Mick Foley Says These WWE Stars Would Be Great For Potential Last Match

Mick Foley has been retired from wrestling since 2012, but that hasn't stopped the hardcore legend from teasing a retirement match of some sort in the near future. Foley revealed in 2024 that he was aiming to lose 100 pounds before his 60th birthday so that he could have one last deathmatch to truly put a full stop on his career, but that doesn't look like it will happen at the time of writing. However, Foley was asked about who he would like to wrestle in a retirement match at the recent "For The Love of Wrestling" convention where he named a number of WWE stars from the past and present that would have been suitable opponents.

"One last match, I was thinking about that last year. I don't know, maybe somebody like Kevin Owens you know? Before Bray [Wyatt] passed he would have been a perfect choice you know?" Foley jokingly suggested that himself and Ric Flair should have one final match where they stab each other with pencils, before the host suggested CM Punk, a name that peaked Foley's interest. "Provided he was so good he could carry me, because I may have dropped some weight, but my cardio is almost non-existent. I lose my wind signing my autograph at the table."

Foley famously could have had a retirement match of sorts back in 2012 with Dean Ambrose, now known as Jon Moxley in AEW. A match between the two was teased in the summer of 2012 before Ambrose had become a member of The Shield, but through a combination of Foley getting cold feet due to comments made by Ambrose, and the fact he wasn't medically cleared, the match never happened.

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