Gail Kim Responds To Vince McMahon's Comments To Jim Ross About Her Race

On Jim Ross' latest podcast, he discussed how keen he was on signing Gail Kim years ago. WWE Chairman Vince McMahon however, took some convincing.

Ross said that McMahon came to him and asked, "You want to hire this Asian girl, right?? I don't know, I just don't know."

Baffled, Ross told him how good she was in the ring and that a lot of guys like Asian women, and noted that there were Asian adult film sites. McMahon, seemingly shocked, responded with, "No?! Get out!"

Kim, who had two runs with the company, would go on to become a WWE Women's Champion. She left controversially after eliminating herself from a battle royal in 2011. She's also had two runs with TNA, where she's become a 4 time Knockouts champion, as well as numerous other accomplishments for the brand.

SEE ALSO: Gail Kim Says WWE Disrespected Her – Details

Kim took to Twitter today to respond to the story, and said that she wasn't really surprised. She noted that it's Vince McMahon's character to react as he did. She also said it was in poor taste.

You can see Kim's tweet below:

