WWE NXT Halloween Havoc Live Coverage 10/27 - Devil's Playground NXT Title Match, Vaquer & Giulia Vs. Perez & Jade

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage for "WWE NXT" Halloween Havoc on October 27, 2024, coming to you live from the Giant Center in Hershey, Pennsylvania at a special start time of 7 PM ET!

Trick Williams will be putting the NXT Championship on the line for the first time since regaining it as he defends against Ethan Page in a Devil's Playground Match. Since Williams dethroned him to enter his second reign as titleholder on the October 1 edition of "NXT", Page has made it clear that he wants to win back the title and won a Triple Threat Number One Contenders Match against Wes Lee and Je'Von Evans to secure his spot in tonight's match on October 15.


After emerging victorious over Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley of Fatal Influence, Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia look to emerge victorious once again tonight as they go head-to-head with NXT Women's Champion Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade. The four women have encountered one another a handful of times over the course of the last few weeks in a series of physical altercations and messages they've sent to one another.

Speaking of Fatal Influence, Kelani Jordan looks to put her issues to rest with Jayne, Henley, and Jazmyn Nyx for good tonight as she defends her Women's North American Championship against all three members of the group in a Gauntlet Match. Not only was it revealed on the Countdown to "NXT" Halloween Havoc pre-show that Henley had chosen the Gauntlet Match after the wheel landed on Spinner's Choice on Tuesday night, but Jordan and Fatal Influence have come face-to-face with one another over the course of the past few weeks in a handful of verbal and physical encounters.


Oba Femi looks to recapture the North American Championship tonight as he challenges titleholder Tony D'Angelo of The Family. However, unlike the last time they met in the ring for the title on the October 8 edition of "NXT" in which D'Angelo ended Femi's 270+ day reign, this time, it will be in a Tables, Ladders and Scares match. The issues between Femi and D'Angelo have remained no secret over the course of the past few weeks, culminating this past Tuesday when Femi blindsided D'Angelo and his stablemates Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo and Luca Crusifino after defeating the latter in a match and leaving the three of them laid out.

Andre Chase will be returning to action for the first time since "NXT" No Mercy on September 1 as he collides with Ridge Holland in an Ambulance Match. At the Premium Live Event, Holland turned his back on Chase after they lost the NXT Tag Team Championship to current titleholders Nathan Frazer and Axiom and later sidelined his fellow Chase U stablemate Duke Hudson.

We are live! Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as Oba Femi makes his way out to the ring. Tony D'Angelo follows.

Tony D'Angelo (c) vs. Oba Femi in a Tables, Ladders and Scares Match for the North American Championship

The bell rings and D'Angelo goes straight after Femi, interrupting the ring announcement. The action spills out of the ring and the pair begin brawling, but D'Angelo spears Femi through the barricade near the timekeeper's area and grabs a ladder from under the ring. He sets it up between the ring apron and announce desk, and Femi throws several chairs in the ring. D'Angelo throws one at his head, but Femi sends him crashing onto one with a chokeslam.


Femi hits D'Angelo with a chair, then hits him in the midsection with it repeatedly. He traps D'Angelo in the corner using a ladder and wears him down, then sets up a ladder in the corner and sends him crashing on top of it. Femi grabs a table from under the ring and sets it up in the adjacent corner from where he sets up the ladder before sending D'Angelo crashing through it.

Femi uses a crowbar to wear down D'Angelo with a crossface, but D'Angelo fights his way out of it. Femi clocks him from behind, but D'Angelo responds with a back body drop and sends him crashing on top of a chair. D'Angelo pulls a table from under the ring and sets it up in the corner, then sends D'Angelo crashing into the mat.


The Family runs down to the ring, but Femi takes down Luca Crusifino and Channing "Stacks" Lorenzo. Adriana Rizzo slides in the ring to check on D'Angelo, but Femi stares her down. Rizzo grabs a crowbar, but Femi takes it from her. D'Angelo sends him crashing through the ladder he had set up between the ring apron and announce desk. Femi turns D'Angelo inside out with a clothesline and follows it up with a powerbomb. He goes for a pin, but D'Angelo kicks out. Rizzo clocks Femi from behind, and Crusifno and Stacks follow it up with a Shatter Machine to him using a chair. D'Angelo then sends Femi crashing through the table with a spinebuster for the win.

Winner (and still): Tony D'Angleo

We then head backstage and see Lexis King chatting with Sarah Schreiber about his frustrations with being unable to find a corner man for his NXT Heritage Cup Match against Charlie Dempsey this coming Tuesday. William Regal then enters and volunteers to be in King's corner.

Back at ringside, Cora Jade and Roxanne Perez then make their way out. Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer follow.

