Buff Bagwell Discusses Sobriety, WWE HOFer's Legacy

WCW veteran, Buff Bagwell's struggle with substance abuse has led to many run-ins with the law as well as other controversies, even leading to an episode of "Dark Side of the Ring" being dedicated to his struggles after his wrestling career. However, the veteran now claims that all of that's in the past, and while interviewing Marty Jannetty, Bagwell gave fans an update on his sobriety journey, and how he lost most of his contacts.

"So, I started fresh with new stuff, so I didn't have your number, so I got – you gave me your number and I called you and I just wanted that journey started [for Jannetty]," the veteran recalled. "I literally, I'm still on fire for sobriety, but then? A year ago? Flames were coming out of my head!"

Bagwell added that he wanted to get Jannetty on his own sobriety journey. Bawell felt WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page could help, just as he helped Bagwell. 

"From that meeting, I went to Blackberry Recovery in North Georgia, and I was going to do the same thing with you," he claimed. Bagwell has nothing but praise for Page, who he feels has made significant improvements in people's lives.

"Dallas did the impossible [referencing Jake Roberts]," Bagweel gushed. "I think Dallas saved – Dallas added ten years to Scott's [Hall] life, is what he did, Scott would've died ten years younger without Dallas."

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit Buff Bagwell's YouTube channel and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

