WWE NXT Results 9/24 - Ridge Holland Takes On Riley Osborne, The Grayson Waller Effect Returns

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on September 24, 2024, coming to you live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

Ridge Holland looks to take down another member of Chase U tonight as he goes one-on-one with Riley Osborne. Not only did Holland blindside Andre Chase with an attack at "NXT No Mercy on September 1 after the pair were dethroned as NXT Tag Team Champions by the aforementioned Frazer and Axiom, but he defeated Duke Hudson days later on September 10 before continuing to beat him down post match.


After calling out Nathan Frazer and Axiom on social media and challenging them to an NXT Tag Team Championship match on October 8, Grayson Waller and Austin Theory will be hosting the duo on "The Grayson Waller Effect" as they look for an answer. Waller hasn't competed in an "NXT" ring since the "NXT" New Year's Evil special on January 2 while Theory's last match on the brand came on July 20, 2021.

Lexis King will be going head-to-head with Oro Mensah in a rematch from the September 3 episode of "NXT". During their last encounter, King ultimately emerged victorious over Mensah in quick fashion. While on the subject of rematches, The OC will be returning to "NXT" to square off with Hank Walker and Tank Ledger for the first time since August 20 with the latter team ultimately defeating the former team.


After coming up short against Tatum Paxley and Lyra Valkyria in tag team competition last week, Rosemary and Wendy Choo look to redeem themselves tonight as they square off with Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece. Elsewhere in the women's division, Kelani Jordan will be defending the Women's North American Championship against Wren Sinclair for the first time since retaining against the aforementioned Choo at No Mercy.

On October 1, Ethan Page will be defending the NXT Championship against Trick Williams with CM Punk serving as the special guest referee, Giulia will be challenging Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship, and Wes Lee and Zach Wentz will be colliding in a Chicago Street Fight. Before the six competitors take part in their respective matches, they will all be taking part in a press conference tonight.

We are live! Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as Kelani Jordan makes her way out to the ring. No Quarter Catch Crew follows.

Kelani Jordan (c) vs. Wren Sinclair (w/ No Quarter Catch Crew) For The Women's North American Championship

The bell rings and the two lock up. Sinclair connects with a shoulder tackle on Jordan, but Jordan responds with an arm drag and whips her into the corner. Sinclair responds with a shoulder tackle and a Bulldog, then follows it up with a low crossbody and wears down Jordan's shoulder with a submission hold. Sinclair and Jordan take turns pinning one another, but Jordan dropkicks Sinclair out of the ring and flies over the top rope with a crossbody to level her.


Back from the break, Jordan holds up her NXT Women's North American Championship having won the match with a split legged moonsault during the commercial break.

Winner (and still): Kelani Jordan

We then head over to a video of Ethan Page's portion of the special "NXT" press conference.

Back from the break, Grayson Waller and Austin Theory are waiting inside the ring.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory Host Nathan Frazer and Axiom on The Grayson Waller Effect

Waller and Theory introduce Nathan Frazer and Axiom, and the latter trio make their way down to the ring.

Waller says he thinks that Axiom and Frazer would be great additions to "SmackDown" as individual competitors. Frazer assures Waller and Theory that he and Axiom are fine, but the same cannot be said for Waller and Theory. Theory and Waller oppose Axiom and Frazer's 'disrespect', and Waller says that no one wants him and Theory to breakup while everyone wants to see Frazer and Axiom breakup. He reiterates that Frazer and Axiom work better as singles competitors, and Axiom says while he and Frazer didn't plan on being a tag team, they are the grim reapers of "NXT". Frazer says in two weeks, A-Town will be sent Down six feet under.


Theory tells Frazer and Axiom to remember that there's levels to this game, and Waller says while he understands that Frazer and Axiom put on bangers, they're nothing compared to him and Theory. Frazer stares down Waller, then asks him why Theory's name isn't included in the talk show name of "The Grayson Waller Effect". Theory says it's a good idea to have his name in it again, and Waller protests him. Theory and Waller then beat down Waller and hold up the NXT Tag Team Championship.

Back from the break, Hank Walker and Tank Ledger make their way down to the ring. The OC follows.

The O.C. vs. Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

The bell rings and Walker and Luke Gallows fire off right hands on one another as Karl Anderson and Ledger do the same. Walker and Gallows brawl with each other before Ledger tags in. Walker delivers a splash in the corner, and Ledger lands a second one. Anderson tags in and delivers a stomp to Ledger's knee, then connects with an uppercut and whips Ledger into the top turnbuckle.


Luke Gallows tags in and lands a roundhouse kick on Ledger's head, but Ledger responds with a clothesline and tags in Walker. Anderson tags in and Walker runs him over with a pair of back elbows. Walker connects with a splash in the corner, then follows it up with a slam and goes for a pin. Anderson kicks out and the pair teeter on the top rope before Anderson delivers a superplex to him and sends Ledger crashing into Walker. Gallows gets Ledger up on his shoulders and Anderson runs the ropes, but Ledger trips him from the outside. Ledger and Walker then double team on Anderson for the win.

Winners: Hank Walker and Tank Ledger

We then head backstage and see a verbal confrontation between A-Town Down Under, Je'Von Evans, and Cedric Alexander.


Back at ringside, Lexis King makes his way out. Oro Mensah, Lash Legend, and Jakara Jackson follows.

Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah (w/ Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson)

The bell rings and Mensah shakes hands with King. They then lock up, and King runs over Mensah with a shoulder tackle. Mensah connects with a belly-to-belly suplex, but King responds with a chop and sends Mensah crashing out of the ring. King follows with a bodyslam and a backbreaker, but Mensah responds with an enzuigiri. King connects with another backbreaker and locks in a submission on him, but Mensah escapes and fires off chops on King. He connects with a springboard moonsault and sends King's face repeatedly bouncing off the top turnbuckle. King pins Mensah with his feet on the ropes, but Mensah kicks out. Mensah then returns the favor and pins King with his feet on the ropes for the win.


Winner: Oro Mensah

Back from the break, Riley Osborne and Thea Hail make their way down to the ring. Ridge Holland follows.

Ridge Holland vs. Riley Osborne (w/ Thea Hail)

Osborne flies over the top rope and surprises Holland. He dumps him back in the ring, then sends him crashing into the corner and the bell sounds. Holland runs over Osborne with a clothesline, then follows it up with a belly-to-belly suplex. Osborne responds with a right hand and a superkick, then dropkicks him into the middle turnbuckle and rolls him up. Holland kicks out.


Osborne lands a moonsault on Holland and rains down right hands on him, then sends him crashing through the barricade on the outside. He dumps Holland back in the ring and connects with a roundhouse kick off the top, then looks to fly off the top. Holland avoids it, then connects with a cradle DDT for the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland

After the match, Holland continues beating down Osborne and sends him crashing into the ring steps. Holland grabs the barricade, but Osborne knocks it out of his hands and the two continue to brawl.

Back from the break, we head over to a video of Oba Femi's portion of the press conference.

We then head over to a tense verbal exchange between Wes Lee and Zach Wentz ahead of a satellite interview they're supposed to give. Lee invokes Gigi Dolin's name, and Wentz becomes enraged that he named dropped his fiancée. Wentz then finds Lee behind the scenes, and the two begin brawling with one another.


Wendy Choo and Rosemary then make their way down to the ring. Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece follow.

Rosemary and Wendy Choo vs. Karmen Petrovic and Brinley Reece

Reece and Choo begin the action The bell rings and Choo whips Reece into the corner. Reece responds with an arm drag and tags in Petrovic. Petrovic connects with a kick on Choo, then levels her with a clothesline and goes for a pin. Choo kicks out and tags in Rosemary.


Rosemary and Choo look to land a double suplex on Petrovic, but Petrovic escapes and tags in Reece. Choo connects with a kick on Reece's spine from the apron as she runs the ropes after tagging in before sending Reece crashing into the mat and landing a kick on her. Rosemary tags back in and wears down Reece, then tags Choo back in. Choo and Rosemary deliver a double suplex to Reece, but Reece levels Choo with a clothesline.

Ashante "Thee" Adonis makes his way out to ringside, but Petrovic asks him what he's doing. Not having anyone to tag out to, this opens the door for Rosemary to connect with As Above, So Below on Reece for the win.

Winners: Rosemary and Wendy Choo

Je'von Evans and Cedric Alexander then make their way down to the ring. A-Town Down Under follows. 


Je'von Evans and Cedric Alexander vs. A-Town Down Under

Back from the break, the bell has rung and  Grayson Waller sends Evans crashing into the corner. Austin Theory tags in, but Evans lands a hurrcicanrana on him. Waller then tags back in, but Evans levels him with a dropkick. Waller catches Evans with a right hand and tags in Theory, but Evans rolls him up.


Theory kicks out and stomps on Evans' midsection, then wears him down with a submission and fires off a couple right hands on him in the corner. Evans whips Theory into the opposite corner, then tags in Alexander. Evans connects with a Sliced Bread on Theory, and Alexander follows it up with a kick to his face. Waller tags back in, but Alexander catches him with a Dragon Screw and sends him crashing out of the ring. Evans dumps Theory out to join Waller, then flies over the top rope to level Theory and Waller. Alexander follows suit.

Back from another break, Evans takes down Waller with a tope suicida and levels Theory on the outside by flying over the top rope. He dumps Theory back in the ring and pins him, but Waller breaks the fall. Waller then tags in as Alexander and Theory brawl with each other. Waller clocks Alexander and sends him crashing into the ring steps.


Nathan Farzer and Axiom march down to ringside, but Waller clocks both of them. He looks to land a rolling Stunner when he gets back inside the ring, but Evans sees him coming and catches Waller with a springboard kick. Evans ascends to the top, but Frazer distracts him. Axiom pulls Frazer off the apron and trips Evans in the process. This opens the door for Theory to tag in and deliver A-Town Down to Evans for the win.

Winners: A-Town Down Under

After the match, Frazer and Axiom argue with each other in the ring.

We then head over to a video of Trick Williams' portion of the special "NXT" press conference.

Roxanne Perez and Giulia Come Face-To-Face In A Press Conference

Byron Saxton introduces Roxanne Perez and Giulia, then begins taking questions from the reporters at ringside. Perez interrupts a question geared at Giulia, and Saxton tells her to let Giulia speak. Giulia responds to the question in Japanese, and Funaki translates her answer. Perez then answers a question geared towards her and reveals that she was a fan of Giulia's long before anyone else was. She continues bragging about her own abilities, and Giulia asks Perez if she's considered what happens when she beats her.


Giulia takes another question and reflects on moving to America. Stephanie Vaquer interrupts Perez and Giulia on the Titan Tron, then puts the winner of next week's NXT Women's Championship match between the pair on notice. She warns them that she's coming for the title as the show goes off the air.

