Chris Benoit Murder-Suicide, Vince Russo Gets Roasted, Cena, Linda
– The Atlanta Journal-Constitution has an article up on the death of Chris Benoit and how some feel that steroids caused him to kill his family before committing suicide. Benoit's father Michael is interviewed, saying it's his belief that Chris's brain damage caused by damage in the ring
led to his behavior. Michael says The Sports Legacy Institute examined Benoit's brain for chronic traumatic encephalopathy and it was the worst damage they'd ever seen. They even observed damage in the brain stem. The article also talks about Dr. Phil Astin and his prison sentence and the court report, which does not link drug use and the murders.
– At the Jim Cornette Roast, Dutch Mantel announced that Vince Russo was there and taking Cornette up on his challenge to a fight. A Vince Russo impersonator showed up and Cornette was "held back" by The Midnight Express. Fake Russo said he knew real wrestling and had created The Rock, Steve Austin, the Natural Born Thrillaz, Tank Abbott and Billy Kidman. Cornette ended the show by smacking him with a tennis racket. Al Snow, The Midnights, Missy Hyatt, Prince Nana, Bill Apter, Nick "Eugene" Dinsmore, Amy Lee, Bob Holly and comedians Ryan Maher, Sean Carlucci and Sean Morton all spoke at the show. The Midnights presented Cornette with a copy of Vince Russo's first book; Prince Nana talked about his excitement that a real manager he could learn from was coming to ROH, only to find out it wasn't Paul Heyman; and Bill Apter took a pie to the face. The whole thing was filmed for a DVD release
– WWE sent out an email to let people know that John Cena's Legendary was now for rent at Blockbuster.
– Check out video of Bill Maher talking about Linda McMahon last night: