The Injury That Changed Lex Luger's Life And How He's Fighting Back
Soon-to-be WWE Hall of Famer, Lex Luger, had a promising career and a look that made him seem like he was on the fast track to the main event during WWE's New Generation Era. However, a lackluster run in WWE and a convoluted tenure with WCW combined with serious substance abuse ended Luger's career before the time and ultimately led to his life being drastically changed.
In the past, Luger has admitted that he used growth hormones and testosterone in order to get and maintain his physique during his years of competing. However, even after WCW closed its doors and the former WCW World Heavyweight Champion took a hiatus from wrestling, he didn't stop his substance abuse. Tragically, in 2003, Luger would be at former WWE valet, Miss Elizabeth's, side as she overdosed on a deadly cocktail of prescription drugs and vodka, leading to her death at 42. Unfortunately for Luger, his life would take another drastic turn in 2007 after he suffered a nerve impingement in his neck that first resulted in temporary paralysis, before devolving into quadriplegia, and by 2021, having to rely entirely on a wheelchair for mobility but still being able to use his arms.
Lex Luger is now working with Diamond Dallas Page to regain strength in his body with DDP Yoga
Like many other veterans who have struggled since their careers ended, Lex Luger has turned to Diamond Dallas Page to help him utilize the former WCW World Champion's DDP Yoga. According to a video uploaded by the official DDP YOGA YouTube account, Luger is currently working closely with DDP and has begun to regain strength back in his legs but the clip also showed that this isn't the first time he worked with DDP. However, by the end of the clip, the veteran is seen standing up almost entirely on his own, which shows that perhaps by the time of the WWE Hall of Fame ceremony, he'll be able to walk to the podium by himself and accept his award.
Another major part of his journey was Luger's conversion to Christianity, which strengthened his friendship with fellow Hall of Famer, Sting. Luger notably got baptized by Sting shortly before his spinal injury, and in his interview with DDP, he recalled something "The Icon" said to him. "Stinger and I talk about – 'Man, it's so good you got saved before the spinal injury,' because Steve said 'The way you were back then, Lex? If you had that spinal cord injury before you got saved, you would've offed yourself because you were all about the gym and your body," Luger recalled.