Lana Trains With Former NXT Diva, WWE Ring Announcer's Son Works Live Event, Zahra Schreiber Note
- Apparently Tony Chimel's son did ring announcing for a few matches at the WWE live event in Philadelphia on Friday night. Tony resumed ring announcing duties before the half-way point and it was noted by correspondents that the younger Chimel didn't do so well.
- WWE NXT host Greg Hamilton had some time off for a wedding this weekend so NXT live event ring announcing was handled by Zahra Schreiber and Dasha Fuentes. Zahra received rave reviews for her work at two live events this weekend.
- Lana was training with former WWE NXT Diva Erika Hammond this week. Below is a photo of the two friends after their session:
Bae thang came and trained with me today???? Reunited and it feels SOOOOO GOOOOOD
A photo posted by Erika Hammond (@erikaannhammond) on