WWE NXT Roadblock Results 3/11 - Four Championships On The Line, New York City Street Fight & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" Roadblock on March 11, 2025, coming to you live from The Theater At MSG in New York City, New York!

NXT Women's Champion Giulia will be colliding with best friend and Women's North American Champion Stephanie Vaquer in a Winner Takes All Match. After Vaquer retained her championship against Karmen Petrovic on the February 25 episode of "NXT", Giulia came down to the ring and challenged Vaquer to tonight's match as a means of seeing who the best champion really was.

Two other championships will also be on the line tonight, as TNA Wrestling star and reigning X-Division Champion Moose challenges Oba Femi for the NXT Championship. Not only did the two men first encounter one another on the February 18 episode of "NXT", but they once again came face-to-face in two other verbal exchanges on the February 25 after Moose had retained his title against Lexis King and "TNA iMPACT" this past Thursday.

Moose's fellow TNA Wrestling stars Matt Hardy and Jeff Hardy will also be in action tonight as they defend their TNA World Tag Team Championship against Nathan Frazer and Axiom. The reigning NXT Tag Team Champions confronted The Hardys on February 25 after they had defeated No Quarter Catch Crew, voicing their respect for the multi time tag team champions before tonight's match was made official by TNA Wrestling's Director of Authority Santino Marella and "NXT" General Manager Ava.

After weeks of animosity, Ethan Page and Je'Von Evans will battle it out tonight once again as they meet each other in a New York City Street Fight. Not Page sidelined Evans with a wired shut jaw a number of weeks ago with Evans having sworn to exact his revenge, but Page remains undefeated against Evans in singles competition having defeated him in a one fall match at "NXT" Vengeance Day on February 15, a Lumberjack Match at an "NXT" Live Event on February 22, and a Last Man Standing Match at another "NXT" Live Event on March 8.

Former three time TNA Knockouts World Champion Jordynne Grace will be going one-on-one with former two time NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez. The two women found themselves involved in a verbal confrontation that almost turned physical on February 25, with Grace scoring a win over Perez's close friend Cora Jade during last week's episode of "NXT" due to referee stoppage.

Additionally, "WWE LFG" coaches Mickie James, The Undertaker, Booker T, and Bully Ray will also be making an appearance on tonight's show.

We are live! Vic Joseph, Booker T, and Corey Graves greet audiences at home as Nathan Frazer and Axiom make their way out to the ring. The Hardys follow.

The Hardys (c) vs. Nathan Frazer and Axiom for the TNA World Tag Team Championship

Axiom and Matt Hardy begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Matt delivers The Three Faces of Deletion to Axiom, then delivers a powerbomb to him and goes for a pin. Axiom kicks out, but Jeff Hardy tags in and Matt catapults Axiom into the bottom rope. Jeff follows it up with a leg drop and a dropkick, then delivers a stomp to Axiom and tags in Matt.

The Hardys double team on Axiom, but Frazer tags in and double teams on Matt with Axiom. Axiom and Frazer send The Hardys crashing out of the ring, and deliver a pair of tope suicidas to level them before Frazer flies over the top to level them one again and Axiom delivers a moonsault off the top to The Hardys.

Frazer gets Matt back in the ring and hits a suplex on him, then follows it up with a modified Blockbuster and tags in Axiom. Axiom wears down Matt with a submission hold, then tags Frazer back in. Frazer and Axiom land a double superkick on Matt, and Frazer follows it up with a standing moonsault.

Frazer wears Matt down with a submission hold, but Jeff tags in and delivers an Atomic Drop to Axiom. He lands a leg drop and a dropkick on him, then dumps Frazer out of the ring. Axiom catches Jeff in a Fujiwara Armbar, but Jeff escapes by pinning Axiom. Axiom kicks out and Jeff delivers a Falcon Arrow to him, then pins him again but Frazer breaks the fall. Frazer then looks to deliver a tope suicida to Matt on the outside, but Matt levels him with a Side Effect on the floor.

Matt makes the bind tag in, and Jeff lands a Stunner on Axiom. Matt immediately catches Axiom with a neckbreaker, then sets up for the Twist of Fate as Jeff ascends up the ropes. Axiom sends Matt crashing into Jeff, then tags in Frazer. Axiom then delivers a Spanish Fly to Jeff, and Frazer follows it up with a Phoenix Splash to him. He goes for a pin, but Matt sends Axiom crashing into the two men to break the fall.

