WWE NXT Results - 10/8/2024: Orton Vs. Evans, Tag Team Title Match, More

"WWE NXT" continues its tour of the Midwest, stopping in St. Louis, MO for its second episode on The CW. Former WWE Champion Randy Orton is set to make his "NXT" debut, facing Je'Von Evans in Orton's hometown.


Also set for tonight's show, WWE NXT Tag Team Champions Nathan Frazier and Axiom will defend the titles against Grayson Waller and Austin Theory. NXT North American Champion Oba Femi will also be in action, defending his title against Tony D'Angelo, after weeks of build.

"WWE NXT" is set to air at 8pm ET on The CW.

Show Kicks Off In STL

The show opens with Je'Von Evans and Randy Orton making their way to the arena. Trick Williams arrives. A video recap of last week's premiere on The CW plays.

In the arena, Trick Williams's music hits and the new NXT Champion makes his way to the ring. Trick revels in the crowds cheers and shows off the newly-designed NXT Championship. Trick says he's prepared for whoever is set to challenge him. Wes Lee interrupts him from the upper levels. Lee says he's focused on becoming a Triple Crown Champion. Williams tells Lee to slow his roll. Lee tells Williams that he's "not it," and that he'll take the title before Williams gets comfortable. Jey Uso's music hits for some reason.


Uso enters from the audience and shakes hands with Williams. Williams says that he and Uso look good with titles around their waists. They lead "Yeet" "Whoop That Trick" chants. The segment ends before anything really happens. Williams's music plays and they exit.

Kelani Jordan, Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill vs. The Fatal Influence

Influence immediately triple teams Jordan. Jordan drops Jazmyn Nyx with a dropkick and Jade and Bianca storm the ring. All three women body slam a member of Fatal Influence at the same time. Backstage, Oba Femi prepares for his title match. Jordan maintains dominance. Bianca tags in, Fallon Henly tags in but Belair gets the better of her off the bat. Belair taunts Henley as she evades her. Belair pummels Fallon in the corner. Jacy Jayne grabs Bianca's hair but gets knocked out of the ring for her trouble. Bianca hits a delayed suplex on Henley. Belair gets a nearfall and tags in Cargill. Cargill tags in Jordan and press slams Jordan onto Henley for a nearfall.


Nyx tags back in and hits a big bulldog on Jordan. The referee gets distracted and Jayne wipes out Jordan with a cannonball on the outside. We head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Fatal Influence is in control, but Jordan quickly gets her momentum back. Jordan flips out of a backdrop and hits a lawbreaker. Jade Cargill tags in and clears every member of Fatal Influence with Spinebusters and Fallaway Slams. Belair tags in and hits a massive tandem move with Cargill for a nearfall. Jordan hits a big Jumping DDT and then moonsaults to the floor onto Jayne and Henley. Jazymyn Nyx hits Belair with a Nyx Kick for a nearfall. Belair fights back and tags in Cargill to hit a Wheelbarrow German Suplex combo. Jordan tags in and hits a Split Legged Moonsault on Nyx for the pinfall.

WINNERS: Kelani Jordan, Bianca Belair & Jade Cargill

Backstage, Randy Orton asks Nathan Frazier and Axiom how fast Je'Von Evans is. Frazier is taken aback at Axiom calling Evans "the fastest man in NXT" and Orton tells Frazier to not apologize for being a "hothead" and should find "that dark place" within him.

Elsewhere backstage, Giulia sees an old friend.

Stephanie Vaquer debuts

Roxanne Perez enters the arena. She says that people assumed Giulia would finally dethrone her on last week's show, but alas. Roxanne revels in everyone's disappointment. She says she's prepared for them to prop up another "flavor of the month" as Perez drinks their tears. She introduces Cora Jade, saying she will no longer be drinking alone. Jade makes her entrance.


Cora Jade says she say at home for 9 months and listen to people praise the women's division and being left out of the conversation. Jade wants to make everyone pay "for forgetting Cora Jade." She says even Perez didn't see Jade's help coming. Jade says that Perez deserves to be NXT Champion, the version of herself that Jade knew Roxanne could be. Perez says that the NXT Title drove them apart and now it has brought them back together. Giulia makes her entrance. Stephanie Vaquer then makes her entrance. The two women charge the ring and a brawl ensues. They run Jade and Perez off and clutch Perez's title as they stare her down.

Backstage, Wren Sinclair says she's gonna challenge Vaquer. Charlie Dempsey and Lexis King discuss how King can get back at Oro Mensah.


Tony D'Angelo makes his entrance.

North American Title Match

WWE NXT North American Championship Match: Oba Femi (c) vs. Tony D'Angelo

Oba feints D'Angelo and D'Angelo flinches. Tony throws hands, staggering Femi, but Femi comes back with a lariat. Big body slam from Femi. Femi covers for a nearfall. D'Angelo tries to fight back but Femi remains dominant. D'Angelo fights out of a headlock and drops Femi with a running forearm. D'Angelo knocks Femi out of the ring. D'Angelo kicks Femi from the apron but immediately eats a chokeslam on the apron. We head to commercial.


Back from commercial and D'Angelo is beginning to mount an exhausted comeback against the dominant champion. Femi and D'Angelo go tumbling to the outside. Femi hits D'Angelo with a big chop. dropping him on the apron. Femi taunts The D'Angelo Family. Femi inadvertently takes out Adriana Rizzo and D'Angelo becomes incensed.

