The Hardys Retain TNA Tag Titles At WWE NXT Roadblock

The Hardys scored a win over the NXT Tag Team Champions FrAxiom to retain their own TNA World Tag Team Championship during "WWE NXT" Roadblock. 

The challenge was laid down for the TNA tag titles to be on the line on "NXT" two weeks ago, with Axiom and Nathan Frazer emerging to watch the Hardys win their WWE comeback match against Myles Borne and Tavion Heights, and the bout proved to be one fairly and equally contested until the finish. After having Jeff Hardy locked in a Fujiwara armbar, Axiom found himself needing to kick out of a flash pin attempt before Nathan Frazer was required to break up a second pinfall following a Falcon Arrow. Frazer then sought to take out Matt Hardy with a tope suicida, only to be caught for a Side Effect to the floor. 

Axiom would land a Spanish Fly to Jeff, allowing Frazer to follow up with a Phoenix Splash, but having his cover interrupted as Matt sent Axiom into him. Jeff hit a Twist of Fate to Axiom for a close near-fall, having to fend off both of the NXT Tag Team Champions before kicking out of a backslide pin attempt, then followed by Axiom attempting the Golden Ratio to finish things off. Jeff avoided the move, seeing Axiom hit Frazer instead, with Matt re-entering the fray to take Frazer out with a Twist of Fate, setting him up for Jeff's Swanton Bomb to get the winning pinfall. The Hardys' win over FrAxiom is the NXT Tag Team Champions' first loss since August last year, when they lost the tag titles for a brief spell to Andre Chase and Ridge Holland.