Stephanie Vaquer and Giulia vs. Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade

Jade and Vaquer begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth, but Perez tags in and locks up with Vaquer. They go back and forth taking turns pinning one another, but Vaquer sends Perez's head repeatedly bouncing off the ring mat and tags in Giulia. Giulia delivers a drop toe hold to Perez that sends her crashing into the ropes, and Vaquer dials it up for a 619 on Perez. Giulia follows it up with a kick of her own.


Perez lands a shoulder on Giulia's midsection, but Giulia responds with a missile dropkick to her off the top rope and goes for a pin. Perez kicks out, then rains down right and left hands on Giulia with Jade while the referee is distracted.

Jade tags in and wears Giulia down with a submission hold, then tags Perez back in. Giulia intercepts Perez as she charges at her in the corner and dumps Jade out of the ring, then exchange right hands with Perez and tags out to Vaquer. Vaquer delivers a crossbody to Perez off the top rope, then whips an interfering Jade into the corner and fires off headbutts on her. She then goes after both Jade and Perez in the corners and fires off headbutts on Perez as Giulia does the same to Jade. Jade and Perez catch Giulia and Vaquer with a double superkick, and Perez connects with a tope suicida to both of them on the outside. Jade follows it up with a Coffin Drop off the ropes.


Perez gets Vaquer back in the ring and sends her crashing into the mat, then locks in a crossface on her. Vaquer counters into a pinfall to escape, but Perez responds with an enzuigiri to her as she sits on the top rope and follows it up with a hurricanrana off it. Jade then tags in and delivers a Swanton Bomb to Vaquer off the top rope. She goes for a pin, but Giulia breaks the fall.

Giulia sends Perez crashing into the mat with the Glorious Driver, but Jade takes her down and fires off right hands on Vaquer. Vaquer sends Jade crashing into the mat with a back body drop, then tags in Giulia. Giulia looks to send Jade crashing into the mat with the Glorious Driver, but Jade escapes and levels her with a jumping knee. Perez tags in and Jade gets Giulia in an Electric Chair position as Perez ascends to the top. Giulia sends Jade crashing into Perez, then tags in Vaquer. Giulia then sends Perez crashing into the mat with a superplex, and Vaquer follows it up with a Phoenix Splash off the top for the win.

Winners: Giulia and Stephanie Vaquer

After the match, Zaria appears and stares down Vaquer, Giulia, Jade, and Perez.

Ridge Holland then makes his way out to the ring. Andre Chase follows.

Ridge Holland vs. Andre Chase in an Ambulance Match

The bell rings and Chase connects with a boot on Holland. The two take turns firing off right hands on one another, but Chase levels Holland with a boot and clotheslines him out of the ring. He delivers a thrust kick off the apron, then follows it up with a senton off it to level Holland. Holland sends Chase's face bouncing off the ring apron, then dumps him into the crowd. Chase quickly recovers and levels Holland with a splash off one of the barricades, then fires off chops on him as they brawl up the ramp and looks to pace him in the ambulance.


Holland avoids it and sends Chase crashing into the side of the ambulance, then removes the stretcher from it and dumps Chase in it. He looks to close the door, but Chase prevents him from doing so and sprays a fire extinguisher in the back of the ambulance in his face. He hits Holland with the extinguisher, then sends his face bouncing off the stretcher.

Holland delivers a belly-to-belly throw on Chase on the entrance ramp, then rams into him with the stretcher. Chase flies off the stretcher to level Holland, but Holland lands a splash on him in the corner and follows it up with a powerslam. Holland then grabs a couple of kendo sticks from under the ring and hits Chase with one before he hits him with a chair across his spine and runs him over with a clothesline.


Holland sits Chase on the chair and slaps him, but Chase connects with a drop toe hold on him that sends him crashing into the chair face first. The pair then look to hit each other with the kendo sticks, but Chase clocks Holland in his midsection with it and follows it up with a Russian Leg Sweep. Chase delivers the Chase U stomps to Holland, then ascends to the top and lands a crossbody.

Chase grabs the chair in the ring and clocks Holland across his spine with it, then bodyslams him into the floor and exposes the concrete. Chase connects with a back body drop to Holland on the exposed concrete, then rams the stretcher into Holland's midsection repeatedly. He clears the announce desk and sends Holland crashing on top of it with a DDT and loads him onto the stretcher. Chase looks to pull Holland up the ramp, but Holland slides off the stretcher and sends Chase crashing into the ring steps.

Holland loads Chase onto the stretcher and drags him up the ramp on it, then sends Chase crashing into the back of the ambulance face first and rains down right hands on him. He grabs a pumpkin from the top of the entrance ramp, but before he can use it, Chase clocks him with a backboard and throws the pumpkin into him. He then delivers a Swanton Bomb off the ambulance, then throws Holland into it and looks to shut the door. Holland prevents Chase from shutting the door by raking his eye, then dumps him into the back of the ambulance and closes the door for the win.


Winner: Ridge Holland

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