Mandy Rose Weighs In On The Rise Of Jey Uso In WWE

2025 WWE men's Royal Rumble winner Jey Uso has seemingly captured the imagination of WWE fans, winning them over with his drive and determination. Former WWE star Mandy Rose is another one who has been impressed by Uso, commending him for his current run and recognizing how popular he has become.

Rose, during a recent edition of her "Power Alphas Podcast," said that she is pleased to see Uso get success. 

"I'm very happy for him [Jey] because that man has come a long way, and everyone said it, even Big E mentioned it on commentary after the show, on the panel," she said. "Just basically seeing how far he's come, in the essence of like, he didn't ... he wasn't always the 'star,' when you think about it. He was in a tag team with his brother, obviously Jimmy, and they were amazing tag team partners. But to see him come this far ...  that man is over. I don't know if I've seen someone over as much as he is in a very long time. I mean, yeah, he is over with the crowd to the point of like, I think his merch sales are way, way up there. I've heard the Yeet thing has totally gone viral in that world."

She highlighted how Jey Uso got himself over with the fans, and in a way, forced WWE's hand to promote him to the top.

"Kudos to him because I love stories like that. I love guys and girls that, like, really all of a sudden, just out of nowhere, and kind of did it on their own. They didn't have the company behind them so much, backing them, where other people they like to shove down people's throats," she added.

Rose praised both Jimmy and Jey Uso, stating that she got along well with them during her time in WWE. She also had special praise for John Cena — who was eliminated by Uso in the Rumble — for his selfless nature in helping to elevate a fellow star.

