Maria Kanellis On John Cena & Vince Backstage, Bellas Being Selfish, Best WWE Diva Today, More

Maria Kanellis took part in a Reddit AMA this past Friday. Here are some highlights, you can check out the full chat at this link.

What John Cena is like backstage:

John Cena was always very sweet to me. We had breakfast together on numerous occasions when we were on overseas tours. I don't know what he is like now but back then I considered him a friend.

The Bella Twins:

I pity them. I pity their insecurity... They are selfish little mean girls. I am a grown woman and I don't play high school games... Jealousy is their issue and fear.

What Vince McMahon is like behind the scenes:

He was always great to me.

Best Diva in WWE today:

AJ... AJ is a great Joker. The Divas Division needs a Batman.

Who she tried to avoid backstage, and who she looked up to and learned from:

I tried to avoid everyone. It's scary backstage.

I looked up to lots of people. Beth, Mickey, Punk, Mark Henry, Trish, Lita, Edge, Undertaker, Victoria, and many others.

