WWE RAW Results (1/1): K-Fed Vs. Cena, Vince McMahon!

WWE RAW Results (1/1): K-Fed vs. Cena, Vince McMahon!

Event: WWE Monday Night RAW Results
Airdate: Monday, January 1st, 2007
Location: The American Airlines Arena in Miami, FL
Results by Dan O'Hagan

WWE RAW Opener:

We start off tonight s show with highlights of Kevin Federline s previous appearances on Raw and the set up for tonight s match.

Non Title Match
No Disqualifications
Referee: Michael Chioda
Kevin Federline vs. John Cena (c)

Before the match, Kevin Federline gets on the mic and he tells Cena that he has some news. He says that he talked to Jonathan Coachman and there is a change in their match. He says that he does not want anything to stop him from beating Cena s ass so their match will be a no disqualification match. Kevin introduces his personal trainer and friend, Johnny Nitro.

The start:

Federline and Cena stand face-to-face in the center of the ring. Nitro gives Federline a mouthpiece before the match. Before they lock up, Nitro gives Federline gloves. Federline takes off his robe and Nitro puts headgear on Federline. The bell finally rings and Cena offers to give Federline the first headlock.

Mid-match notes:

Federline cinches in the head lock, but Cena gets out of the hold. Nitro gets on the apron to discuss strategy with Federline. Federline takes off his gloves and Nitro pushes a chair into the ring in front of the referee. Federline wants to do a full nelson challenge. Federline locks in the full nelson and Cena looks incredulous and he escapes the hold when he exerts some energy.

Cena wants to lock up and Federline is now ready. Federline wants a test of strength. They lock up and Federline with a take down and cross arm breaker. Cena picks Federline up and he puts Federline on the top turnbuckle. Cena with a clothesline to Nitro followed by a back body drop that sends Nitro to the floor. Federline with a low kick to Cena, but Cena puts Federline in the FU.

The Finish:

From out of nowhere, Umaga comes out and he attacks Cena. Estrada brings in the belt while Umaga attacks Cena. The referee leaves the ring momentarily and then he tells Umaga to leave the ring. Umaga hits Cena in the head with the title belt. Umaga leaves the ring with Estrada and Federline covers Cena and gets the three count.

Winner – Kevin Federline

The Aftermath:

Federline and Nitro leave while Cena is motionless in the ring and we go to commercial.


Eight Man Tag Team Match
Referee: Jack Doan
Cryme Tyme and The Highlanders vs.
Lance Cade, Trevor Murdoch and Charlie Haas and Shelton Benjamin

We are back and some members of the Miami Heat are in the building.

The start:

Cade and Rory start things off and Cade with forearms to Rory s back. Rory with a cross body for a one count. JTG tags in but Cade with a forearm to his back. JTG with a drop toe hold and an arm bar. Cade with a forearm, but JTG with a kick. Murdoch trips JTG from the floor and Cade hits an elbow drop. Haas is tagged in and he gives JTG a hard Irish whip.

Mid-match notes:

Haas with a butterfly suplex for a two count. JTG is sent into knees from Benjamin. Murdoch slams JTG and then he tags in Murdoch and Cade tags in and he gets Murdoch up for a leg drop on JTG. Cade misses an elbow from the second turnbuckle and Murdoch and Shad tag in. Shad with punches and clotheslines to Cade and Murdoch. Shad with a running kick to Cade followed by a belly-to-back suplex to Murdoch for a two count. Benjamin, Haas and the Highlanders are in the ring. Benjamin with a kick to Rory and Robbie sends Haas over the top rope to the floor. Cade clotheslines Robbie over the top rope to the floor.

The Finish:

Rory back body drops Benjamin to the floor and then he ducks down as Cade charges at him. Murdoch hits Rory from behind. Shad with a jawbreaker to Murdoch and then JTG drops Murdoch on the top rope allowing Shad to get the three count. We go to commercial.

Winners – Cryme Tyme and The Highlanders

This Week in Wrestling History:

Non Title Match
Referee: Michael Chioda
Rob Conway vs. Jeff Hardy (c)

Conway with a kick and punches to Hardy. Conway with an Irish whip but Hardy with a sunset flip for a three count.

