AEW WrestleDream Live Coverage 10/12 - Several Championships On The Line, 2-Out-Of 3 Falls Match & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s live coverage for AEW WrestleDream on October 12, 2024, coming to you live from the Tacoma Dome in Tacoma, Washington at a special start time of 8 PM ET!

Bryan Danielson will be putting the AEW World Championship on the line against former Blackpool Combat Club stablemate Jon Moxley. The two men have come face-to-face with one another over the course of the past several weeks, dating back to AEW All Out last month when Moxley, Claudio Castagnoli, PAC, and Marina Shafir blindsided Danielson and Wheeler Yuta with an attack. Things culminated this past Wednesday on "AEW Dynamite" when Danielson and Yuta faced Castagnoli and PAC in a tag team match, with the former team emerging victorious over the latter before a brawl broke out between them, Moxley, and Shafir.


Mariah May will be putting her AEW Women's World Championship on the line for the first time since successfully retaining it against Yuka Sakazaki at the "Dynamite" Grand Slam special on September 25 as she defends against Willow Nightingale. Nightingale defeated Saraya, Jamie Hayter, and Nyla Rose on Wednesday's edition of "Dynamite" to secure her title shot tonight against May.

Konosuke Takeshita of The Don Callis Family and Ricochet will be challenging Will Ospreay in a Three Way Match for the AEW International Championship. While Ospreay and Ricochet have come face-to-face with one another over the course of the last few weeks, tensions between Takeshita and Ospreay have been running high as well stemming from their separate relationships with Kyle Fletcher.


Matthew Jackson and Nicholas Jackson will be defending the AEW World Tag Team Championship against Isiah Kassidy and Marq Quen. Although The Bucks initially declined to give Private Party a title shot when they requested it on the October 2 edition of "Dynamite", Kassidy and Quen later secured their spot in tonight's match after defeating Top Flight and House of Black on the October 5 episode of "Collision". Matthew and Nicholas' Elite stablemate Jack Perry will also be in action tonight as he puts his TNT Championship on the line against Katsuyori Shibata. Like Private Party, Shibata has been vying for a shot at Perry's TNT Championship over the course of the past few weeks.

The Beast Mortos will be squaring off with Hologram in a 2-Out-Of-3 Falls Match after the former and his new allies Rush and Dralistico attacked the latter and Komander this past Wednesday on "Dynamite" following their match. Elsewhere, Brody King will be going one-on-one with longtime rival Darby Allin after answering his call for an open challenge while "Hangman" Adam Page faces Jay White of The Bang Bang Gang as they look to settle their issues and Mark Briscoe will be putting the Ring of Honor World Championship on the line against Chris Jericho following a handful of tense verbal confrontations over the course of the last few weeks.


Additionally, Swerve Strickland will be making his return to AEW tonight. Atlantis Jr. will be defending the Ring Of Honor World Television Championship against Brian Cage on the Zero Hour Pre Show beginning at 6:30 PM ET! MxM Collection's Mansoor and Mason Madden will be taking on Anthony Bowens and Max Caster of The Acclaimed after weeks of issues and an attack during last night's edition of "AEW Rampage" with the latter team promising to have a third man at ringside with them, and Anna Jay will be going head-to-head with Harley Cameron of The Outcasts on the Zero Hour Pre-Show following growing tensions between them.

We are live! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Nigel McGuinness greet audiences at home to the Zero Hour Pre Show as Brian Cage makes his way down to the ring. Atlantis Jr. follows.

Atlantis Jr. (c) vs. Brian Cage for the Ring Of Honor World Television Championship - Zero Hour Pre Show

The bell rings and the two shake hands. Cage then connects with a shoulder tackle on Atlantis Jr., then connects with a missile dropkick and gets him on his shoulders. Atlantis Jr. escapes, but Cage catches him with a spinebuster and flexes his biceps. He fires off a few shoulders on his midsection, then whips him into the opposite corner and a back suplex. He goes for a pin, but Atlantis Jr. kicks out.


