantage of both of their opponents on the outside, landing double moonsaults off the ropes in stereo on Daivari and Nese that leaves all four men on the ground. Dorado tosses Daivari into the ring and goes up top, but Ariya pushes him off the turnbuckle face first into the barricade while Nese takes out Metalik. Nese tosses Lince back in for Daivari, who finishes things off with the Hammerlock Clothesline for the pinfall victory.

Winners: Tony Nese and Ariya Daivari.

-We're shown footage of Braun Strowman beating up Roman Reigns and flipping him in an ambulance, setting up a recap of this past Monday's Raw with Braun demanding GM Kurt Angle provide more competition "or else." After Braun finishes mauling Kalisto backstage, Big Show charges him and tells Strowman to pick on somebody his own size, setting up the Raw main event. We cut to the match between the two giants, ending with a superplex that collapses the ring as fans go wild. Braun recovers from the big impact as referees check on Big Show, and Strowman screams in the center of the ring and up the ramp as we end this week's episode.

