Tommy Dreamer Raves About WWE Raw Steel Cage Match

On the March 10th edition of "Raw," CM Punk and Seth Rollins put on a steel cage match that many fans deem a classic. Adding to the acclaim, Roman Reigns interfered during the climax of the match, seemingly setting up an all-time triple threat match at WrestleMania 41. 

Naturally, the wrestling world set ablaze following the match and post-match angle. Tommy Dreamer, a regular co-host of "Busted Open After Dark" raves about the Punk-Rollins match and how well it was executed by both men. 

"What a great f'n match from Seth 'Freakin' Rollins and CM Punk. Starting it off was awesome, you can tell a story, you can wrestle, it's something I tell people they need to watch where you can tell a story, you don't need to k*** each other with weapons, usage of the cage, all these other things, they told an amazing story. Why finishers are so protected is because when you have big matches like this, that's when your opponent can kick out of an established finish."

Dreamer notes the one thing that he didn't like about the production of the match, specifically the spot where Rollins and Punk exchange middle fingers. While the Netflix transition has seen mostly positive feedback, there remains some censorship on WWE programming. 

"Not happy about Netflix going black during the middle finger. I do not understand it, 'cause I have seen a lot go out on Netflix that is way worse than the middle finger." 

All in all, the match delivered. And the three performers involved in this storyline have all the star power to make a case for main eventing Night 1 of WrestleMania 41. 

If you use any quotes from this article, please credit "Busted Open After Dark" and provide a h/t to Wrestling Inc. for transcription.