Cage rains down a few hammer and anvil elbows on Atlantis Jr., then stomps on the side of his head and connects with a chop to his chest. Atlantis Jr. responds with a kick to Cage's chest and a hurricanrana off the ropes, then follows it up with a head scissors and sends Cage crashing into the corner. Atlantis Jr. hits an enzuigiri from the apron and a crossbody off the ropes on Cage, then delivers a tope suicida to him through the middle rope and flies over the top to level him.

Atlantis Jr. gets Cage back in the ring and goes for a pin, but Cage kicks out. Atlantis Jr. then lands a chop on Cage's chest in the corner and whips him into the opposite one, then sends him crashing into the mat with a slam and goes for a pin. Cage kicks out and delivers a suplex to Atlantis Jr. into the ring from the apron, but Atlantis Jr. responds with a DDT and goes for a pin of his own. Cage kicks out.


Atlantis Jr. gets Cage up on his shoulders, then connects with a spinning sit-out powerbomb and goes for another pin. Cage kicks out and Atlantis Jr. ascends to the top, then lands a Frog Splash and pins Cage. Cage kicks out and looks to land the Drill Claw, but Atlantis Jr. rolls him up. Cage kicks out once again and delivers the Drill Claw for the win.

Winner (and new): Brian Cage

Harley Cameron then makes her way out to the ring. Anna Jay follows.

Anna Jay vs. Harley Cameron - Zero Hour Pre Show

The bell rings and the two lock up. Cameron connects with a drop toe hold on Jay and gloats, but Jay responds with a shoulder tackle and a pair of knees on her midsection. She then whips Cameron into the corner and hits an overhand chop, then sits her on the top turnbuckle and lands a roundhouse kick. Cameron responds with a crossbody to Jay off the middle rope, but Jay dumps her onto the apron and lands a missile dropkick that sends her crashing onto the floor.


Jay delivers a suplex to Cameron, then locks in a submission on her using the ring post for extra leverage. Cameron sends Jay crashing into it face first, then whips her into the ring apron spine first and sends her face bouncing off it. Cameron dumps her back in the ring and levels her with a back elbow, then goes for a pin but Jay kicks out.

Cameron wears Jay down with a submission, then sends her crashing into the mat. Jay hits a jawbreaker and fires off right hands on Cameron, then levels her with a flying back elbow and sits her on the top rope. Cameron rolls up Jay, but Jay kicks out and rolls her up. Cameron kicks out.

Cameron and Jay then teeter on the ropes, but Jay escapes and lands a kick on Cameron to trip her. She follows it up with the Gory Bomb for the win.


Winner: Anna Jay

MxM Collection and Rico then make their way down to the ring. The Acclaimed and "Daddy Ass" Billy Gunn follow.

MxM Collection (w/ Rico) vs. The Acclaimed (w/ Billy Gunn) - Zero Hour Pre Show

Anthony Bowens and Mansoor begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Mansoor levels Bowens and rolls him up, but Bowens kicks out. Mason Madden and Max Caster tag in and lock up, but Caster looks to level Madden with a pair of shoulder tackles, but Madden stays standing and levels Caster with one of his own. Caster responds with a shoulder tackle to Madden off the top rope.


Mansoor tags in, but Caster catches him with an Atomic Drop and tags in Bowens. Bowens and Caster deliver double back elbows to Mansoor in the corner before Caster tags back in and lands a right hand on Mansoor's midsection. Rico takes a cheap shot at Caster on the outside, but Gunn gets in his face. 

Mansoor pins Caster back in the ring, but Caster kicks out. Mansoor then rocks him with a forearm, then tags in Madden. Madden lands a chop on Caster, then tags Mansoor back in. MxM Collection then deliver a leg drop-Sidewalk Slam to Caster and Mansoor sends him crashing into the turnbuckles. Madden tags in and delivers a double chop to Caster, then tags Mansoor back in.

Bowens tags in on his side and connects with a Famouser on Mansoor, then lands a kick on his head and goes for a pin. Mansoor kicks out and lands a kick-sit out powerbomb on Bowens, then goes for a pin but Caster breaks the fall. Bowens then takes down MxM Collection and tags in Caster. Caster looks to land the Mic Drop, but MxM Collection see him coming and double team on him.


