AEW Collision Results 10/26 — FTR Vs. LFI, Penelope Ford Returns To The Ring

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage of "AEW Collision" on October 26, 2024, coming to you live from the Alliant Energy PowerHouse in Cedar Rapids, Iowa!

It's going to be a night of high-profile tag team competition as former two-time AEW World Tag Team Champions FTR take on Rush and Dralistico of the newly-reformed La Facción Ingobernables. FTR confronted LFI after they defeated and subsequently began laying a beating on The Outrunners, with whom FTR have recently found themselves allied, on last week's "Collision." The Outrunners themselves will also be in action in Cedar Rapids, as they will face the equally over-the-top MxM Collection.


In non-tag team action, Penelope Ford returns to the ring for the first time in 744 days, with Robyn Renegade as her opponent; Ford's comeback match might also herald an appearance from former AEW Women's World Champion Jamie Hayter, who Ford attacked immediately upon her return to AEW. Ford vs. Renegade is one of two women's matches on the card, as Anna Jay takes on Viva Van en route to her women's world title match with Mariah May. Additionally, "Switchblade" Jay White's feud with "Hangman" Adam Page has him revved up for a fight, which he'll get Saturday night in the form of regular ROH competitor Shane Taylor.

The final announced segment as of this writing will see AEW commentator (and occasional wrestler) Nigel McGuinness do a sit-down interview with Wheeler Yuta of Blackpool Combat Club (who turns 28 years old on Saturday). Yuta and McGuinness share a complicated relationship with former AEW World Champion Bryan Danielson, and it seems likely that Yuta will be asked to explain his betrayal of "The American Dragon" at WrestleDream.


A video recaps the BCC attack on Chuck Taylor from "AEW Dynamite," followed by footage of the post-show confrontation between Orange Cassidy and Daniel Garcia, and we are live!

Swtichblade Jay White vs. Shane Taylor

Tony Schiavone addresses the audience, saying Chuck Taylor is still recuperating in a hospital. Nigel McGuinness sends his best wishes to Taylor and teases his interview with Yuta before Jay White makes his way to the ring, accompanied by Juice Robinson. Commentary recaps the recent issues between White and "Hangman" Adam Page. Shane Taylor comes out with Lee Moriarty by his side.


The competitors circle each other and lock up to start things off. Taylor overpowers White and drives him into the corner. Taylor breaks the hold, White dodges a clothesline, but Taylor shoves him down. White rolls to the outside to consult with Robinson and check his wrist tape before getting back in the ring. White dodges another clothesline after another lock up and gets Taylor in a side headlock. Taylor shoves White away but White manages to hit a chop block following by a dropkick to the knee. Taylor is on his knees and taking chops. Taylor gets to his feet but White drives him back down with punches. Moriarty gets up on the apron to distract White, allowing Taylor to nail a punch to the jaw and take control.


Taylor has White's throat against the bottom rope and leans on him with a knee before delivering stomps. Taylor goes to the ring apron and delivers a massive leg drop to White across the ring apron. Taylor roars in celebration as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Taylor has dominated but White is fighting back, floating out of a bodyslam attempt and delivering a flurry of kicks and punches. White comes off the ropes and tries a sunset flip, but Taylor is too big. Taylor tries to sit on him, but White moves. White with chops and a leg whip to Taylor, who stumbles to his feet in the corner. White follows him with more chops, tries a clothesline, but Taylor holds on. Taylor tries a clothesline but White ducks and hits a dragon screw leg whip. White with a kneebar Stunner on Taylor followed by a DDT for a two-count.

White goes for a Uranage but Taylor fights out and hits one of his own for a two-count. Taylor drags White to his feet and tries another slam, but White slips out again and hits a flatliner. White is going for a German suplex, but again Taylor fights out. Taylor misses another clothesline and White hits a side suplex! White with a running European uppercut in the corner, then his the uranage! White makes the cover byt Taylor kicks out. White with a rear chock on Taylor, Moriarty is back on the apron but Juice pulls him down. Taylor counters White into a running knee to the face, but he hurts his own knee in the process. Taylor screaming in pain as he tries to lift White up for a package piledriver, but White counters into Blade Runner and gets the three!


