WCW Star Buff Bagwell Can't Do Signature Flex Currently

WCW legend Buff Bagwell, who was known for his impressive physique and energetic dance moves, has revealed that he can no longer perform his trademark bicep flex due to an injury.

Bagwell has faced many battles in recent years, one of which was serious injuries from a car crash. He has now opened up about an injury that he is currently battling during a recent conversation with Marty Jannetty.

"Fans will come up and just want me to do a double bicep, Marty. I can't do it because this shoulder [points to left arm] — this arm don't go up. It's bone on bone. Whatever's wrong there, I need a complete shoulder replacement. This one's replaced [right shoulder]," he said. "I can't do a double bicep, bro. And they're like, well, I ain't gonna say I can't do that. So I just do one and act like he didn't say double. And then they want me to do my dance, and because of my leg, I can't. So really, on that one, I gotta go, 'I'm sorry, I can't do that.'"

Bagwell told Jannetty — who said that he was a fan of his dance moves — that he performs it in slow motion to please his fans. He added that his inability to do his iconic dance is a tad bit embarrassing for him. The five-time WCW World Tag Team Champion confirmed that the injuries he suffered in his car crash are the reason why he can no longer dance. 

Bagwell also had to battle some demons due to his addiction but is now sober, thanks to the help of WWE Hall of Famer Diamond Dallas Page.