Bowens hits the Scissor Me Timbers on Mansoor and looks to scissor Bowens, but Madden pulls him out of the ring before he can. Bowens then dumps Mansoor and Madden out of the other side of the ring and flies off the top rope with a crossbody to level them.

Rico looks to drag Mansoor into the ring, but Gunn sneaks up behind him and connects with a Famouser. Mansoor checks on Rico, but Bowens sneaks up behind him and lands The Arrival. Caster then tags in and delivers the Mic Drop for the win.

Winners: The Acclaimed

The Outrunners and The Conglomeration then make their way out to the ring. Dark Order and Premier Athletes follow.

The Outrunners and The Conglomeration (w/ Rocky Romero) vs. Dark Order and Premier Athletes (w/ Mark Sterling, Josh Woods, and Evil Uno)- Zero Hour Pre Show

Truth Magnum and Tony Nese begin the action. The bell rings and the two lockup. Magnum connects with a head scissors on Nese, but Alex Reynolds and Kyle O'Reilly then tags in and lock up. Cassidy makes the blind tag in, and O'Reilly delivers a knee to Reynolds' midsection. John Silver gets in the ring, but Cassidy takes him down and delivers a suplex. He goes for a pin, but Reynolds kicks out.


Turbo Floyd tags in and rains down right and left hands on Reynolds in the corner. O'Reilly tags in and rains down more right hands on Reynolds in the corner before Cassidy tags in and follows suit. The Premier Athletes then beat down Cassidy on the outside as the referee is distracted, and Reynolds dumps him back in the ring. He goes for a pin, but Cassidy kicks out.

Ariya Daivari tags in and rains down right hands on Cassidy in the corner with Nese. Nese then tags back in and wears down Cassidy before Reynolds tags in and fires off stomps on him in the corner. Nese tags back in, but Cassidy levels him with a Tornado DDT. Floyd tags in and lands bodyslams with Magnum on Dark Order and Premier Athletes. They then deliver a double elbow drop on Nese.


Daivari tags in and fires off right hands on Floyd, but Floyd stays standing on his feet and fires off right hands of his own on him. Cassidy tags in and connects with the Orange Punch on Daivari and pins him, but Mark Sterling puts Daivari's foot on the bottom rope to break the fall. Cassidy and O'Reilly then double team on Sterling to take him down, and The Outrunners then send Daivari crashing into the mat for the win.

Winners: The Outrunners and The Conglomeration

We are live on the main show! Excalibur, Tony Schiavone, and Nigel McGuinness greet audiences at home once again as Jay White makes his way out to the ring. "Hangman" Adam Page follows.

Adam Page vs. Jay White

The bell rings and the two lock up. White slaps Page and fires off right hands and a couple kicks on him, but Page whips him into the opposite corner. White catapults Page into the bottom rope and sends him crashing into the apron face first, then dumps him back in the ring and goes for a pin. Page kicks out, and White fires off a series of chops on him. Page dumps White onto the apron and delivers a lariat, then dumps him back in the ring.


White fires off right hands and a chop on Page in the corner, but Page rains down right hands on White and delivers a chop. He hits a Fallaway Slam on him in the corner and goes for a pin, but White gets his hand on the bottom rope to break the fall. Page rains down more right hands on White in the corner, but White responds with an Atomic Drop. Page sends White crashing into the mat and pins him, but White kicks out.

White dumps Page onto the apron, but Page catches him with a boot. White suplexes Page into the corner and fires off right hands and chops on Page in the corner, but Page responds with a forearm. White connects with a chop, then follows it up with a German suplex and goes for a pin. White kicks out and sits Page on the top rope, then joins him up there and bites Page. Page pushes White off, but White trips Page and fires off chops on him as he hangs off the top turnbuckle.


Page lands a Death Valley Driver on White on the apron, then dumps him back inside the ring and rocks him with a series of forearms from the apron. White respond with a Dragon Screw to Page using the middle rope for extra leverage, but Page delivers a pair of powerbombs to White onto the apron and the ring steps.