Winner: Jay White

White has a microphone. White says he's known Taylor for years, and he hits a hell of a lot harder than White does. White says Page also hits harder than he does, but maybe that's why he gets under Page's skin so easily. Despite the year he's had, Page is still hell-bent on coming after White. Is that because, despite how tough and how good Hangman is supposed to be, White has been a head of him at every point in their careers? White says he's sure Hangman would disagree, but the win-loss record says otherwise. White says he's sure Page wants to wrap a leather belt around White's neck and hang him over the side of the ring, but he'd best not miss. White is going give Page one more shot at redemption and challenges him to a match at Full Gear. White and Robinson then put the guns up for Cedar Rapids, and if Page isn't down with that, White, Robinson, and the crowd have two words for you.

Lexy Nair is backstage with Ricochet and asks him about taking a card from MVP. Ricochet says they have a history, and everyone knows that Shelton Benjamin is a beast in the ring, but he's out of this world and he came to AEW to do his own thing. Lio Rush arrives and says Ricochet isn't the only one with something to prove. Rush says he and Ricochet have history too, and MVP gave him a card too, so Ricochet isn't special. Ricochet says he has no business with MVP. Rush says not to overlook him, because if Ricochet can't beat Rush tonight, he's not getting an International title shot against Konosuke Takeshita, he's getting a ticket to the back of the line.


Penelope Ford vs. Robyn Renegade

Kyle Fletcher is here and he has a new look coming off his weather man appearance. Fletcher says he's hear on family business, keeping an eye on Ricochet. But he's also called out Ospreay to meet him face-to-face on "Dynamite." If Ospreay shows up, that's the last we're going to see of him in a long time, and if he doesn't, that proves Ospreay is scared of "The Protostar." Fletcher also wants to face an up-and-comer in AEW on "Collision" next week so he can show everyone that he's no longer the future, he's the now.


Penelope Ford enters and commentary sells the fact that she hasn't wrestled in 740+ days. Robyn Renegade gets an entrance and comes out second. They lock up and Renegade shoves Ford toward the corner but Ford switches their positions and nails some big strikes in the corner, culminating with stomps. Ford plays to the crowd and does a somewhat awkward handspring elbow strike, following by a dropkick. Ford tosses Renegade out of the corner and hits a standing moonsault for two.

Ford kicking Renegade's face, but Renegade gets to her feet and reverses an Irish Whip into a takedown. She makes the cover but Ford kicks out. Renegade attempts uranage but Ford ducks it and takes Renegade down for two. Ford kneeling on Renegade's neck, Renegade gets to the second rope but Ford chokes her on that one, too. Ford stalking Renegade, gets her into a fireman's carry, but Renegade fights out and rolls Ford up for two. Ford then hits a runing lariat and delivers stiff full mount forearms to the chest. Ford taunting Renegade as she rakes at her face and stretches her arms back in a surfboard stretch. Ford gets her knee in Renegade's back; Renegade struggles to her feet but Ford slams her back down. Ford gets the fireman's carry again, Renegade fights out again and hits a back elbow. Ford runs at Renegade but eats a boot. Renagade runs out of the corner, Ford counters, but Renegade gets Ford over the second rope and drops her with a stomp. Renegade gets a two count and drags Ford back up for another move, but Ford counters into a casadora and dropkicks Renegade into the second rope. Ford finally gets the driver she's been wanting off the fireman's carry after saying "I'm a bad girl," then applies a very nice Muta Lock. Renegade taps quickly.


Winner: Penelope Ford

Jamie Hayter is on the screen. Hayter says she's taking a page out of Ford's book, but she doesn't have any corny lines. Ford has her shot at Hayter on the November 6 "Dynamite." Hayter asks Ford if she'll be there, because Hayter will be.

