Details On HBO's Story About DDP: Scott Hall's Progress, Jake Roberts "Begged" To Die, Trailer

HBO Sports' story about Diamond Dallas Page's Accountability Crib will air on Tuesday's episode of Real Sports with Bryant Gumbel at 9pm on HBO, with replays throughout the month. You can check out a trailer for the piece in the video above.

I got a chance to check out an advance copy of the segment, and it was really good. The story opened with Diamond Dallas Page, Scott Hall and Jake "The Snake" Roberts watching clips of their old matches. It was noted that "one in four of the biggest names from wrestling's boom twenty-five years ago, are now dead," and Roberts admitted that he would often beg to die.

"I cursed god when the other wrestlers died," Roberts admitted, stating that he would get angry that he was still alive. He also talked about being able to manipulate people's emotions at an early age, and broke down and said he did it because he was always afraid people would hurt him. He also discussed his 10 year diet of crack, cocaine and alcohol before Diamond Dallas Page called him.

DDP discussed the influence that Roberts has on his career and life, and said that one piece of advice from Roberts always stuck with him, and that was to "take control of your own destiny." DDP then talked about being introduced to yoga while he was injured, and how he combined it with his physical therapy to create DDP YOGA.

DDP talked more about his DDP YOGA program, and it was noted that he gave free daily classes. Page went on to note that the program is "not your mother's yoga!"

Page talked about finding Roberts in terrible shape, and telling him that he could move into his house, later dubbed the "Accountability Crib," if he dropped 20 pounds. Roberts dropped the weight and moved in, saying that he knew it was his "absolute last chance." He also said that he's never leaving the Accountability Crib.

The story moved on to Scott Hall, and Scott admitted that he didn't remember the phone conversation (in the video above) with DDP and Jake about moving into the Crib. Hall said that being Razor Ramon kept him going while Scott Hall fell apart. He revealed that he went to in-patient rehab 12 times, and that he arrived in Atlanta in a wheelchair to move in with Jake and DDP. Since then, he's lost 50 pounds and is now training his son Cody. Scott said that he's living vicariously through his son, and footage was shown of Cody training.

The story finished with DDP stating that Roberts is now "a different cat" and Hall was drinking himself to death, "but not anymore." He admitted to knowing that there were not any guarantees, while the story noted that they were all happy for the time being.