Winner, the Intercontinental Champion, Jeff Hardy

The Aftermath:

After the match, Hardy leaves the ring and Conway complains in the ring. Vince McMahon comes out and he walks to the ring. Conway applauds Conway. Conway shakes Vince s hand and Vince has something to say. He says that it is that time of year again. The time of year when people make their New Year s Resolution. By the end of the year, 99.99% of the people would have broken their resolution. It took Conway a few minutes to break his. Vince says that he has a few resolution. He says that he is going to stop being so damn nice. He is going to stop allowing people to take advantage of him, like Donald Trump. Vince says that The Donald has some problems with Yokozuna and we see a photo of Rosie O Donnell. Vince says that Trump is credited with a certain phrase, but everyone knows that Trump did not originate that phrase. It started on Monday Night Raw. Vince is not going to let Conway quit Monday Night Raw, and Vince tells Conway You're Fired! Vince leaves the ring while Conway is not too happy about what just happened. We go to commercial.


Kenny Dykstra is with Todd Grisham. Todd asks Kenny about the rejection of the handshake. Kenny says that Flair was not trying to show respect, but he was trying to save face. Kenny says that Flair is trying to turn things around to where Flair is a classy guy. The story is about Kenny Dykstra, the future of Raw. Kenny talks about how deaths come in threes, but this time it will be four. It will be James Brown, President Ford, Saddam Hussein, and Ric Flair s career.


We see Degeneration X walking in the back and they appear to be going to the ring as we go to commercial.

In the arena:

We are back and Degeneration X comes to the ring and the fans at ringside have glow sticks to make Xs. Shawn does some laps around Triple H before handing Hunter the mic to ask us if we are ready. Shawn says that he cannot do this. He says that he cannot come out here and pretend what he just saw did not happen. He tells Randy Orton and Edge that for the last five years, Triple H and he have faced everyone this company has put in front of them. Whether it be good or bad, talented or untalented. He loves having to face the stars of the future and the greatest in ring performer of our generation . He is still waiting to meet that guy. Either they are not here anymore or they are jerking the curtain someplace. Degeneration X stands the test of time in the WWE. Finally a few guys come along who appear to have a set. Randy Orton and Edge jumped Flair a few weeks ago and dragged his nearly lifeless, bloody body out here; and then beat him within an inch of his life. Then those new found set of juevos appeared to grow even bigger. Then they did the unthinkable. They managed to drop Degeneration X. They gave the Heartbreak Kid a double RKO on a chair. Then you laid out the Game, put him on the announce table and gave him a double conchairto. They did something that nobody ever did. On Sunday, Edge and Orton are going to find out that there is a big difference between having a set and knowing what to do with them. On Sunday, DX is going to take theirs and kick them down their throat.

Hunter gets on the mic. He says that he is disappointed. He says that they hoped to fly down to Miami and get into one hell of a fight, but the two girls, Edge and Orton didn t show up. He says that he heard it was a double yeast infection. He says that he knows that they will be there on Sunday because Edge and Orton think they have DX where they want him. The last guy who thought they had DX in their hands, got bloodied in the ring and had his head shoved up Big Show s ass. Hunter says that DX is not like your regular group of guys. They are like Frosted Mini-Wheats. You have the frosted side that everyone likes. It is sweet and makes you laugh. But then there is the other side. The side that Edge and Orton are going to get. There is the side where the two most ruthless bastards to ever set foot in the ring live. He welcomes Edge and Orton to the other side. They are going to beat Edge and Orton s asses on Sunday. They will make them bleed and they will make them lay in a bloody, twisted heap in the center of the ring. We go to commercial.

Referee: Jack Doan
Melina vs. Maria

Victoria comes to the ring in very tight jeans (pics below) and she has her clipboard. Victoria joins Jim Ross and Jerry Lawler.

The start:

Maria needs to be held back by the referee before the bell rings. The bell rings and Maria goes after Melina and the ladies roll around the ring. Maria slams Melina s head into the mat. Melina was wearing tight spandex jogging pants with definitely revealed some severe ass crack. We've got 9 photos, guaranteed, at the link below. Melina with a kick to Maria s back while Maria is held in the ropes. Melina with a forearm to Maria followed by a kick to the midsection. Melina ties Maria in the ropes by her hair and then she hits a knee to Maria s head and upper chest.

