WWE Hall Of Famer Scott Steiner Recalls Coma, Nearly Dying From Throat Injury

WWE Hall of Famer Scott Steiner is no stranger to injuries as he took many trips to the hospital throughout his decorated career. However, there was one injury that could have legitimately killed the "Big Bad Booty Daddy." During a recent appearance on the "Talk is Jericho" podcast, Steiner recalled suffering a serious throat injury during a match in Puerto Rico, an injury that he didn't think was too serious until he went to the hospital.

"It was really strange because I started feeling cold, and I went to eat and my throat–it was very hard to swallow. Finally I jumped in the shower, take a hot shower and nothing would work and I started shaking, and finally I called the ambulance...I actually went to the same hospital that Bruiser Brody died [in]." Steiner recalled the hospital being the best trauma center in Puerto Rico, while also being located in the most violent part of the country, but that didn't matter once the doctor gave him some shocking news. "I talked to the guy, and he says you've got five hours to live."

Steiner didn't believe the doctor at first, but after calling some family members, he agreed to get emergency surgery, with the doctor giving him a substance to help take the pain away. However, it also took away two days of Steiner's life. "I remember waking up to them pulling the chord, the breathing tube out of my throat...but I come to find out I was in a coma for two days. It didn't feel like any other surgery that I had." It turned out that the substance Steiner was given was something to induce a coma as the doctor who was operating on him knew the surgery would be too painful to do without it.

Please credit "Talk is Jericho" when using quotes from this article, and give a H/T to Wrestling Inc. for the transcription.

