WWE NXT Results 10/15 - Triple Threat Number One Contenders Match, Lola Vice Takes On Nikkita Lyons

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on October 15, 2024, coming to you live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

Trick Williams will find out who his first challenger for the "NXT" Champion is since regaining the title as Ethan Page collides with Je'Von Evans and Wes Lee in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders Match. Not only did Williams dethroned Page on the October 1 edition of "NXT", but whoever wins tonight's match will mark his first defense since becoming titleholder.


Last week, Tony D'Angelo of The Family put an end to Oba Femi's historic 273 day reign as the longest reigning North American Champion when he dethroned him as titleholder. Tonight, D'Angelo will be commemorating his win as he appears before the "NXT" Universe. Nikkita Lyons will also be returning from injury to compete in her first match on television since the January 9 edition of "NXT" in which she came up short to Blair Davenport when she squares off with Lola Vice, while Stephanie Vaquer makes her in-ring debut on "NXT" when she goes head-to-head with Wren Sinclair elsewhere in the women's division.

Old rivals Oro Mensah and Lexis King will also be coming face-to-face once again as they meet in a Gentleman's Duel. Neither man can dump the other out of the ring over the top, and no brawling in the ringside area will be tolerated. Neither man can be hit when they have four points of contact on the mat, and the referee will only count to three rather than five when the two men are entangled in the ropes. Any violation of the results will automatically result in a disqualification. 


Additionally, with "NXT" Halloween Havoc right around the corner on October 27, the wheel annually used for the upcoming Premium Live Event will be appearing on tonight's show. Ridge Holland will also be going one-on-one with former ally and Chase U member Riley Osborne in a rematch from the September 24 episode of "NXT".

We are live! Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as The Family makes his way out to the ring.

We Hear From Tony D'Angelo

D'Angelo says he wanted to come to the ring and celebrate his North American Championship win without his Family. He says he needed to win his title by any means necessary, then says he baited Oba Femi into thinking he broke him. He then proposes a toast to Femi.


Femi's music hits and he makes his way out. He says D'Angelo got him, then says at "NXT" Halloween Havoc, he will regain the North American Championship and once again become the ruler of "NXT" but his Family won't be his side. He then spins the wheel to reveal that they will be competing in a Tables, Ladders, and Scares Match at Halloween Havoc.

Stephanie Vaquer then makes her way down to the ring. No Quarter Catch Crew follows.

Stephanie Vaquer vs. Wren Sinclair (w/ No Quarter Catch Crew)

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth, but Sinclair locks in a bridging double chickenwing and a Fujiwara Armbar. Vaquer makes it up to her feet, then rolls up Sinclair. Sinclair kicks out as we see Roxanne Perez and Cora Jade watching the action from backstage. Vaquer connects with a leg drop on Sinclair, then sends her head repeatedly bouncing off the mat.


Sinclair levels Vaquer with a shoulder tackle and a crossbody, then follows it up with a double underhook suplex and follows it up with a clothesline in the corner. She charges at Vaquer, but Vaquer moves out of the way and delivers a Dragon Screw. She follows it up with a meteora and a package backbreaker for the win.

Winner: Stephanie Vaquer

After the match, Perez and Jade attack Vaquer, but Giulia's music hits and she takes down Perez and Jade. jade and Perez overpower Giulia, but Giulia levels them with a double dropkick and sends them both crashing out of the ring with Vaquer. Vaquer then grabs a mic and challenges Perez and Jade to a tag team match against her and Giulia at Halloween Havoc.


Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah in a Gentleman's Duel

The bell rings and the two lock up. King connects with a kick on Mensah's head, then rolls him up. Mensah kicks out, then connects with an enzuigiri on King's head and rolls him up. King kicks out and lands a pair of arm drag, but Mensah responds with a Monkey Flip. King lands a crossbody off the middle rope, but Mensah slaps him. King almost sends Mensah crashing out of the ring over the top, but stops himself when he realizes it's against the rules of the match. King and Mensah then level one another with crossbodies.


Back from the break, King delivers a Swanton Bomb to Mensah and goes for a pin. Mensah kicks out, then lands a hurricanrana on King and follows it up with a slam. King responds with a Michinoku Driver and goes for a pin, but Mensah kicks out and exchanges strikes with King.

Mensah lands a rolling kick on King, then gets fired up. King delivers a shoulder to his midsection through the middle rope and ascends to the top, but Mensah sends him crashing off it with a kick and delivers a single leg dropkick off the top. He goes for a pin, but King kicks out. King rocks Mensah with a superkick to his jaw, but Mensah catches him with a clothesline and sets up for a kick on King in the corner. King avoids it and sets up for The Coronation, but Mensah reverses into a roll up. King escapes and executes a Jackknife pin on Mensah, but Mensah kicks out and pins King. King reverses into a fall of his own for the win.


Winner: Lexis King

After the match, King holds up Mensah's hand.

Back from the break, Lola Vice makes her way out to the ring. Nikkita Lyons follow.

Lola Vice vs. Nikkita Lyons

The bell rings and the two fire off punches and kicks on one another. They manage to avoid them until Vice levels Lyons with a kick and locks up with her. Vice connects with a pair of kicks on Lyons' midsection and looks to land a third, but Lyons sees her coming and delivers a pair of bodyslams. Lyons fires off shoulders off shoulders on Vice's midsection, then charges at her in the corner. Vice moves out of the way and locks in a Sleeper on Lyons, buy Lyons fights her off.


