Brodus Clay Talks About Knocking Out Some Of Adrian Neville's Teeth On WWE NXT
- It was reported earlier this year that WWE NXT Champion Adrian Neville lost a few teeth during a March NXT TV tapings match against Brodus Clay. Clay recently did a YouShoot shoot interview with Kayfabe Commentaries and was asked about that incident. The DVD is available for $20 and the VOD version is available for $15.99 at this link. Brodus replied:
"He came off the top rope and his face hit my head. As we went down, I t-boned him out of it, his teeth actually stayed stuck in his mouthpiece. He didn't know his teeth were out until he got in the back. But he got brand new teeth out of it. Actually, he lost 1 real tooth. The other 2 were fake that were bonded together. He lost 3 but 2 weren't really his. So I'll take credit for the one. But then he got 3 new teeth and they're all the same color. So if anything, it's a come up for him (laughs)."