Lexy Nair is backstage with the Outrunners and FTR. The Outrunners do some of their lines before passing the mic to Cash Wheeler, who passes it to Dax Harwood, who says they're going to get the Outrunners to the AEW World Tag Team Championship.

Outrunners vs. MxM Collection

The Outrunners come out, followed by MxM Collection. The Outrunners whip up the crowd for themselves, while the crowd in turn boos MxM. Mansoor and Truth Magnum in the ring to start, Mansoor applies a side headlock and tries a shoulder tackle off the ropes, but Magnum just poses. Magnum comes off the ropes and tries a shoulder block off the ropes of his own, but Mansoor also just poses. The match briefly devolves into a pose-down, with a few shoves. Magnum ends up finally taking down Mansoor with the shoulder tackle and tags Turbo Floyd. He hits a move and quickly goes out as Magnum applies a side headlock. Mansoor manages to tag out to Mason Madden, who delivers punches to the body of Magnum in the corner. Johnny TV is shown watching backstage.


Madden has Magnum on his shoulder but Magnum escapes and tags to Floyd. Floyd tries to pick up Madden but fails, Madden drops him in turn. Madden quotes Limp Bizkit, then says "I want to see how vascular you are." The two get in a Greco-Roman knuckle lock; Floyd starts to get the better of Madden so Madden kicks him. Floyd makes the hot tag to Magnum who begins coming off the ropes and cleaning house with clotheslines and shoulder tackles. Mansoor tags in but the Outrunners send him to the outside, where he's caught and held in the arms of Madden as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Magnum is fighting out of Mansoor headlock, but gets given back into the enemy corner. Magnum almost gets there but Mansoor and Madden pull him away together, then hit a combination spin kick/spinebuster for two. Madden tags to Mansoor and they hit a double clothesline, then pose. They touch dips and go for a double elbow drop, but Magnum dodges. Magnum is again almost there but dragged away, until finally he rolls into the tag! Floyd with the hot tag and he hits a scoop slam on Mansoor. He tries to do one to Madden, but then stops and hits Madden with Mansoor. Floyd again going for the scoop slam, Mansoor runs at him but Floyd backdrops him without breaking the hold. Madden gets out of it and goozles both Outrunners, but they fight out of it and slam Madden together, then scoop Mansoor onto Madden, then Floyd scoop slams Magnum onto Mansoor. Madden is back up but gets dropped with a drop toehold. He falls on Mansoor in a compromising position and the Outrunners close and hit a double elbow drop.


MxM fight back and hit a doubleteam neckbreaker, but Magnum kicks out. They get Magnum up for the Doomsday Device, but Magnum counters out of it and knocks Madden to the outside. Magnum tags Floyd and they hit Total Recall for the win!

Winners: The Outrunners

Sit-down interview with Wheeler Yuta

McGuinness says that despite his feelings about Bryan Danielson, he's been tasked with determining why Yuta did what he did at WrestleDream, saying what Yuta did hurt Danielson irreparably. He wants to hear the words out of Yuta's mouth, because he's going to have to deal with the repercussions of his actions for the rest of his life.


Yuta says he thought McGuinness would understand. Did they kill Batman before The Joker could? Yuta says McGuinness dreamed of ending Danielson's career. Nigel corrects him, saying he wanted to prove he was the better wrestler. Yuta asks how that worked out for him. McGuinness says "Not great, you smug bastard." Nigel says he sent only half of Danielson back to his wife and kids. Yuta says they gave Danielson a warrior's death. They had to end Danielson because he didn't have the stomach for this. Yuta says he doesn't want to do any of this, but they have no choice. And if they can do that to someone else, what will they do to everyone else? Yuta says "for the greater good" and walks out.

Back from the video, Schiavone and McGuinness talk about how Yuta might be trying to convince himself, and that Moxley thinks AEW is going in the wrong direction.


A video package airs for next week's "AEW Dynamite: Fright Night" before we go to commercial.