Vice and Lyons rain down right hands on one another, but Vice fires off her signature rapid fire kicks on Lyons and follows it up with a Hip Attack. She then lands a Scissor Kick, but Jaida Parker runs down to the ring and captures Vice's attention. Vice levels her with a kick, but turns around into a kick from Lyons that sends her crashing out of the ring. While the referee is distracted by Lyons, Parker lands a Hip Attack on Vice on the outside and dumps her back in the ring. This opens the door for Lyons to follow it up with The Lyons' Roar for the win.

Winner: Nikkita Lyons

Riley Osborne and Thea Hail then make their way down to the ring. Ridge Holland follows. 

Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne (w/ Thea Hail)

Osborne lands a right hand off the ring steps on Holland off the ring steps and flies out of the ring to surprise Holland on the entrance ramp. He fires off right hands on him, then dumps him inside the ring.


The bell sounds and Osborne lands a pair of single leg dropkicks on Holland. He then lands a dropkick that sends him crashing into the corner and follows it up with a standing Shooting Star Press. He goes for a pin, but Holland kicks out. Holland fires off right hands on Osborne, then lays him on the announce desk. Osborne responds with a Tornado DDT to Holland off the desk and dumps him back in the ring, then ascends to the top rope. Holland trips him and lands a suplex on him off the middle rope, then follows it up with a modified powerbomb and his finisher for the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland

After the match, Holland continues beating down Osborne and dumps him out of the ring. He follows him out there and clears the announce desk, then clears it and looks to send Osborne crashing through it. Andre Chase's music hits and he runs down to the ring as he returns to the ring for the first time since being sidelined from action by Holland.


Ashante "Thee" Adonis then makes his way out to the ring. Brooks Jensen and Shawn Spears are already waiting in the ring. 

Brooks Jensen (w/ Shawn Spears) vs. Ashante Adonis

The bell rings and the two lock up. Adonis levels Jensen with a clothesline and pins him, but Jensen kicks out and fires off stomps on Adonis. He rains down right hands on him, but Adonis fires off right hands on him in the corner. Jensen lands an elbow on Adonis' face, then wears him down with a submission and sends his head bouncing off his knee.


Karmen Petrovic appears at ringside and dumps out the rose petals in front of Adonis on the ring apron.  Jensen looks to take advantag, but Adonis sees him coming and lands a Bronco Buster before he ascends to the top. Jensen trips him after Spears hops up on the apron, then follows it up with a hanging DDT for the win.

Winner: Brooks Jensen

Je'Von Evans then makes his way out to the ring. Wes Lee and Ethan Page follow.

Je'Von Evans vs. Wes Lee vs. Ethan Page in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders Match for the NXT Championship

The bell rings and Evans lands a superkick on Lee. Page lands a right hand on Evans, but Evans rolls him up. Lee then rolls up Evans, but Page breaks the fall. The trio continue taking turns pinning one another and landing dropkicks on each other, but Page lands a Fallaway Slam on Evans that sends him crashing into Lee on the apron and knocks him onto the floor. Page then follows it up with a boot to Evans and connects with a backbreaker before setting up for Ego's Edge.


Evans avoids it and pins Page, but Lee breaks the fall and pins Evans. Evans kicks out, and Lee fires off stomps on him. He then rains down right hands on him, but Evans responds with a pair of right hands. Lee and Evans then double team on Page to send him crashing out of the ring, but Evans lands a right hand on Lee that rocks him.

Evans runs the ropes, but Page trips him. Lee flies to take down Page on the outside and looks to land a Tornado DDT on him, but Page responds with a back body drop to him that sends him crashing onto the announce table. Evans then flies through the ropes to send himself and Page crashing over the announce desk.

Back from the break, Lee and Evans exchange right hands with one another in the ring. Lee turns Evans inside out with a clothesline, but Page fires off stomps on both of them and bodyslams Evans onto Lee. He sends Lee crashing on top of Evans, then sends Lee crashing into the ring post shoulder first and rains down right hand on Evans.


Page lands a powersam on Evans, then goes for a pin but Lee breaks the fall with a dropkick. Page, Evans, and Lee then exchange strikes with one another and take each other down with kicks before Page and Lee teeter on the ropes. Page knocks Lee off, but Evans joins him up there and connects with a Spanish Fly. He then delivers a roundhouse kick to Lee and goes for a pin, but Lee kicks out.

Page sets up for Ego's Edge on Eans, but Page avoids it. He then delivers a cutter off the middle rope to Lee and pins him, but Lee kicks out. Evans then ascends to the top, but Page clocks him from behind and sets up for Ego's Edge. Lee prevents Page from landing the move, but Page pulls him and Evans off the ropes. Evans then superkicks Page out of the ring and delivers a Tornillo to Lee off the ropes. He pins Lee, but Page sneaks back in the ring and pins Evans for the win.

Winner (and new Number One Contender): Ethan Page

After the match, Page tells Williams that he won't give up on chasing the NXT Championship as long as there's air in his lungs. He calls him down to the ring, and Williams appears. Page spins the wheel to determine the stipulation for their NXT Championship match at Halloween Havoc, and the wheel lands on a Devil's Playground match. Page then clocks Williams and stands tall on the entrance ramp as the show goes off the air.

