Magnus Talks TNA Locker Room Being "Turbulent" Recently, Leaving TNA And Joining GFW,

Former TNA star Nick "Magnus" Aldis was interviewed by Rolling Stone. Below are some highlights:

Leaving TNA and signing with Global Force Wrestling:

"There is something I have to clear up. It's not so much that I'm leaving TNA for GFW, that's just a coincidence that I'm going there immediately. I had let TNA know that I was going to leave on June 30, and we left on good terms. We agreed to wrap things up the right way, and I loved the way that we did. Then Jeff [Jarrett] showed up on TV, and I looked at him and just said, 'What the hell?' I was backstage at the TV tapings, and little Kody [Angle] came running up to me and gave me a big hug. I didn't put two-and-two together, because I thought maybe Kurt had the kids. Then I saw Jeff's kids, and then I saw this SUV. Suddenly the window rolls down and Jeff is there. I just told him, "I don't even want to know." I had no idea he was going to show up, and I'm still not sure what is going on completely."

SEE ALSO: Exclusive Details On Magnus' TNA Contract And When He Decided To Leave, Unusual Provision

What the TNA locker room was like over the past few months:

"To be honest, it was very turbulent. I'm sure you're aware of the conference call that took place not too long ago. There were things said in that conference call that were a long time coming. I'm not about to throw any talent under the bus, but there were certain things that I heard in that conference call, like talent saying, "I'm disgusted by this" or, "We have a right to know." Anyone that's been involved with TNA knows that at times, I've been very outspoken. There was a point where I just sat there and thought that what everyone has to remember is that as an independent contractor in wrestling, nobody owes you a living. You don't have a right to be guaranteed a living just because you signed a contract somewhere. Most contracts, with exceptions, can just be canceled anyways. I just kind of went, "Nobody owes you a living." Every day that I get to put on a pair of tights and boots and get to feed my son, that's a good day."

Magnus also discussed TNA changing after Jarrett's departure, being done with TNA, why he left, if he supports a wrestler's union and more. You can read the full interview by clicking here.

Source: Rolling Stone

