TNA Genesis Results - November 19, 2006


Live from Orlando, FL


Christy Hemme asked fans who is going to win tonight, Samoa Joe or Kurt Angle, which was interrupted by LAX. They are teasing they'll burn the American flag tonight.


Eric Young was interrupted by Robert Roode, and his open challenge. Roode told Young if he didn't wrestle him tonight, he could be fired.

A) Robert Roode (with Ms. Brooks) vs. Eric Young. Young, wrestling in his jeans, lost to Roode when the heel had his feet on the ropes at 3:41. Young told the referee, who re-started the match. Within ten seconds, Young did the same to Roode, pinning Roode with his feet on the ropes.

Backstage, Hemme was in Samoa's Joe locker room, but LAX came in and talked about burning the U.S. flag.

Christian Cage came out and said it was a load of crap that he's wrestling AJ Styles tonight, as Cage is the number one contender. Styles runs out and jumps Cage, leading to a pull apart.


James Mitchell cut a promo backstage with Abyss, hyping the Abyss-Sting match.

Pre-show ends with Angle arriving in the parking lot.


Opening video package airs.

(1) Voodoo Kin Mafia (James Gang) vs. Kazarian, Bentley, and Devine in a handicap match. Kazarian, Bentley and Devine are followers, and commentary discusses their "Redeemer." Kip pins Devine at 3:39. Not much of an opener. After the match, BG cuts a promo on Vince, Triple H and Shawn Michaels using their real names. BG said to tune in on Thursday night for 'Impact' to see what happens next.

After the announcer's hyped the card, Devine, Kazarian, and Bentley returned with Devine's face covered. Raven comes out with half of his face covered, dressed in white, and hit Devine on the bare back with a purple kendo stick.

Backstage, Shane Douglas (with the Naturals) cut a promo on Team 3D. They have a cracked table with the words "Team 3D was here" on it. Douglas said they'd like to face Team 3D tonight, but they aren't here.

2) Sonjay Dutt and Jay Lethal vs. The Naturals (with Shane Douglas. The babyfaces do a double clip over the top rope onto the Naturals, which got the fans to chant "TNA, TNA." Rather than returing to the back, Douglas remained in the corner of his team. The Naturals win when Stevens pinned Dutt at 8:17.


Backstage, LAX cut a promo on Petey Williams, and American politics. Konnan once again said they are going to burn the American flag. JB said Jim Cornette is here tonight to represent TNA, but Konnan says he doesn't take orders from him.

3) X-Division Title match: Christopher Daniels vs. Chris Sabin. Before the match, Backstage, JB interviews Daniels. Daniels said he is still friends with AJ, but he has his own issues. Daniels said he is leaving tonight with the X-Division title, and Sabin's respect. Match starts with fans chanting "Fallen Angel, lets go Sabin." Sabin tossed in a chair, but Styles entered the ring and took the chair with him. Daniels leaped off the top rope onto Sabin on the outside. BME by Daniels, but Sabin kicked out. Daniels rolls up Sabin at 13:22 to retain the X-Division title. After the match, Sabin was going to attack Daniels with a chair is saved by Jerry Lynn. Lynn gets Sabin to shake Daniels hand, but sucks him into a cradle shot.

In a pre-recorded segment, Nash talks to Austin Starr and Alex Shelley. He tells them they need a win. Nash said to win this one for "Bo," they say Bo Schembechler? Nash says Bo Derek.

(4) Ron Killing and Lance Hoyt vs. Alex Shelley and Austin Starr. Nash is sitting ringside with Tenay and West. Nash is wearing a sling, and said he injured his arm while wrestling two nights ago in Japan. Right! Nash said on Thursday's "Impact," he is calling a meeting with all the X-Division stars. Good work, but the fans aren't into this one. Babyfaces win at 11:09. They are showing no replies of the finishes tonight, guess they are saving time for the Samoa Joe-Angle bout.


Backstage, Cage cut a promo. I thought Cage would sell the juice job from the Impact special Thursday, but he didn't even have a band aid on his head. Cage said he'll be waiting for the Abyss-Sting winner.

