Backstage Update On Multiple TNA Roster Injuries Following Sacrifice PPV, TV Tapings

TNA Wrestling recently wrapped up their latest major event, Sacrifice, on March 14, which was then followed up by a set on "TNA Impact" tapings on March 15. The Sacrifice event saw a steel cage in the main event, a ladder match to determine the TNA X-Division Champion, and some of the hardest-hitting matches the company has produced so far this year. With that in mind, the list of injuries coming out of TNA's trip to El Paso, Texas was extensive, and in the latest edition of the Wrestling Observer Newsletter, Dave Meltzer broke down the list in detail.

To start, the current TNA Tag Team Champions, Matt and Jeff Hardy, both suffered their own separate bumps and bruises during their respective matches. Matt reportedly suffered a deviated septum during his involvement in the ten-man tag team steel cage match that main evented the show, while Jeff injured his lower body during his ladder match with Moose for the TNA X-Division Championship, who also suffered a hip injury.

While those three men are out of action for now, a number of stars suffered injuries that they can all wrestle through. For example, Alisha Edwards was in concussion protocol after her involvement in the aforementioned ladder match but has since been cleared to return to the ring. Lei Ying Lee suffered a perforated eardrum during her loss to Tessa Blanchard but can still compete, as can Mike Santana, who injured his left hand during his match with Mustafa Ali. Speaking of Ali, he reportedly dislocated his jaw during his match with Santana, but realigned it and picked up the win in the process, before taking to social media after the event was over to show off some of the other scars he picked up during his match.

