WWE SmackDown Results 10/18 - Motor City Machine Guns Make Their WWE Debut, Reigns & Sikoa Meet In The Ring

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE SmackDown" on October 18, 2024, coming to you live from the Colonial Life Arena in Columbia, South Carolina!

Chris Sabin and Alex Shelley of Motor City Machine Guns will be competing in their first ever match in WWE as they collide with Grayson Waller and Austin Theory of A-Town Down Under and Los Garza's Angel and Berto. Although "SmackDown" General Manager Nick Aldis teased the arrival of a new mystery team during last week's edition of the show, it was revealed on WWE's social media pages that Shelley and Sabin were indeed the two competitors that Aldis was referring to.


Following weeks of mounting tensions, Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa will be meeting with one another in the ring tonight. The two men encountered one another last week when Sikoa defeated Jimmy Uso in the main event of the show and subsequently beat him and Reigns down with his Bloodline stablemates Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga, and Tanga Loa.

As he continues to get ready to take on GUNTHER in a Champion vs. Champion Match at WWE Crown Jewel, Cody Rhodes will be appearing on tonight's show with something on his mind to share. Rhodes was sent home by the aforementioned Aldis and Randy Orton last week as a means of preventing him from brawling with Kevin Owens, with Owens retaliating later on in the show by attacking Orton.


We are live! Michael Cole and Corey Graves greet audiences at home as The Bloodline make their way out to the ring.

We Hear From Solo Sikoa

Sikoa demands that Columbia acknowledge him, then tells fans that they're looking at the present and the future in The Bloodline. He says he's the man who created a bigger and stronger family, and says there's nothing Roman Reigns or Jimmy Uso can do about it.


Sikoa addresses Jimmy looking to recruit Jey Uso to take down The Bloodline this past Monday on "WWE Raw", but says Jey wants nothing to do with any of this. He says Reigns will continue to get beat down unless he comes down to the ring by the end of the night and acknowledges him.

Jey Uso's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring through the crowd. He tells Sikoa it's been a minute since they've talked, and says he's not looking to fight him because he still cares about him and is his little brother. He says Jimmy isn't in Columbia, but he's here to talk to Sikoa uce to uce. He asks Sikoa to think about what he's doing to their family and The Bloodline. He says no one has bigger issues with Reigns than him, but he left the family to be his own man and become the Intercontinental Champion. He says the Ula Fala is earned and not taken, then tells him to take Reigns' power if he wants but not divide their family.


Sikoa says he's trying to unite the family rather than divide it, then tells Jey to stop calling him his little brother because he's his "Tribal Chief". He asks Jey if he's in or out, but Jey questions why he had to get Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga, and Tanga Loa if his intention all along was to try and unite their family.

The Street Profits and B-Fab then make their way down to the ring. #DIY and Pretty Deadly are already waiting inside. 

Pretty Deadly vs. The Street Profits (w/ B-Fab) vs. #DIY in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders Qualifier Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Tommaso Ciampa, Elton Prince,and Montez Ford begin the action. The bell rings and Price rolls out of the ring. Ciampa and Ford then begin brawling before Ciampa chases Prince around the ring. Kit Wilson levels him, but Angelo Dawkins runs over Wilson with a shoulder pounce. Johnny Gargano then catches Dawkins with a tope suicida, then goes after Ford in the ring with Ciampa. Wilson lands a codebreaker on Ciampa with some assistance from Prince and Prince pins him, but Ciampa kicks out. Prince lands an uppercut on Ciampa, then tags in Wilson. Prince fires off stomps on Ciampa in the corner as Wilson holds him in pace.


Back from the break, Ford delivers an enzuigiri to Gargano. Ciampa lands a boot on his jaw, but Dawkins aids Ford in landing a back suplex on him. Prince tags in, but Ford lands a superkick on Wilson and ascends to the top. Prince trips him, then tags Wilson back in. Wilson and Prince look to double team on Ford, but Dawkins fights them off. The Profits deliver a Japanese Ocean Cyclone Suplex-Blockbuster combination to Prince, and #DIY connects with Meeting In The Middle on Wilson. Ciampa and Ford pin Wilson and Prince respectively at the same time for the three count, but the referee clarifies that #DIY are the winners of the match seeing as Ciampa was legal and Ford was not.

Winners: #DIY

Back from the break, we head backstage and see Jey Uso run into Roman Reigns and Jimmy Uso as they arrive at the arena. Reigns tells Jey that he's proud of him, but Jey tells him no yeet.


We then head over to Nick Aldis' office and see Nia Jax yell at Tiffany Stratton for not being at the arena. Aldis informs Jax that her and Stratton's tag team match against Bayley and Naomi is still planned for tonight. Candice LeRae and Indi Hartwell walk in, and LeRae volunteers to be Jax's new tag team partner, seeing as Stratton can't make it. Aldis agrees.