D'Angelo pummels Femi and beats him around ringside. D'Angelo hits an Overhead Belly-To-Belly Suplex on the ramp. He gets Femi back in the ring and covers for a nearfall. D'Angelo hits a series of lariats but then is taken out by a dropkick from Femi. Femi hits a chokeslam for a nearfall.

Femi hits a series of short-arm lariats. D'Angelo counters the last one and hits a series of Rolling German Suplexes. Femi hits a Back Suplex Throw and collapses. Both men are down. They recover in their respective corners. Femi hits a running uppercut. Femi puts D'Angelo on the top rope. D'Angelo counters but his dive from the top rope is cutoff by an uppercut. D'Angelo rolls out of the ring. Oba follows and clears the announce table. D'Angelo counters a Powerbomb and Spinebusters Femi through the announce table. Back in the ring Tony D'Angelo hits another Spinebuster for a nearfall. D'Angelo counters a spinebuster with a rollup for the pinfall.



Tony D'Angelo celebrates, holding both the title and the Italian flag high. Backstage Lola Vice demands a match with Jaida Parker from Ava. Nikkita Lyons shows up and tells Lola to go touch grass. Ava decides that Nikkita will face Lola Vice.

WWE NXT Tag Team Championship On The Line

Backstage, Bianca Belair, Jade Cargill, and Kelani Jordan celebrate their win. Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson show up and challenge Jade and Bianca, who say they have to some to "WWE SmackDown" on Friday for the match.


WWE NXT Tag Team Championship Match: Nathan Frazier & Axiom (c) vs. Austin Theory & Grayson Waller

Axiom and Theory start the match. Booker T is DoorDashing on his phone. Theory drops Axiom with a shoulder tackle. Axiom comes back and staggers Theory with flurry of offense. Frazier tags in. He keeps up the assault on Theory, chopping him in the corner. Axiom tags in and the two men hit a series of kicks on Theory. Waller tries to intervene and gets a Sattelite DDT for his trouble. Axiom takes Theory to the top rope and Waller saves Theory from a Spanish Fly. Theory lariats Axiom off the top rope. We head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Axiom hits a headscissors takedown on Waller on the outside. They get back in the ring, where Theory tags in. Theory and Waller hit stereo elbow strikes for a nearfall. Theory puts Axiom on the top rope. Axiom fights out of a Superplex and sends Theory crashing to the mat. Axiom hits a Frog Splash and tags in Frazier. Frazier hits a Springboard Missile Dropkick. Frazier hits a series of flying cross body blocks. Frazier hits Waller and Theory with a Double DDT for a nearfall. Frazier wipes out Waller on the outside. Back in the ring, Frazier hits a Running Shooting Star Press but Theory gets his knees up. Theory hits Ataxia for a nearfall. Waller tags in. Axiom tags in. Axiom and Frazier hit a Total Elimination for a nearfall. Theory knocks out Frazier. Axiom locks Waller in a Rear Naked Choke. Frzier locks Theory in a Guillotine. Theory throws Frazier onto Axiom to break the holds.


Waller and Theory nearly collide. Axiom hits Golden Ratio on Theory. Axiom hits a Code Red. Axiom gets Waller on the top rope. Frazier tags in. Axiom hits a Spanish Fly. Frazier hits a Phoenix Splash for the pinfall.


Back from commercial, Ridge Holland explains that he left Chase U that he left because they're mediocre. Ridge promises the destruction of Chase U. Backstage, Riley Osbourne attacks Ridge Holland and the two men are sparated.

In the arena, Sexyy Red performs "Get It Sexyy," while Booker T adlibs on commentary. Ethan Page interrupts and cancels her concert. Page says that NXT has already fallen apart since he lost his title. Page refuses to leave the ring until he gets a rematch against Trick Williams. Je'Von Evans enters, beats up Page, steals his sunglasses, and dances with Sexyy Red.

Bouncy Main Event

Randy Orton vs. Je'Von Evans

The bell rings. They stare each other down. They lock up. Orton works a headlock. Orton walks away from a dropkick. They lock up and Orton assaults the arm. Evans escapes to the outside. Evans gets back in the ring, Orton dodges an attack. Evans locks in a headlock. Orton dodges a springboard cutter.


Orton throws Evans in the corner and eats a superkick for his trouble. Evans hits a big dropkick. Orton retreats to the outside in shock. We head to commercial.

Back from commercial and Orton has Evans laid out over the Announce Table. Orton tries to Back Drop Evans onto the announce table but he lands on his feet. Evans leaps to the apron. Evans goes for a suicide dive but Orton catches him and Back Drops him onto the announce table. Orton grabs Evans and does it two more times. Orton holds up one finger and slams Evans onto the announce table one more time.

Back in the ring, Orton maintains dominance, dropping Evans repeatedly to the canvas. Evans recovers and hits a springboard crossbody. Evans drops Orton with a big kick and covers for a nearfall. Orton hits a big powerslam for a nearfall. Orton hits a Hangman DDT. Orton signals for an RKO. Evans hits a superkick. Both men are down. Evans recovers and hits a double jump springboard cutter for a nearfall. Evans goes for a corkscrew attack but Orton tries for an RKO. They screw it up so Orton hits a proper RKO for the pinfall


WINNER: Randy Orton.

After the match, Orton shows respect to Evans and raises his hand. Backstage, Ava tells Ethan Page that he has to earn his championship opportunity. Next week, Wes Lee vs. Ethan Page vs. Je'Von Evans to determine Trick Williams's opponent at Halloween Havoc.

