CM Punk Covering Chicago Blackhawks Parade Today, Kevin Owens On Tonight's SmackDown, Birthdays
- CM Punk will be leading Comcast Sportsnet's coverage of the Chicago Blackhawks Championship Parade today. CSN is broadcasting the parade today beginning at 9am local time via Punk will be giving fans live reports from the parade starting point at the United Center, along the parade route and then at Soldier Field for the big Stanley Cup celebration.
- Wrestling legend Larry Hennig turns 79 years old today while former WCW and WWE star Big Vito turns 51, former WWE star Bam Neely turns 40 and former WCW star Kenny Kaos turns 45. Also, today would have been the 69th birthday of Bruiser Brody and the 53rd birthday of Mitsuharu Misawa.
- WWE taped the following matches for tonight's SmackDown:
* Sheamus and Kane vs. Dean Ambrose
* Brie Bella vs. Paige
* Bo Dallas vs. Dolph Ziggler
* Neville vs. Xavier Woods
* NXT Champion Kevin Owens vs. Cesaro