Chelsea Green Opens Up About Mick Foley Tribute Gear On Recent WWE SmackDown

Wardrobe tributes in pro wrestling are well-respected by fans and industry peers when done right. CM Punk had tights resembling Macho Man Randy Savage's, Mercedes Monè had Eddie Guerrero-inspired tights, and earlier this month on "WWE SmackDown," WWE Women's United States Champion Chelsea Green donned a Cactus Jack-inspired outfit for her Street Fight against Michin where she defended her title.

Green recently spoke with "Adrian Hernandez" and commented on her tribute to WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley and his Cactus Jack persona.

"Well, I think you probably know if you've followed my career that one thing I do is I dive headfirst into everything whether it's my gear, the character, the storyline, the feud, whatever it is," Green commented. "So, I knew going into this Street Fight that I had to make it special and I wasn't sure and I kept playing with the idea of: is it a look? Am I bringing something back that's nostalgic for the fans? And that's how I landed on Mick Foley."

Green would say that she loves the former WWE Champion and has had a great relationship with him for the last decade. Green revealed that she texted Foley and asked for permission to not only dress as Jack, but to have a shirt that parodied his infamous Wanted Dead or Alive one; Foley loved and supported her requests and ideas. Green felt confident with honoring Jack as the match was in Philadelphia which has ties to Foley's ECW past and hardcore wrestling.

"I think he was the perfect person to kind of do that for, and we're helping each other in a sense as well," Green continued. "I'm reminding people of how amazing he was, and he's reposting my photos and my t-shirt; it's just the best. I do feel that Mick Foley is one of those people when they say 'you don't want to meet your heroes or your idols,' like that does not exist with Mick Foley, he is just as amazing as you could imagine."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Adrian Hernandez" with a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