(5) AJ Styles vs. Christian Cage. Tenay pointed out that this is their first match in TNA. AJ flipped over the top ropes onto Cage, but landed hard against the guard rail. Fans were flat for much of the match, but heated up with many near falls towards the end of the bout. Cage tried to use a chair, but Daniels tried to pull it from his hands. It backfired, and Cage pinned AJ at 15:45. AJ and Daniels got into a heated face to face debate. Lethal and Dutt tried to break it up. Rhino came out. On the mic, Rhino said he won't let AJ and Daniels have a falling out like he had with his former buddy, Christian Cage. AJ called Rhino Dr. Phil and stormed off.

Backstage, AMW with Gail Kim interviewed by JB. AWM said pride is on the line, not just tag team titles. Harris said LAX won't be burning the flag tonight. Storm said its going to be a fight tonight.

(6) World Tag Team title match: LAX (with Konnan) vs. America's Most Wanted (with Gail Kim). On the mic, Konnan said there is nothing Jim Cornette can do, the first amendment will allow them to burn the flag. AMW rushed LAX to start the match. Much more heat in this match, as Konnan worked the fans teasing he is going to burn the flag. Fans are chanting "USA." Death sentence by AMW, but Konnan had the referee distracted. A blow torch was used on Storm, which allowed Hernandez to score the pinfall at 9:23. After the match, Petey Williams stopped LAX from doing the gringo killer on Gail Kim.
Jim Cornette made his way to the ring. Cornette said management and fans don't like Konnan teasing he'll burn the American flag. Cornette said TNA has decided they aren't fit to be NWA World Tag Team champions, and strips them of the tag team belts. Cornette said they have until Thursday night to return the belts, or they will be terminated.


In a pre-recorded backstage segment, Jim Mitchell (with Abyss) cut a promo on Sting. Mitchell talked about Sting's past sins.

(7) NWA World Heavyweight title match: Sting vs. Abyss (with Abyss). Abyss attacked Sting before the ring introductions. Early on in the match, Sting and Abyss battled into the crowd. Abyss set up barbed wire on two tables near the entrance ramp. Referee Rudy Charles warned Abyss and Mitchell not to slam Sting through those tables. Action moved back to the ring. At the 7:00 mark, Sting applied a scorpion death lock, but Abyss made it to the ropes. Black hole slam, but Sting kicked out! Sting battled Abyss on the outside. Sting grabbed the rope hanging from the arena. Sting tied up Abyss and lifted him upside down, leaving him hanging in front of the announcers. Sting tied the cable, and attacked Abyss with a chair. Sting finally released him. Sting dragged Abyss up the ramp. Rudy Charles tried to stop Sting, but Sting clotheslined the referee resulting in a DQ. Sting drops Abyss through the barbed wire tables. This is a much darker Sting. Abyss wins via DQ. Rudy Charles informs ring announcer David Penzer that Sting was disqualified, thus Abyss in your NEW NWA World Heavyweight champion!


(8) Kurt Angle vs. Samoa Joe. As soon as they look up, fans chanted "this is awesome." The crowd is hot for this one. Joe slammed Angle into the guard rail from the ring. Samoa Joe does a suicide dive onto Angle on the outside. He takes Angle around the ring and slams him into the steel ring steps. As Angle re-enters the ring, his is bleeding from his head. Joe greets him with a head butt, and tries to open his cut more. Joe has the upper hand, as blood continues to drip from Angle's head. Angle's blood flow reminds me of Steve Austin bleeding during his famed match with Bret Hart. Angle hits Samoa Joe with two german suplexes, but couldn't get him up for a third. Muscle buster by Joe at 9:30, but Angle kicked out! Fans chant this is awesome. Angle hits an Olympic slam, but Joe kicks out. Fans chanted "make him tap" at Angle. Angle slapped on the Angle lock, but Joe reverses it into a choke. Angle gets up, and hits another Olympic slam, followed by another ankle lock as Joe taps out at 13:33. The winning streak is over for Joe. After the match, Joe grabbed a mic. Fans chanted "you tapped out." Joe said tapped because he realized Angle was the better man. Joe asks for a rematch. Fans chanted "one more match," but Angle refused to shake Joe's hand and walks away. Joe then says they'll have to do it the hard way. Fans chanted "Joe, Joe" as he walked away.


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