White and Page fire off strikes on each other on the ramp. Page looks to use his belt to lash White with, but White sees him coming and sends his face bouncing off the side of the entrance ramp. White lands a chop on Page and sends his face bouncing off the ring apron, then dumps him back in the ring.

White fires off right hands and chops on Page, then sends him crashing into the mat with a uranage and goes for a pin. Page kicks out and White catches him with a Snap Dragon suplex, then sets up for the Blade Runner. Page sees it coming and lands a Deadeye on him. He looks to follow it up with the Buckshot Lariat, but White sees it coming and catches him with the Blade Runner for the win.

Winner: Jay White

Willow Nightingale then makes her way down to the ring. Mariah May follows. 

Mariah May (c) vs. Willow Nightingale for the AEW Women's World Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Nightingale dumps May across the ring and connects with a bodyslam, then sends her face bouncing off the top turnbuckle and connects with a chop. May hits a missile dropkick on Nightingale, then rains down right hands on her and lands a chop on her in the corner. She fires off a few kicks on her midsection and lands another missile dropkick, then goes for a pin but Nightingale kicks out.


Nightingale bites May, then sends her crashing into the mat twice and sends her face bouncing off the top turnbuckle. She rakes her eyes using the middle rope, then sends her head bouncing off the adjacent top turnbuckle and connects with a spinebuster. She goes for a pin, but May kicks out.

Nightingale cinches in a Figure Four Leg Lock on May, then connects with a cannonball in the corner. May responds with a dropkick to her and follows it up with May Day, then goes for a pin but Nightingale kicks out. Nightingale turns May inside out with a clothesline, then sets up for the Doctor Bomb. May escapes, but Nightingale gets her in an Electric Chair position. May rolls Nightingale up, but Nightingale reverses the fall. May kicks out.


Nightingale sends May crashing into the corner with a Death Valley Driver and goes for another pin, but May kicks out. May then delivers an avalanche hurricanrana to Nightingale, then rocks her with a running knee and follows it up with Storm Zero for the win.

Winner (and still): Mariah May

Katsuyori Shibata then makes his way down to the ring. Jack Perry follows. 

Jack Perry (c) vs. Katsuyori Shibata for the TNT Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Perry lands a suplex on Shibata, and the two continue going back and forth. Perry fires off kicks on Shibata's spine, then sends him crashing into the corner and fires off shoulders on his midsection. Perry fires off a few chops on Shibata, but Shibata responds with several of his own. Perry runs over Shibata with a clothesline, but Shibata responds with a suplex.


Perry fires off kicks on Shibata's chest and follows it up with several rapid fire chops. He then suplexes Perry into the ring apron and gets him back in the ring, then fires off right hands on him in the corner. Shibata looks to land a kick on Shibata's chest, but Shibata avoids it. Perry then wears him down with a submission, but Shibata gets his hand on the bottom rope to break the hold.

Perry hits a hanging DDT on Shibata off the ring apron and goes for a pin, but Shibata kicks out. Shibata locks in a Sleeper on Perry, but Perry counters into a pinfall for the win.

Winner (and still): Jack Perry

After the match, Perry continues beating down Shibata and hits him with the TNT Championship. He looks to hit him wiht it a second time, but Daniel Garcia's music hits and he runs down to the ring to confront Perry. He stares him down, but Perry slides out of the ring. MJF's music hits, and he makes his way out. He slides in the ring and captures Garcia's attention, opening the door for Perry to clock him from behind with the TNT Championship. 


MJF rains down right hands on Garcia and tells Garcia it's been a while since he's seen him. He tells him that it took him some time to track down his "Dynamite" Diamond Ring, but he found it and Garcia will now kiss it. He places it on his pinky finger and looks to clock Garcia with it, but Adam Cole's music hits and he makes his way out. He runs down to the ring looking to get some retribution on his former tag team partner, but MJF retreats before he can clock him. He then helps Garcia up and shows his respect for him.  

Konosuke Takeshita then makes his way down to the ring. Ricochet and Will Ospreay follow.

