WrestleMania 25: JBL Vs. Rey Mysterio (IC Title)

- Backstage, we see Randy Orton getting ready for his match with Triple H. He is with Legacy in the locker room.

- Lilian Garcia introduces the IC title match.

(5) IC title match: JBL vs. Rey Mysterio. On the way to the ring (no limo tonight), JBL cuts a promo. JBL said he returned to Texas champion, as Texas doesn't have any champions. He said Houston needs hope, and along comes their hero JBL. JBL said he is going to beat Rey, and then fly back to New York City and still be their hero. Mysterio came out with a mask with green hair, kinda looked like a tribute to the Joker. JR pointed out that Rey has never been IC champion.

Before the match, JBL attacked Rey. Referee asked Rey if he wanted to continue, and rang the bell. Rey took it to JBL and beat him with a splash and won the match and the IC title in 21 seconds. JR said the IC title hadn't been defended in seven years? Sad.

After the match was over, and Rey left. JBL got back on the mic, "I got something to say," said JBL. "I QUIT," JBL yelled, and walked off. I guess that is historic.

