AEW Rampage Results 9/13 - The Outcasts Take On Marti Belle & Allysin Kay, Takeshita Faces Andretti

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on September 13, 2024, coming to you from the Rupp Arena in Lexington, Kentucky!

After unsuccessfully challenging Kazuchika Okada for the AEW Continental Championship in a Four-Way Match at AEW All Out this past Saturday, Konosuke Takeshita looks to redeem himself tonight as he goes one-on-one with Action Andretti. Although the pair have previously met in a Face Of The Revolution Ladder Match on the March 1, 2023 edition of "AEW Dynamite", this will be the first time that Takeshita and Andretti have met with one another in a singles match.


As tensions between her and Jamie Hayter continue to grow, Saraya will be joining forces with Harley Cameron to go head-to-head with Marti Belle and Allysin Kay. Although Kay has competed on AEW programming on the Full Gear 2020 Buy In Show and the May 13 edition of "Rampage", this will be Belle's first time competing in an AEW ring.

Orange Cassidy, Mark Briscoe, and Kyle O'Reilly of The Conglomeration will be colliding with Dark Order's Alex Reynolds, John Silver, and Evil Uno in trios action. Cassidy is no stranger to Dark Order, having competed against the group in a handful of tag team matches over the years and even joining forces with them in a Sixteen Man Tag Team Match back in 2021.

Additionally, BEEF will be competing in his first ever AEW match as he takes on Roderick Strong following the latter and his Undisputed Kingdom stablemates Matt Taven and Matt Bennett's victory in a Three-Way Tag Team Match during the All Out Zero Hour Pre-Show. Kamille will also be returning to action for the first time since defeating Jazmyne Hao and Clara Carter in a 2-On-1 Handicap Match on the August 7 edition of "Dynamite" as she squares off with Robyn Renegade.


We are live! Excalibur, "Daddy Magic" Matt Menard, and Tony Schiavone greet audiences at home as The Conglomeration and Dark Order make their way down to the ring.

The Conglomeration vs. The Dark Order

Mark Briscoe and Alex Reynolds begin the action. The bell rings and Reynolds slaps Mark. He lands a boot on his midsection, but Mark responds with several chops of his own and tags in Orange Cassidy. Cassidy and Mark land a double suplex on Reynolds, but Reynolds lands a right hand and a boot on Cassidy. Evil Uno tags in and triple teams on Cassidy with Reynolds and John Silver, then clocks Mark and Kyle O'Reilly on the apron.


Silver (now the legal competitor) connects with a bodyslam on Cassidy before O'Reilly tags in and whips him into the corner. Cassidy tags back in and delivers a crossbody to him off the top, but Mark tags in and fires ogg strikes on his chest. O'Reilly tags in and dumps Reynolds and Uno out of the ring with Cassidy, then triple teams on Silver with the rest of The Conglomeration. Mark looks to fly off the top to the outside, but Reynolds pushes him off. O'Reilly lands a Dragon Screw on him, but Silver surprises him with a German suplex. Cassidy then connects with Stun-Dog Millionaire to him, then lands a DDT. Uno hits a right hand on Cassidy, then delivers a swinging reverse STO.

Back from the break, O'Reilly and Reynolds tag in, and o'Reilly delivers a kick to Reynolds' chest. O'Reilly and Cassidy then fire off kicks on Reynolds' chest and back before Reynolds and Silver deliver their signature offense to Cassidy. Reynolds then pins Cassidy, but O'Reilly breaks the fall. Dark Order sets up for The Pemdulum on Cassidy, but Cassidy escapes and lands a tope suicida on Reynolds on the outside.


Mark sets up a chair in the ring, then uses it as a launching pad to fly over the top and level Uno and Reynolds. O'Reilly lands a right hand on Reynolds, and Cassidy follows it up with the Orange Punch. Mark then lands the J-Driller for the win.

Winners: The Conglomeration

We then head backstage to a verbal confrontation between Matt Taven, Mike Bennett, Dustin Rhodes, and Sammu Guevara over the Ring of Honor World Tag Team Championship. The former duo challenges the latter duo to a Fight Without Honor for the titles on September 21, and Rhodes modifies the stipulation to a Bunkhouse Brawl.

Back at ringside, Kamille makes her way down to the ring. Robyn Renegade follows.

