WWE Hall Of Famer Mick Foley Reflects On Relationship With Vince McMahon, Allegations

Janel Grant's lawsuit against Vince McMahon has led many to shift their stance on what they think about the former Chairman of WWE. Many people in WWE are disgusted by what Grant reportedly went through at the hands of McMahon, while others are less disgusted as some people are struggling to let go of the fact that the man who did so much for their career was capable of such heinous acts.


WWE Hall of Famer Mick Foley believes he owes a lot to McMahon for helping him in his career. During a recent Q&A session at the Northern Ireland Comic-Con, he explained that there is a good and bad side to McMahon.

"I genuinely liked him," Foley said. "My relationship was never the same with him after I left WWE and went to TNA for three years. But, to this day, I'm still trying to find an address to write to him, just to thank him, you know? For taking a chance on me. I think all of us are a combination of good traits and bad traits and you hope your good traits outweigh your bad traits, and it seems, perhaps, that Vince got it backwards there for a little while. But I've been there when he's done good things. I've seen him do good things."


As far as whether he thinks McMahon did the things listed in the lawsuit, Foley remains on the side of "innocent until proven guilty." "I don't think many of us are allowing that to mess with our memories. He was instrumental in creating some of those memories. So, I'm choosing to appreciate him until I learn more about what may have gone down," said the Hall of Famer.

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