The Finish:

Melina with a forearm to Maria s head. Melina charges into a boot from Maria. Maria tosses Melina into the ropes and then she connects with a forearm and kick. Maria tries for a drop kick but Melina holds on to the ropes and Melina with a two count. Melina covers Maria for the three count.

Winner – Melina

The Aftermath:

After the match, Melina kicks Maria. Victoria leaves the announce position and then she gets into the ring. Victoria gets in Melina s face and then she leaves the ring. Victoria grabs Lillian Garcia and rolls her into the ring. Victoria kicks Lillian and then she sets up for the Widow s Peak. Mickie James makes the save for Lillian and then Victoria leaves the ring. Mickie and Melina stare each other down. We go to commercial.

Referee: Michael Chioda
Carlito and Ric Flair vs. Chris Masters and Kenny Dykstra

The start:

Masters and Carlito start things off, but Masters tags in Kenny before they lock up. Kenny with a kick but Carlito with a rana. Carlito gets distracted by Masters and that allows Dykstra to kick him and tag in Masters. Flair tags in and he clips Masters followed by a chop and punches. Flair with a single leg take down and then he puts Masters in the figure four leg lock. Dykstra breaks up the move and then he leaves the ring. We go to commercial.

Mid-match notes:

We are back and Masters has Carlito stretched over his knee. We go to footage during the commercial when Masters tripped Carlito. Dykstra is tagged in and he gets chopped by Carlito. Dykstra punches Carlito in response. Masters tags in and he hits a double sledge from the second turnbuckle. Dykstra is tagged back in and he hits an elbow and covers Carlito but the referee was out of position to make the count. Dykstra with a rear chin lock but he gets to his feet. Carlito with a chop but Dykstra hits a back elbow for a two count. Masters tags back in and he hits an elbow drop to Carlito s back. Masters continues to work on Carlito s back. Dykstra holds on to Carlito while Masters distracts the referee.

Dykstra drops Carlito on the top rope and then Masters hits a butterfly suplex for a two count. Masters with a reverse chin lock but Carlito makes it to his feet. Carlito punches Masters, but Masters with a press slam for a two count. Masters with a forearm but Carlito with a springboard back elbow to Masters and both men are down. Dykstra pulls Flair off the apron and then he sends Flair into the ring steps. Masters with a clothesline to Carlito and then Masters signals for the Master Lock. Masters applies the Master Lock to Carlito but Carlito is unable to get out of the hold. Flair with a clip to Masters and the hold is released. Dykstra tags in but he misses a splash into the corner.

The Finish:

Flair is tagged in and he chops and punches Dykstra around the ring. Flair with another chop and then he sets up for the figure four, but Masters with a clothesline to Flair. Carlito and Masters fight outside the ring and towards the back. Dykstra tries for a figure four, but Flair sends Dykstra into the corner. Dykstra with a cover and his feet on the ropes for the three count.

Winners – Kenny Dykstra and Chris Masters

The Aftermath:

After the match, Flair gets on the mic and he says that if he wants Flair s respect, he better come out. Edge distracts Flair from the floor and Randy Orton hits the RKO on Flair. Edge and Orton get chairs and it is conchairto time. Edge hits the one man conchairto on Flair. Edge and Orton leave the ring and go through the crowd. The medical staff checks on Flair and we go to commercial.

After the break, JR said DX had left the building, explaining why they didn't save Flair from the Rated RKO beat down.

Added to NYR: Chris Masters vs. Carlito and Ric Flair vs. Kenny.

Kevin Federline makes his way to the ring again to put himself over – he says he shocked the world again when he defeated Cena and that he's gonna watch this from ringside.

Handicap Match
Referee: Michael Chioda
John Cena vs. Umaga, Jonathan Coachman,
Johnny Nitro and Armando Alejandro Estrada

Umaga, Estrada, Nitro and Coach win when Cena gets DQed after he hit Umaga with a steel chair. He then takes out both Nirto and Coach with FU's. Cena grabs K-Fed from ringside – shoves him in the ring and gives him an FU too. Cena and Umaga then stare each other down from the ring and the stage as RAW goes off the air.

