Kevin Owens Reacts To His Dad Supporting Sami Zayn, Zack Ryder Talks First WWE Match, WWE Shop Sale
- Above is the latest of Zack Ryder's Z! True Comeback Story, where he reflected on his first WWE match 12 years ago. At 19 years old, he faced Matt Morgan in Madison Square Garden.
"I'll never forget that day. I went there with Curt Hawkins, we were just 'extra talent.'"
Ryder goes on to talk about how his Dad (who was a police officer) flashed his badge to get backstage to see him. Ryder took home all kinds of mementos from that night and his Mom made a shadowbox of everything together, which he still has. He was signed by WWE a year after that match.
- WWE asked fans: "Which WWE Superstar's move has the coolest name?" As of this writing, the top five picks are: Finn Balor's Coup de Grace (23 percent), Dean Ambrose's Dirty Deeds (20 percent), Baron Corbin's End of Days (12 percent), The Revival's Shatter Machine (10 percent), and Sasha Banks' Bank Statement (10 percent).

- With the NHL Playoffs in full swing, Sami Zayn tweeted out how they "Will be the death of me" as he supports the Montreal Canadiens. Earlier today, Kevin Owens' Dad, Terry Steen, responded to Zayn's tweet in a supportive way. Owens caught the exchange and was none too pleased about his own family being so kind to his longtime rival.
@iLikeSamiZayn Hang on Sami!
? Terry Steen (@steen_terry) April 22, 2017
Dad, no! What is this?!
? Kevin Owens (@FightOwensFight) April 22, 2017