Torrie Removed, J.R Not A Fan Of Hulk Hogan, Hardy's Return, More has finally deleted Torrie Wilson's profile from the website.

Jim Ross, who is doing a bunch of media today promoting WWE's upcoming show in Oklahoma, spoke out on a few things in a radio interview with rock station 100.5FM KATT out of Oklahoma City, Oklahoma this morning. Ross talked about Hogan only receiving a $250,000 paycheck for a match at SummerSlam and then making the comment about his limo driver getting paid better. Ross said he confronted Hogan about it and Hogan replied, "It's not the money, I have more money than God." Ross added that "he was going to need it" after all the recent problems Hogan's had. Ross also said that Hogan Knows Best is "not real, kind of like wrestling." Ross said that Hogan didn't want to be shown in a negative light, and points out Hogan "having a urination contest with his wife." He also said Hogan wearing his bandana in court last week was an indication that he was "in character." Talk turned to Hulk's daughter Brooke's upcoming television show and Ross said, "They need to muzzle that girl" and that she "wasn't the valedictorian of her class." Ross said that Brooke was living off of Hogan's success, but that her show might be entertaining because you never know what will come out of her mouth. Ross also talked about Shawn Michaels, saying that "he used to be a turd" and that he "knows he's the best," but that he's a better guy now. Ross mentioned Jeff Hardy's return this past week, saying that he just came back from "his drug suspension." Ross talked about how successful Hardy's return to Raw was last Monday. Ross talks about The Rock doing movies/leaving wrestling, as well as "Stone Cold" Steve Austin, noting that Austin sold more merchandise than Hulk Hogan and that he made $13 million one year.

Speaking of Ross, Jeff Hardy is his "Superstar of the Week" on Ross wrote, "Jeff is a risk taker to say the least, but let's hope he doesn't take any more "risks" with his career and can get back on the awesome roll he was on when he abruptly took a leave."

WWE stock has been tumbling ever since the company announced their first quarter earning results on May 6. During the latter part of April and early part of May, the stock was in the high 18's and low 19's, but have been hovering around the low 16 mark since then. They closed at 16.15 yesterday, even hitting the 16.00 mark at one point during the day which would be the stock's lowest figure since the middle of February.