Jeff connects with a kick on Frazer, then flies off the top rope to level both him and Axiom. He hits a Twist of Fate on Axiom and goes for a pin, but Aiom kicks out. Frazer rocks Jeff with a kick across his head, then tags in Axiom and ascends to the top. Frazer looks to fly, but Jeff gets his boots up. Axiom pins Jeff with a backslide, but Jeff kicks out. Axiom then ascends to the top and looks for The Golden Ratio off the top on Jeff, but Jeff avoids it and Axiom accidentally hits Frazer. Matt takes Frazer out with a Twist of Fate, and Jeff delivers a Swanton Bomb to Frazer for the win.

Winners (and still): The Hardys

We then head backstage and see Mickie James give some advice to Jaida Parker, telling her to make her own opportunities and take what she wants as "NXT" Stand & Deliver approaches on April 19.

Back at ringside, Roxanne Perez makes her way out. Jordynne Grace follows.

Jordynne Grace vs. Roxanne Perez

The bell rings and Perez immediately slides out of the ring. Grace chases her back inside, and Perez looks to clock her. Grace sees Perez coming and lands a couple of strikes on her, then sends her crashing into the mat face first and follows it up with a spinebuster. She then rains down right hands and left hands on Perez before firing off stomps on her and sending her crashing out of the ring with a Hip Attack. Grace looks to fly, but Perez sends her leg bouncing off the ring apron and her knee crashing into the ring steps.

Perez and Grace return to the ring, and Perez rains down right hands and left hands on Grace. She connects with a Russian Leg Sweep and sends Grace's face bouncing off the mat, then stomps on her knee and sends it crashing into the mat twice. Grace looks to fly off the ropes, but her knee gives out. Perez delivers a hair whip to her to send her crashing into the mat and continues wearing down her knee.

Perez sends Grace's knee bouncing off the mat once again, but Grace fires off headbutts on her as she teeters on the ropes and sets up for a Muscle Buster. Perez escapes and connects with a dropkick on Grace, then cinches in a Figure Four Leg Lock on her. Grace reverses the submission, but Perez grabs the bottom rope to break the hold. Perez looks to hit a moonsault off the ropes, but Grace gets her knees up. Perez then looks to land a hurricanrana on Grace, but Grace intercepts her and transitions into a German suplex.

Grace connects with a powerbomb on Perez and pins her, but Perez kicks out and lands a crossbody on Grace off the middle rope. Grace rolls through and gets Perez up on her shoulders. She looks to send her crashing into the mat, but Perez lands on her feet and delivers a chop block to Grace.

Perez follows up the chop block with a hurricanrana to Grace and ascends up the ropes, then lands a splash on her and cinches in a crossface whilst wrenching back on her knee. Grace pins Perez to escape the submission, but Perez kicks out and Grace delivers the Grace Driver to her for the win.

Winner: Jordynne Grace

Moose then makes his way down to the ring. Oba Femi follows, having run into The Undertaker backstage on his way who tells him that he's had his eye on him for a while and to defend his yard tonight.

Oba Femi (c) vs. Moose for the NXT Championship

The bell rings and the two stare each other down. Femi lands a chop on Moose and fires off shoulders on his midsection, then runs him over with a shoulder tackle. Moose quickly recovers with a kip up, then clotheslines Femi out of the ring. Femi trips Moose on the apron, but Moose runs over Femi with a boot that sends him crashing onto the floor. Femi then chokeslams Moose onto the ring apron and fires off knees on his spine back in the ring before sending him crashing into the mat.

Moose lands a dropkick on Femi, then wears him down with a submission hold. Femi escapes by sending Moose crashing into the corner, then sends him crashing into the mat and connects with a powerbomb. Moose sends Femi crashing into the ring steps shoulder first on the outside, then sends him crashing into the ring post shoulder first and sits him on the top rope. Moose then delivers a superplex to Femi, but Femi counters into a suplex of his own.

Femi turns Moose inside out with a clothesline, but Moose levels him with a powerbomb and goes for a pin. Femi kicks out, then gets Moose up on his shoulders and sends him crashing out of the ring. The two men then fire off right hands on one another before Femi clotheslines himself and Moose out of the ring. Moose sends Femi crashing into the rine post, then sends him crashing through the announce desk with a chokeslam and dumps him back in the ring. Moose turns Femi inside out with a spear and pins him, but Femi manages to kick out. Femi responds with a powerbomb to Moose for the win.

Winner (and still): Oba Femi

Ethan Page then makes his way out to the ring. Je'Von Evans follows.