Ricochet vs. Lio Rush

Jake Roberts is backstage with LFI. Roberts says FTR needs to prove to him that they can hang in the ring with LFI. Roberts says these guys are assassins who are going to target your weak body parts, and they're just going to tell you what they're going to do before they do it. LFI pose menacingly.


Ricochet makes his way to the ring, he is now "Out Of This World" Ricochet. Commentary recaps Ricochet's most recent win. Lio Rush comes out accompanied by Top Flight. The two dance around each other a little at first, cautiously reaching for potential holds until Rush hits Ricochet with a forearm to the face instead. Rush says he's the one Ricochet should look out for. Rush dodges a Ricochet advance and forearms him in the face again, then aggressively beats him into and in the corner. Ricochet reverses an Irish Whip, Rush ends up on Ricochet's shoulder. A quick exchange leads to Ricochet going outside the ring, but he gets back in and they do some more flips at each other until Ricochet manages to drop Rush. Ricochet takes down Rush with a snapmare and delivers a running elbow drop for a two count.


They get to their feet and Ricochet chops Rush in the corner, then in the next corner, then whips his across the ring into that corner. Rush slaps away Ricochet's hand, then slaps his face; commentary is selling that Rush has been unusually aggressive and Ricochet wasn't expecting it. Rush reverses an Irish Whip into the corner, but Ricochet counters Rush into the turnbuckle and hits a 619. Ricochet misses a double stomp but then hits a big knee strike. Rush plays like he's been concussed until Ricochet helps him up, then Rush takes advantage of Ricochet's fair play to throw him outside the ring, then bounce off the ropes for a suicide dive to the outside as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Ricochet and Lio Rush are already on the top rope and Rush is hitting strikes. Rush jumps off the turnbuckle and causes Ricochet to hit the top rope. Rush goes for a double stomp but Ricochet ducks and hits a flying forearm, followed by some big slams and a standing Shooting Star Press. Ricochet goes for the cover but Rush kicks out. Ricochet drags Rush to his feet and goes to set up a move, but Rush hits a stunner. Ricochet goes for a kick but Rush catches his foot, Ricochet goes for an axe kick but Rush strikes him to the ground. Ricochet hits a Blue Thunder Bomb and looks into the camera, talking trash to Takeshita. Ricochet gets Rush up in an inverted facelock, Rush counters Vertigo and rolls Ricochet up for two, then hits a poison rana and a big kick, but only gets two.


Frustrated, Rush goes to the outside and grabs a chair, but Ricochet drops it into him as he approaches the ring. Ricochet dives over the top rope and hits a Fosbury Flop, then taunts and hits his new Hidden-Blade-esque diving clothesline finisher, which gets him the three-count.

Winner: Ricochet

Backstage, Lexy Nair is backstage with Harley Cameron, who reveals she's wearing face paint and calls herself "Thunder Harley." Cameron says Rosa isn't the only one who can wear face paint. She told Rosa she would feel the wrath of Harley Cameron, how does it feel? Rosa shows up and pretends to hit Cameron, making her flinch and say "Please don't hurt me!" Rosa says she's not going to hurt her ... yet ... but she says she wants Cameron next week, November 2, in a Dias De Los Muertos match. Rosa leaves, Cameron tries a halting "Be afraid of Harley Cameron," but can't quite manage the conviction for it as we go to commercial.

Anna Jay vs. Viva Van

Undisputed Kingdom are backstage with Lexy Nair and The Beast Mortos. Roderick Strong still wants Mortos to be in Undisputed Kingdom. Matt Taven offers him a basket of sweets. That doesn't seem to work, so they call Mike Bennett in wearing a Beast Mortos mask and attempting to talk to him via growling. Strong says they're going trick-or-treating old school, and they want Mortos to join them. They dance away leaving Mortos with the basket, growling.


