Marina Shafir Pulls Back Curtain On Ronda Rousey In ROH

In November 2023, Ronda Rousey took everyone by surprise by making an appearance on an episode of "ROH on HonorClub" teaming with long-time friend Marina Shafir. Seeing Rousey in Ring of Honor was something no one expected, but during a recent episode of the "Talk is Jericho" podcast, Shafir revealed how her short-lived tag team with Rousey came about.

"She calls me up, she called me up a couple of months beforehand, or maybe like a month beforehand. She's like 'I got to wrestle with Shayna [Baszler] and then I got to Shayna. I really want to wrestle with you. This needs to happen.' I'm like 'no s**t Sherlock, let's make this happen." Shafir stated that they made some phone calls and secured a match on a charity event for Sami Callihan's Wrestling REVOLVER promotion, which almost didn't happen for political reasons that Shafir didn't go in to. However, the following night saw AEW host a joint "AEW Collision" and Ring of Honor taping at The KIA Forum in Los Angeles, California, where Shafir and Rousey managed to team up once more against Athena and Billie Starkz.

"So we got to do two matches together in a f**king row, it was just something that needed to happen." As far as Shafir's favorite moments of working with Rousey, she enjoyed the fact that a tag team with Rousey has some legs following the ROH match, but Rousey's energy the night before was something Shafir really enjoyed. "I walk out, I'm in the ring, Ronda's music hits, as she's walking out, I'm watching her walk in and she's like looking at me taking off her belt and her Gi and she's like 'Marina, we're about to f**k s**t up,' and I'm like 'oh God yes.'"

Please credit "Talk is Jericho" when using quotes from this article, and give a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

