Hornswoggle On Why CM Punk Stopped Talking To Him, The Rock Thinking He Was A Make-A-Wish Kid
We posted the trailer above earlier this week from Kayfabe Commentaries for their shoot interview with Hornswoggle. Below are a couple more clips from the documentary.
In the clip below, Hornswoggle revealed that CM Punk stopped talking to him because Hornswoggle had asked him for a mutual friend's phone number. Hornswoggle said that it was for someone that Punk is best friends with until this day, and Punk thought that Hornswoggle was using him, even though they had "rode together for years."
Yikes, Punk stopped talking to swoggle because of this. pic.twitter.com/p64sfCfnOz
? Connor (@ConnorJA_) June 29, 2016
In another clip below, Hornswoggle talked about first meeting The Rock, and The Rock thinking that he was a Make-A-Wish kid on the first night that he returned to be revealed as the host of WrestleMania 27.

"[I] was very excited to meet The Rock, obviously he's one of the biggest stars in entertainment and wrestling," Hornswoggle said. He said that he wore a suit jacket and had his bag and waited for Rock in Gorilla. The Rock then came back, patted Hornswoggle on the back and asked, "did you have a good time tonight, buddy?"
Hornswoggle then told some wrestlers that he thought that The Rock thought he was a Make-A-Wish kid, and that quickly spread. Hornswoggle spoke with Alternative Nation in 2014 and revealed a conversation he had with Rock after the incident.
"I told him [The Rock], 'I met you backstage the night you came back in [Anaheim], when you were revealed as the guest host for WrestleMania, and you thought I was a Make a Wish kid," Hornswoggle told Alternative Nation. "You tapped me on the shoulder and said, 'Did you have a good time tonight buddy?' Then you walked off and you realized it, then you said to Big Show, 'Hornswoggle thinks I thought he was a Make a Wish kid, and I did think he was.'"
Amazing. pic.twitter.com/jqduxrTFK8
? Connor (@ConnorJA_) June 29, 2016