Anna Jay comes to the ring and commentary recaps her recent feud with Mariah May. Viva Van gets her own entrance and comes out while commentary sells that she's one of the top women in NJPW. They lock up, Van drives Jay into the corner but Jay switches, then backs away, giving her a clean break. Jay ducks a clothesline, then gets Van into an arm wringer. Van counters and gets Jay's back, they exchange switches before Van drives Jay to the mat and mounts her to hit punches. Van poses and taunts Jay, but Jay is back up and hits forearms and snapmare, then hits Van her her hip. Jay hits a snap suplex but only gets a two count.

Jay gets Van in a side headlock, Van shoves her into the ropes but Jay knocks her down with a shoulder block. Jay whips Van into the corner and hits a spin kick followed by a swinging neckbreaker. She goes for the cover but again only gets two. Jay drags Van to her feat and drives her head into the top turnbuckle, then delivers an overhand chop to the chest. Van stumbles to another corner and Jay his another one. Jay whips Van but she changes direction and hits a leg lariat. Van again mounts and punches Jay and again taunts her with poses as we go to break.


Back live, Van and Jay are on their knees and exchanging punches and chops as they get to their feet. Jay gets the advantage and puts multiple forearms together. Van counters a whip but Jay comes off the ropes with an axe handle, followed by a shotgun dropkick. Jay gets Van into the corner and up onto the top turnbuckle, then hits an Iconoclasm for a two count.

Jay drags Van to her feet but Van hits forearms and ducks a clothesline. Jay whips Van into the corner but Van dodges and hits an upkick, followed by a spinning backfirst for a very close two count. Jay escapes a Van hammerlock and hits a back heel kick, then nails a Backstabber but only gets two. Van to her fee tin the corner and dodges an incoming Jay, slamming her head into the turnbuckle. Jay does the same to Van, but Van hits her again and delivers a springboard crossbody. She makes the cover but again only gets two. Van gets Jay into the Electric Chair position, but Jay counters and hits the Widow's Peak for the victory!

Winner: Anna Jay

Mariah May in a pre-taped video says nobody would care if Anna Jay left AEW tomorrow, they'd just find another fat-a** blonde to waste five years of her life. Why did May do what Jay couldn't do in just five months? May says Jay isn't an influence to little girls, and that spending time in Japan doesn't make Jay a champion. May says what she learned in Japan was that nobody could touch her, and now Jay is going to face the champ. "You said sink or swim? That's nice, because now you're going to drown."


A video package airs hyping up the Adam Cole vs. Buddy Matthews match happening on "Dynamite" next week. Commentary plugs matches for next week's "Collision" — Kyle Fletcher vs. Komander, Thunder Rosa vs. Harley Cameron in a Dia De Los Muertos match, and Anna Jay vs. Mariah May for the AEW Women's World Championship. We go to break once again.

FTR vs. Rush and Dralistico of La Facción Ingobernables

Lexy Nair is backstage with Tomohiro Ishii and Kyle O'Reilly. O'Reilly says Ishii is back and he has his eyes set on "The Nuevo." Kyle says the word of the day is honor, and what happened in the Ladder War was ... he throws to Ishii, who speaks in Japanese. O'Reilly says that's right, because The Learning Tree has no honor. Kyle also says he's never seen Orange Cassidy more livid than he was on "Dynamite," and Jon Moxley may have bitten off more than he can chew. Nair mentions that O'Reilly was keeping an eye on Adam Cole and Roderick Strong on "Dynamite." Kyle says he keeps an eye on everyone, he doesn't live in the past and he's happy being right here in The Conglomeration.


FTR make their way to the ring, and commentary says that a win tonight makes them the first AEW tag team to beat 50 different teams. LFI enters, and Jake "The Snake" Roberts is actually with them this time! Dralistico and Dax Harwood start things off, Dralistico driving Harwood into the corner and patting his cheek. They lock up again, Dralistico takes him down and walks over his back arrogantly. Harwood gives him a thumbs up, and they lock up again and Dax gets Dralistico into a side headlock, then whips him against the ropes and knocks him down with a shoulder tackle. Another exchange ends in Harwood delivering chops, a back elbow, and leg drop. He makes the cover but barely gets two.

