Billy Gunn On If He Would Return To WWE, Possibly Signing With NJPW, Who Shaved X-Pac's Eyebrows

Episode two of X-Pac 1,2,360 with special guest Billy Gunn is available now on iTunes and YouTube, as seen in the video above. In the episode, Sean Waltman talks to 11-time tag team champion and fellow DX member Gunn about his upcoming appearance at NJPW and whether he'll ever go back to WWE. They sent us these highlights:

X-Pac responds to Scott Hall's recent airport incident:

"Here's the thing. The more time you have behind you of being healthy, and I don't like to use the word clean, but you know of just being healthy and doing the right thing, the easier it is when you fall to pick yourself back up. Scott, myself, guys like Billy [Gunn], we know how to pick ourselves back up. So that's what Scott did and everything will be fine."

Billy Gunn describes his WWE tryout:

"They watched us work, we went into the office and this is when Vince would still kind of talk to you when you're getting hired. Me and Bart went in there and Vince said, hey we liked what we saw, we'd like to bring you in, and I said to Vince, well Vince I have a job during the week. Can I just do this on the weekend? And he laughed at me and then goes, no I think you'll be alright."

Billy reveals who shaved X-Pac's eyebrows, so many years ago:

"Alright so we're gonna let the cat out of the bag here on your podcast. I feel that this is the time and place, and I'm not by any means disrespecting him, but Curt [Hennig] did it. But the thing was that he was such a master at stuff that he literally did it, looked at us and goes, hey I'm gonna put this on you and you guys take it, OK? OK!"

Billy announces he may be going to NJPW:

"Let's just put it this way. I am in talks with New Japan. They have this big tag tournament every year, from the middle of November to the middle of December. So they called me and asked if I would like to do it, and of course I jumped at it because there's not a lot of stuff that I haven't done in 27 years of working in this industry, most of them in WWE."

Billy on whether he's going back to WWE:

"Well I don't know about that. I started with WWE, I got fired once and came back, got fired, came back, so now I'm fired again. So if you're asking me, would I like to? Yes, I would love to, because I love to coach. And I love being at the Performance Center."

Billy adds what he thinks of the Tough Enough contestants' progress, how King of the Ring hurt his career, and more, which you can watch in the video above. The 1-2-3 Kid is joined by producer James Franck and co-host Christy Olson, the Managing Editor and Chief Correspondent of AfterBuzz TV Pro Wrestling News, on X-Pac 1,2,360, from Maria Menounos' AfterBuzz TV.