Will Ospreay (c) vs. Konosuke Takeshita vs. Ricochet for the AEW international Championship

The bell rings and Ricochet and Ospreay take turns landing kicks on Takeshita's spine. Ospreay then looks to land the Os-Cutter on Ricochet, but Ricochet intercepts him. Takeshita lands a double dropkick on Ospreay and Ricochet, then spikes Ricochet with a DDT on the outside and grabs a table from under the ring. He sets it up and sends Ricochet's face bouncing off the ring apron, then looks to send him crashing through it with a Blue Thunder Bomb.


Ricochet escapes and charges at Ricochet, but Ricochet levels him and connects with a dropkick. He flies over the top looking to level Takeshita, but Takeshita catches him. Ospreay then flies to level both men. Ospreay dumps Takeshita back in the ring and lands a forearm off the middle rope, then goes for a pin but Takeshita kicks out.

Ricochet takes down both Takeshita and Ospreay, then delivers a standing Shooting Star Press to Takeshita and goes for a pin. Takeshita kicks out, and Ospreay takes him and Ricochet down with a kick.

Ospreay, Ricochet, and Takeshita brawl on the apron, but Takeshita sends Ospreay crashing into the ring apron with the Death Valley Driver. Ricochet then delivers a meteora to Takeshita off the middle turnbuckle, then sends Ricochet crashing into the mat. Ricochet responds with a Canadian Destroyer to Ospreay, but Ospreay lands a Styles Clash on him and goes for a pin. Takeshita breaks the fall.


Takeshita lands a Blue Thunder Bomb on Ricochet and pins him, but Ricochet kicks out. Ospreay fires off forearms on Takeshita, but Takeshita levels him with one of his own. Ricochet and Ospreay then agree to double team on Takeshita to take him down and rock him with right hands, but Takeshita levels them both with right hands. Ospreay lands a kick on Takeshita's head and sets up for the Os-Cutter, but Takeshita sees it coming and looks to land a clothesline. Ospreay avoids it and connects with the Os-Cutter.

The three men continue going back and forth, but Ospreay and Ricochet take turns landing reverse hurricanranas on each other. Takeshita lands a pair of German suplexes on Ricochet and Ospreay, then flies out of the ring to level both men and dumps Ricochet back inside.

Takeshita lands a boot on Ricochet's jaw, then ascends up the ropes with him. Ospreay pulls Takeshita off and levels him with an enzuigiri, then lands an avalanche hurricanrana on him. Takeshita catches him, but Ricochet counters into a pin. Takeshita kicks out and takes down Ospreay and Ricochet, then pins them both. Ospreay and Ricochet both kick out.

Takeshita spots the table he set up on the outside and sends Ricochet crashing through it with a belly-to-back piledriver. When Takeshita gets back in the ring, he walks into a pair of Hidden Blades on him. He goes for a pin, but Don Callis appears and pulls the referee out of the ring. He then looks to hit Ospreay with the screwdriver, but Ospreay wrestles it from him. A hooded figure then appears and hits Ospreay with the screwdriver, then reveals themselves to be Kyle Fletcher. This opens the door for Takeshita to land a jumping knee on Ospreay for the win.


Winner (and new): Konosuke Takeshita

After the match, Fletcher sends Ospreay crashing into the mat and celebrates with Takeshita and Callis.

We Hear From Swerve Strickland

Prince Nana introduces Swerve Strickland, and he makes his way out to the ring.

Strickland says it feels a little weird not having the AEW World Championship, but being in his hometown of Tacoma is making him a little happier. He says he still feels a little pain, then says he wanted to address the fans and tell them about the past, present, and future.


MVP interrupts Strickland and makes his way down to the ring with Shelton Benjamin. MVP tells Strickland that it's good he wants to talk about the future, and says he must be in deep contemplation as he ponders what's next for him and continues dodging his calls and messages. He says that he and Strickland go way back, but says his career seems to be floundering a little bit. He says he's become good at taking former champions and reminding them of what it takes to be great in order to regain the championships they should have.