Cash Wheeler tags in and they deliver a double team gourdbuster for two. Dralistico tags in Rush. Wheeler and Rush lock up, Rush drives Wheeler into the corner but misses a chop. Rush comes off the ropes with a shoulder block but Wheeler doesn't go down and challenges him to do it again. Rush again can't do it, this leads to an exchange of slaps with ends with Cash falling to the mat after a hard Rush slap to the face. Rush chops Cash in the corner, whips him across the ring, but Cash awkwardly backflips out and hits chops in the corner. Rush whips Cash into the corner but Cash hits him with a clothesline. Dralistico tries to get involved but Harwood enters the ring and FTR deliver several stereo German suplexes. FTR follow LFI outside the ring, Wheeler gets Rush back in and makes the cover but Rush kicks out at one. Harwood tags in, whips Rush but ends up hitting Dralistico on the apron, allowing Rush to drive him shoulder-first into the ring post as we go to presumably our last commercial break.


Back from break, Dax hits a release German suplex on Dralistico and is trying to tag Cash, but Rush knocks him off the apron, follows Dax to the outside, and drives him into the ring barricade, then does it again twice more before hitting punches. Rush rolls Dax back into the ring, Dax is sitting in the corner. Rush teases a big running dropkick but stops, flips off the crowd and casually kicks Dax in the face before showing us how tranquilo he is. Dax gets to his feet and tries to fight out of the corner, but Rush hits him again and tags out Dralistico, who comes off the top rope into a Dax punch! Dax crawling toward Cash on the apron and makes the hot tag. Wheeler takes both LFI members down with a Manhattan Drop, a belly-to-back suplex, and a neckbreaker. Dralistico takes shots in the corner, whips Cash across the ring but Cash counters into a roll-up for two. The two men run the ropes, Cash lifts Dralistico up high and slams him down, makes the cover but only gets two.

Cash sets up Dralistico on the top turnbuckle and climbs up. Dralistico fights out and knocks Cash to the mat with a headbutt, but Cash comes back on the attack. Dralistico off the top rope and hits a springboard crucifix bomb. He tags to Rush, Cash tags to Dax. They run into each other three times without success before Dax clotheslines Rush down. Dax tries another move but Rush delivers falling knees to Dax's shoulder, which they have been working over. Dralistico back in the ring, they try a double team move but Dax crawls through their legs to Cash can hit a double clothesline off the top rope. Cash and Rush go to the outside but Dralistico gets a Fujiwara armbar on Dax. Rush tries to keep Cash out of it but Cash slams Rush into the ring steps and Dax gets to the bottom rope.


Dralistico goes to the top rope but Dax gets up and forearms him, then climbs up. Dax hits a big superplex, but he's too hurt to make the cover. Dax trying to get Cash in the ring, he comes in and they go for Shatter Machine, but Rush pulls Cash out of the ring from the outside and Dralistico rolls up Dax for two, and rolls him up for two again. Dralistico tags out to Rush and they take turns slapping and chopping Dax. Rush gets ready for the horns but Cash stops him, only to be taken out with a crossbody by Dralistico. Dralistico goes to the top rope but Dax catches him and hits a powerbomb for two. Rush and Dax now chopping and slapping each other in the middle of the ring. Dax takes down Rush and goes for the Sharpshooter, but Rush fights out of it. As Dax flies toward the corner, The Beast Mortos hits Dax with a hammer on the outside, but Dax kicks out of a roll-up. Cash is back in and he throws Dralistico into Rush, then throws him on the outside into The Beast Mortos, allowing FTR to hit Shatter Machine for the victory.

Winners: FTR

LFI now beating up FTR with The Beast Mortos hitting a cannonball on Cash in the corner and Rush hitting the horns. They go to do more but The Outrunners come out to make the save. LFI promise revenge as they walk to the back, the FTRunners celebrate and pose in the ring as "Collision" goes off the air.

