Karen Jarrett Explains Her Current Role In AEW

AEW's Karen Jarrett has been an active part of the pro wrestling business for nearly two decades, and through her work with ex-husband Kurt Angle and current husband Jeff Jarrett, has been praised for her on-screen managerial role.

Jarrett was a recent guest on RJ City's "Hey! EW" where she was asked if she describes herself as a manager or a valet. "Both, manager and valet," replied Jarrett. 

"Hey! EW" is known for being a show that has its tongue firmly placed inside its cheek, but RJ asked Jarrett if she is proud of being a strong woman and a trailblazer in the wrestling business. 

"Damn right, I am, yes, I am. Yes, I'm very proud of my legacy," she declared. 

Jarrett hasn't just accompanied wrestlers to the ring but has even gotten in the ring on more than one occasion. She teamed with her Jeff Jarrett to take on the team of Angle and Chyna at TNA Sacrifice in 2011, while she once again teamed up with her husband and Jay Lethal in AEW to face Mark Briscoe, Briscoe's father, and AEW referee Aubrey Edwards, whom she was feuding with at the time. Considering that she lost both matches, it's understandable why she has stayed as a manager.

Outside of wrestling, Jarrett has also done her fair share of charity work, spreading awareness against leukemia on her social media pages and taking part in various AEW Heels events.

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