MVP invites Strickland to talk business, and Strickland recalls the great advice MVP gave him and he lost to him in a match they had on the independents. He tells Benjamin that he was a big inspiration to him and his 12 year old self would be crying if he could see him standing in the ring with him right now, then says he's been watching AEW the past few weeks.


Strickland tells Nana that MVP isn't wrong in what he's been saying and says the past couple months have been tough on them. He tells Nana that he lost a Lights Out Steel Cage Match, his childhood home, and the AEW World Championship because of him, but he also gave him all those things. He says sometimes he can't find Nana before they have to go to the ring, but he's still family and he doesn't turn his back on family for anyone.

Strickland tells MVP that he's not interested in joining him and Benjamin because they're in his house now. Benjamin stares down Strickland and says Strickland is either with them or against them. Officials then run down to the ring to keep Strickland and Benjamin apart.

Hologram then makes his way down to the ring. The Beast Mortos follows. 

The Beast Mortos vs. Hologram in a 2-Out-Of-3 Falls Match

The bell rings and the two go back and forth. Hologram lands an arm drag on Mortos, but Mortos returns the favor. Hologram then lands a second arm drag and a pair of kicks on Mortos' jaw, then dumps him out of the ring and lands a tope suicida to level him. He dumps Mortos back in the ring and charges at him in the corner, but Mortos catches him with a boot and a Samoan Drop. He looks to score a fall, but Hologram kicks out. Hologram and Mortos then teeter on the top rope, but Hologram fights off Mortos and flies to level him. He transitions into a pin to score a fall.


Hologram 1-0 The Beast Mortos

Mortos dumps Hologram onto the entrance ramp spine first, then gets him back in the ring and scores a fall. Mortos kicks out and suplexes him into the corner, then drapes him off the top turnbuckle and lands a shoulder on his midsection. Hologram delivers a moonsault to Mortos off the top on the outside, then gets back in the ring and connects with a reverse hurricanrana. Mortos then gets Hologram up on his shoulders and delivers a pair of backbreakers before turning him inside out with a clothesline and pinning him for the win.

Hologram 1-1 The Beast Mortos

Mortos slaps Hologram and whips him into the corner. The two teeter on the ropes, but Hologram connects with a hurricanrana on Mortos. Hologram responds with a pair of enzuigiris and sends him crashing onto the apron, then walks the top rope and flies off it to level Mortos.


Hologram delivers a double stomp to Mortos off the top, then ascends back up it and looks to land a 450 Splash. Mortos gets his knees up, but Hologram catches him with a Spanish Fly and the two teeter on the top rope. Mortos connects with a Michinoku Driver off the top rope, then turns him inside out with a clothesline.

Hologram ascends back up to the top and looks to fly, but Mortos catches him with a Samoan Drop and pins him. Hologram kicks out and gets Mortos up on his shoulders, then connects with a spinning sit-out powerbomb for the way.

Hologram 2-1 The Beast Mortos

Winner: Hologram

Darby Allin then makes his way down to the ring. Brody King follows. 

Brody King vs. Darby Allin

The bell rings and Allin wastes no time going after King with chops. He dumps Allin out of the ring, then sends him crashing into the barricade and drags the ring steps away from the ring post. King levels Allin with a chop, but Allin looks to fly off them. King levels him mid-air, then places the ring steps on Allin and stands on top of them to sandwich Allin between him and the floor. He then sends him crashing into the side of them and dumps him back in the ring.


King connects with a senton on Allin, then lands a pair of chops on him and dumps him across the ring. King hits a splash on Allin in the corner, then drapes him off the top turnbuckle by his knees. Allin flies through the middle rope twice to level King, then connects with a Coffin Drop off the middle to level King.

Allin sends himself and King crashing onto the ring apron, but King levels Allin with a chop. Allin responds with an open palm strike to King and looks to fly off the ropes, but King catches him in a Sleeper.

King pins Allin, but Allin kicks out. Allin fires off headbutts on King as he stands on the middle turnbuckle, then sends him crashing into the ring steps and follows it up with a Coffin Drop. He dumps King back in the ring and connects with a Coffin Drop to his spine for the win.


Winner: Darby Allin

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