Matt Hardy Has Offer For New Day; Talks What He Calls WWE Cruiserweight Division, TNA Standing Out
Broken Matt Hardy talked to Scott Fishman of the Channel Guide Magazine recently as part of promoting this week's Total Non-Stop Deletion episode of Impact Wrestling. During the interview, Hardy talked about Broken Universe helping TNA to stand out, Anthem investing in TNA and more. Below are some highlights.
Broken Universe helping TNA:
"I think for many years they had it with the X Division. Then as time has gone on and with these other wrestling promotions such as ROH (Ring of Honor) and MeekMahan's (WWE) show, they started to adapt and have an athletic style type of product. You have ROH, and they even have a cruiserweight division in WWE, which I call the Spot Monkey Division. They have those things. So TNA doesn't stand out as much with the X Division now and as time has gone on they have neglected it in some ways. So I felt like the Broken Universe has helped TNA develop its own identity. I think going forth the Broken Universe can extend to other elements of the show. There has to be something for everyone. I think the Broken Universe gives it a quality that stands out from MeekMahan's show."
Anthem investing in TNA:
"Everyone thought TNA was going out of business, and that is not the case. Now we have the Anthem people coming in and investing within TNA. They are the parent company of the Fight Network. Things are going to be very positive going forward in 2017. I'm very excited to be a very integral part of that."

Possibility of appearing on Raw and Ring of Honor:
"If they were to send the Bucks of Youth to Apocalypto and myself and Brother Nero would be happy and the Impact Wrestling fans would be happy. We would be happy to go to an ROH show in exchange. I would make the same offer to MeekMahan and the Day of the New. They come to Apocalypto, and I would go to Monday Night Raw. And so would Brother Nero. I think it would be very good if we all worked together. When it's all said and done, we ultimately want to give the wrestling fan the greatest entertainment and biggest dream match possible, and that is what I'm trying to accomplish here."
Hardy also talked about TNA having great talent on their roster, making appearance at Final Battle and more. You can read the full interview here.
Source: Channel Guide Magazine