Back at ringside, Piper Niven and Chelsea Green make their way out. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson follow.

Lash Legend (w/ Jakara Jackson) vs. Piper Niven (w/ Chelsea Green)

The bell rings and Niven shoves Legend. They then lock up, but Niven runs over Legend with a shoulder tackle as we see Jade Cargill and Bianca Belair watch the action from backstage. Legend connects with a pump kick and a standing splash to Niven, but Niven responds with a senton. She looks to land a cannonball, but Legend moves out of the way and lands a pair of chops on Niven. Legend gets Niven on her shoulders, but Niven escapes. Legend then lands a slam on Niven, but Green hops up on the apron. Jackson tosses her into the barricade on the outside, and Niven takes advantage. She lands a splash on her spine and looks to land a Vader Bomb, but Legend avoids it and sends Niven crashing into the mat for the win.


Winner: Lash Legend

Cody Rhodes then makes his way out to the ring.

We Hear From Cody Rhodes

Rhodes says the WWE Crown Jewel Champion isn't about who holds the title next or last, but first. He says professional wrestling is full of what ifs, and outcomes aren't always satisfactory but there will be a definitive Crown Jewel Champion. He says he won't disparage GUNTHER, but says he wouldn't bet against him. He says fans have gotten to know him since he's returned to WWE, and says he's bleed, sweat, and paid the price. He says above all, he wants to become the inaugural Crown Jewel Champion for his daughter and invites GUNTHER to be on "SmackDown" next Friday.


A-Town Down Under then makes their way down to the ring. Los Garza and Motor City Machine Guns follow.

Motor City Machine Guns vs. A-Town Down Under vs. Los Garza in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders Qualifier Match for the WWE Tag Team Championship

Angel, Grayson Waller, and Chris Sabin begin the action. The bell rings and Waller and Angel go after Sabin. Alex Shelley tags in and MGMC sends Los Garza and A-Town Down Under crashing out of the ring. Shelley then holds the middle rope open for Sabin to land a tope suicida on Austin Theory and Los Garza, then double teams on Waller on the outside from the apron.


Back from the break, Berto connects with an enzuigiri on Shelley. Theory catches Berto with a shoulder breaker, but Sabina tags in. Shelley lands an Atomic Drop on Theory and double teams on him with Sabin, then lands an enzuigiri-boot combination on Berto with Shelley and follows it up with a Frog Splash-neckbreaker combination with him for the win.

Winners: Motor City Machine Guns

Naomi and Bayley then make their way down to the ring. Nia Jax, Candice LeRae, and Indi Hartwell follow.

Nia Jax and Candice LeRae (w/ Indi Hartwell) vs. Bayley and Naomi

Bayley and Jax begin the action. The bell rings and Jax goes straight after Bayley. Naomi tags in, and lands an open palm strike on Jax, but Jax sends Naomi crashing into the mat face first and connects with a senton to her.


Back from the break, Bayley tags in and runs over LeRae with a clothesline. She delivers a neckbreaker to LeRae using the middle rope as Naomi takes down Jax on the other side. Naomi then flies to level Jax, and Bayley dumps LeRae back in the ring. Hartwell clocks Bayley from behind as LeRae distracts the referee, allowing LeRae to connect with a moonsault on her for the win.

Winners: Nia Jax and Candice LeRae

Roman Reigns then makes his way down to the ring. 

Roman Reigns and Solo Sikoa Meet In The Ring

Reigns tells Columbia to acknowledge him before Sikoa's music hits and he makes his way out. Reigns and Sikoa then stare one another down, and Reigns says Sikoa told Jey earlier tonight that their family and The Bloodline was stronger now. He says he doesn't agree and says he feels that their family is divided and broken. He says he told his father that he would fix this and all he wants to do is to have titles around the waists of their family and hefty paydays.


Sikoa tells Reigns that it's an easy fix for him, but all he has to do to get it is acknowledge him. Reigns acknowledges Sikoa, but Sikoa says that's not good enough. He says Reigns needs to acknowledge him as his "Tribal Chief" or else. Reigns asks what will happen if he doesn't, and Sikoa says Reigns never changes. He says he never will either, then calls for Jacob Fatu, Tama Tonga, and Tanga Loa to make their way out.

Fatu, Tonga, and Loa appear with Jimmy Uso in hand as Sikoa looks to blindside Reigns with a Samoan Spike. Reigns sees him coming and dumps him out of the ring, then levels the rest of The Bloodline and connects with a Superman Punch on Sikoa. He spots the Ula Fala, then places it around his neck. Sikoa low blows Reigns, then beats him down along with Tonga, Loa, and Fatu. Sikoa delivers a Samoan Spike to Reigns, and Fatu places the Ula Fala around his neck. Sikoa tells Reigns that he's the "Tribal Chief" and fans acknowledge him as the show goes off the air.