Kamille vs. Robyn Renegade

The bell rings and Kamille fires off several right hands on Robyn. She fires off stomps on her midsection in the corner, then throws her into the opposite corner and levels her. She gets Robyn on one shoulder, but Robyn escapes and fires off forearms on Kamille. Robyn runs the ropes, but Kamille catches her and cinches in a Bear Hug. She transitions into a suplex, then stomps on Robyn's spine and cinches in a second Bear Hug. Kamille then sends Robyn crashing into the ring post and dumps her back in the ring, but Robyn levels Kamille with a crossbody off the ropes and goes for a pin. Kamile kicks out and Robyn locks in a Sleeper, but Kamille sends Robyn crashing into the corner spine first to break the hold. She then delivers a powerslam to Robyn and sends her crashing into the mat with The Truth for the win.


Winner: Kamille

Back from the break, we head over to a video of Christopher Daniels answering Jack Perry's opening challenge for a TNT Championship match tomorrow night on "AEW Collision".

Back at ringside, The Undisputed Kingdom then make their way out. BEEF and Anthony Henry follow.

Roderick Strong (w/ The Undisputed Kingdom) vs. BEEF (w/ Anthony Henry)

The bell rings and the two lock up. BEEF levels Strong with a shoulder tackle, but Strong fires off right hands and chops on him. BEEF responds with several right hands of his own to Strong, then connects with a dropkick on him.


Back from the break, BEEF fires off more right hands on Strong and connects with a suplex on him. He delivers a clothesline to him in the corner, then lands a Bulldog and goes for a pin. Strong kicks out, and BEEF fires off chops and right hands on him. He ascends to the top, but Strong intercepts him with a dropkick and joins him up there. He connects with a superplex to BEEF and goes for a pin, but BEEF kicks out. Strong gets BEEF on his shoulders, but BEEF escapes and lands a splash on him. Taven and Bennett blindside Henry on the outside, but BEEF runs them both over with a clothesline. When he slides back in the ring, Strong is waiting with a jumping knee for the win.

Winner: Roderick Strong


Saraya and Harley Cameron then make their way out to the ring. Marti Belle and Allysin Kay are already waiting inside. 

Saraya and Harley Cameron vs. Marti Belle and Allysin Kay

Saraya and Belle begin the action. The bell rings and Belle fires off right hands on Saraya. Saraya stomps on her chest in the corner, and Cameron takes a few cheap shots at her from the apron as Saraya distracts the referee. Cameron then tags in and fires off a couple of shoulders on Belle's midsection. She jams her boot into Belle's throat in the corner, then whips her into the adjacent corner and does the same.


Cameron jams her knee into the back of Belle's neck, and Saraya fires off knees on her chest as Cameron distracts the referee. Saraya then tags back in and sends Belle crashing into the barricade on the outside. She dumps Belle back into the ring and tags Cameron back in. Cameron jams her boot into Belle's throat once again, then trips her with a dope toe hold.

Kay tags in and gets Cameron on one shoulder, but Saraya saves Cameron and clocks Belle in the corner. Cameron runs the ropes and Saraya makes the blind tag in. Cameron levels Kay and looks to pin her, but the referee informs her that Saraya is the legal competitor much to Cameron's disappointment. Saraya then delivers a cradle DDT to Kay for the win.


Winners: Saraya and Harley Cameron

After the match, Jamie Hayter marches down to the ring. Saraya slides to the outside, and Hayter clocks Cameron back inside.

Konosuke Takeshita and Don Callis then make their way down to the ring. Action Andretti, Lio Rush, and Leila Grey follow.

Konosuke Takeshita (w/ Don Callis) vs. Action Andretti (w/ Lio Rush and Leila Grey)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Andretti delivers a pair of arm drags to Takeshita, then follows it up with a hurricanrana and a dropkick. Takeshita sends Andretti crashing into the ring steps on the outside, then lands a pair of forearms on him and dumps him back in the ring. Takeshita lands a forearm and a chop on Andretti in the corner, then sits him on the top turnbuckle and follows him up there before sending him crashing into the mat and going for a pin. Andretti kicks out.


Back from the break, Andretti fires off right hands on Takeshita and levels him with a springboard uppercut. He follows it up with an enzuigiri that sends Takeshita crashing from the apron and to the outside, then hits a flip on him and flies over the top rope to level him.

Andretti dumps Takeshita back inside the ring and connects with a kick to his knee, then follows it uo with a chop. Takeshita catches Andretti with a German suplex and a clothesline, but Andretti catches him with a standing Shooting Star Press. He looks to land a second one, but Takeshita avoids it. Andretti dropkick Takeshita into the corner, but Takeshita catches him with a Blue Thunder Bomb as Andretti flies off the ropes. Takeshita ascends to the top, but Andretti catches him with a hurricanrana and looks to fly. Takeshita catches Andretti with a right hand, then delivers a jumping knee and a Michinoku Driver for the win.


Winner: Konosuke Takeshita

