CM Punk Gets Candid About WWE Creative Differences Between Triple H And Vince McMahon

CM Punk's notorious exit from WWE in 2014 was due to several reasons, but Vince McMahon's management of the company was one of the main ones that forced him out of the door. McMahon's presence was potentially why he never seriously tried to make his way back to the promotion. 

The WWE star recently spoke on the "Pat McAfee Show" about McMahon's creative process and compared it to how Paul "Triple H" Levesque runs the product today. He explained how McMahon would often act like "the boss" and instead lay down the law and refuse to do it any other way.

"I think he's [Triple H] receptive to other people's ideas, whereas maybe Vince wasn't," Punk recalled. "And that's great. If you run a company, you need somebody who is the yes and no man and [has] the final say."

Punk noted that Levesque relies on the experienced hands behind the scenes and takes their opinions on various ideas.

"If he has an idea or see something one way, he'll look at Michael Hayes and be like, 'What do you think?' He'll turn and look at Paul Heyman. These are people who have bonafide resumes. They have literally done everything you possibly could do in the sport," he added. "I think their voices should be heard. Not all the time everybody's going to have this dynamite idea. But I think the best idea always wins in today's WWE." [H/T]

Aside from having a better experience behind the scenes, Punk has also rekindled his relationship with the promotion's fanbase and is once again one of the most popular names on the roster. The fans have shown him so much love that WWE legend Bully Ray compared their connection with Punk to that of a WWE icon.