Ethan Page vs. Je'Von Evans in a New York City Street Fight

The bell rings and the two waste no time going after one another. Evans rains down right hands on Page, then fires off more on him on the outside. He sends Page crashing into the ring steps face first, then fires off even more right hands on him and grabs a chair from under the ring. He looks to hit Page with it, but Page moves out of the way and Evans hits the ring steps with it instead. Page then sends Evans crashing into the ring steps and dumps him back in the ring before grabbing three more chairs from under the ring.

Page hits Evans with one of the chairs across his spine, then grabs another one and sets it up between the middle turnbuckle and top turnbuckle. Evans grabs a chair and repeatedly hits Page across the spine with it, then sets it up and looks to send Page crashing through it. Page fights his way out and looks to send Evans crashing into the chair in the corner, but Evans dropkicks him into it and delivers a hurricanrana to him that sends him crashing through the chair set up in the middle of the ring.

Evans grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up in the corner before he and Page level one another with kicks and hit each other with chairs. Evans lands a Blue Thunder Bomb on top of a chair, then sets up two chairs facing each other and climbs on top of them. Page sends Evans crashing into the corner shoulder first and sends him crashing on top of the two chairs facing one another. He powerslams Evans through the table in the corner and goes for a pin, but Evans kicks out.

Page grabs one half of the table and slams it across Evans' spine, then sends him crashing into one of the barricades on the outside and grabs another table from under the ring. Evans hits Page across the head with a garbage can, but Page looks to hit Evans with a toolbox. Evans ducks out of the way, then lands a right hand on Page and dumps him inside the ring. He tosses the garbage can inside as well, but Page sends Evans crashing through it with a slam.

Evans connects with a clothesline on Page, then sets up for the OG Cutter. Page levels Evans with a right hand, but Evans flies off strikes on Page and sends him crashing into a couple of the barricades and into the announce desk face first. Evans levels Page with a kick, then sends him crashing through a table set up between the announce desk and the ring apron with an OG Cutter over the top rope. He then flies over the top rope once again to send Page crashing over the announce desk and dumps him back in the ring.

Evans ascends to the top and delivers a Tornillo to Page, then goes for a pin but Page kicks out. Page throws a chair at Evans, then sets up for a neckbreaker. Evans counters into an OG Cutter and sticks Page's head through the chair, then delivers a springboard OG Cutter to him for the win.

Winner: Je'Von Evans

After the match, Dion Lennox, Osiris Griffin, Cutler James and Saquon Shugars appear in the crowd and take out Evans in the ring.

We then head into the crowd, where Eddy Thorpe is chatting with Sarah Schreiber. Thorpe has some choice words for Williams, prompting Williams to appear and blindside him with an attack until security appears and holds Thorpe back.

Stephanie Vaquer then makes her way down to the ring. Giulia follows.

Giulia (c) vs. Stephanie Vaquer (c) in a Winner Takes All Match for the NXT Women's Championship and Women's North American Championship

The bell rings and the two shake hands with one another as a show of respect. They then lock up and exchange strikes with one another, but Giulia lands Vaquer with a forearm. Giulia sends Vaquer's face bouncing off the top turnbuckle, then delivers a missile dropkick to her off the ropes. Vaquer sends Giulia crashing out of the ring, then delivers a crossbody to her off the top rope on the outside.

Giulia jams her boot into Vaquer's chest back inside the ring in the corner, then lands another running boot on her and sends Vaquer's head repeatedly bouncing off the mat in the same manner that Vaquer usually does to her opponents. Giulia then wears Vaquer down with a submission, but Vaquer escapes and sends Giulia's head repeatedly bouncing off the mat.

Giulia and Vaquer teeter on the ropes, but Giulia connects with a superplex to Vaquer. Vaquer intercepts Giulia with a spinning back heel kick, but Giulia sends Vaquer crashing into the mat and goes for a pin. Vaquer kicks out, then delivers a Dragon Screw to Giulia out of the corner and follows it up with a package backbreaker. She goes for a pin, but Giulia kicks out.

Vaquer looks to fly off the top rope, but Giulia sees her coming and transitions into a Scissored Armbar Crossface. Vaquer escapes the hold, then rocks Giulia with a pair of superkicks and follows it up with a pair of package backbreakers on Giulia for the win.

Winner (and still/and new): Stephanie Vaquer

Vaquer stands tall with her Women's North American Championship and new NXT Women's Championship as confetti rains down from the ceiling and the show goes off the air.

