WWE SmackDown Results 9/13 - Undisputed WWE Championship Steel Cage Match, Carmelo Hayes Faces Andrade

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE SmackDown" on September 13, 2024, coming to you live from the Climate Pledge Arena in Seattle, Washington with a commercial free first 30 minutes of the show!


Solo Sikoa will be going head-to-head with longtime rival Undisputed WWE Champion Cody Rhodes once again, but unlike the last time they met for the title at WWE SummerSlam in a Bloodline Rules match, this time it will be in a Steel Cage. The issues between Rhodes and The Bloodline have been well documented over the course of the last few months, with the two parties coming face-to-face in several verbal and physical altercations.

Grayson Waller and Austin Theory will be returning to tag team competition tonight as they square off with Kevin Owens and a partner whose identity has yet to be revealed. Waller, Theory, and Owens have become no strangers to each other over the past few weeks, colliding with one another last week in a Triple Threat Match, with "The Prizefighter" ultimately being the one to score the win.


Carmelo Hayes and Andrade have previously met one another in the ring on "SmackDown" on four separate occasions dating back to July 19, with the latter emerging victorious in their first two matches and the former winning their two latest matches. Tonight, the two men will square off with one another once again as they look to break the tie.

We are live! Michael Cole and Corey Graves greet audiences at home as Triple H makes his way down to the ring.

We Hear From Triple H

Triple H says it seems like it was just yesterday he was standing in the ring on the first ever episode of "SmackDown" going one-on-one with The Rock. He says 25 years later, there's no better place to be than Seattle to start off the premiere edition of the show on the USA Network than with a Steel Cage Match.


Solo Sikoa then makes his way down to the ring. Cody Rhodes follows. 

Cody Rhodes (c) vs. Solo Sikoa for the Undisputed WWE Championship in a Steel Cage Match

The bell rings and Rhodes lands an open palm strike on Sikoa. Sikoa looks to send Rhodes crashing into the side of the cage, but Rhodes blocks him. Sikoa then whips Rhodes into the corner, then connects with a back elbow on him. Rhodes catches him with a Bulldog and sends him crashing face first into all four sides of the cage, but Sikoa responds by sending Rhodes crashing into one of them spine first.


Sikoa connects with a splash on Rhodes that sends him crashing into the cage, then follows it up with a Hip Attack and drapes Rhodes from the top turnbuckle by his knees. He lands a diving headbutt on him, but Rhodes ascends up the cage. Sikoa pulls him off it and sends him crashing into the mat, then lands a running knee on him and sends him colliding with the side of the cage. He sends him bouncing off another side, but Rhodes looks to connect with a Disaster Kick. Sikoa catches him and powerbombs him into the side of the cage.

Sikoa looks to land another powerbomb on Rhodes, but Rhodes lands on the top rope and connects with a Cody Cutter. He goes for a pin, but Sikoa kicks out. Sikoa then ascends up the cage, but Rhodes meets him on the top of the cage. Rhodes sends Sikoa's face bouncing off it, but Sikoa brings him back down to the mat with a superplex. Sikoa follows it up with a pair of Spinning Solos and goes for a pin, but Rhodes kicks out at two.


Sikoa sets up for the Samoan Spike on Rhodes, but Rhodes escapes and hits a Disaster Kick on Sikoa. He follows it up with a Cody Cutter and goes for a pin, but Sikoa kicks out. Sikoa then delivers a Hip Attack to Rhodes in the corner and follows it up with a Samoan Drop, then ascends to the top and holds up the One symbol before delivering a splash. He goes for a pin, but Rhodes kicks out.

Sikoa lands another Hip Attack on Rhodes, but Rhodes opens the door to the cage. Sikoa drags him back in before he can escape, but Rhodes surprises him with a Cross-Rhodes and goes for a pin. Sikoa kicks out, and Rhodes climbs up the cage. He considers escaping, but opts to land a crossbody off it instead to level Sikoa in the ring. He pins him again, but Sikoa kicks out.

Rhodes looks to exit the cage through the door, but Sikoa closes it in his face to prevent him from leaving. He looks to land a Samoan Spike, but Rhodes intercepts him with a Cross-Rhodes for the win.

Winner (and still): Cody Rhodes

After the match, Tama Tonga, Tanga Loa, and Jacob Fatu scale the cage. A distracted Rhodes doesn't see Sikoa coming with a Samoan Spike, and Tonga, Loa, and Fatu continue beating down Rhodes. Fatu lands a moonsault off the top rope, and Sikoa orders him to go on top of the cage. Fatu does so, but before he can fly, Roman Reigns' music hits and he makes his way out. He enters the cage through the door, then fires off right hands on Loa and sends Tonga crashing into the side of the cage. He does the same to Loa, but Sikoa blindsides him from behind. Reigns catches Sikoa with a Superman Punch, and Rhodes catches Loa with a Cross-Rhodes. Reigns intercepts Tonga with a spear, then takes note of Rhodes in the corner.


Back from the break, we head backstage to Nick Aldis and Cathy Kelley. Aldis says Rhodes, Reigns, and The Bloodline have all been sequestered, then reveals Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu have a challenge to a match he's waiting to receive more context on.

Back at ringside, Piper Niven, Chelsea Green, and Michin are all waiting inside.

Piper Niven (w/ Chelsea Green) vs. Michin

The bell rings and Michin fires off right hands on Niven. Niven sends her crashing into the mat, but Michin dumps Niven out of the ring and levels her with a tope suicida. Green gets in Michin's face, but Michin levels her with a kick to her head and grabs a kendo stick from under the ring. She hits Green with it across her spine, but Niven takes Michin down with a cannonball off the apron and dumps her back in the ring.


Niven ascends to the top rope, but Michin meets her up there and delivers a back suplex off the bottom rope. She follows it up with Eat Defeat for the win.

Winner: Michin

After the match, Green attacks Michin and Niven lands a senton on her. Green dumps a garbage can into the ring, then delivers the Unprettier to her on top of the can.

Back from the break, A-Town Down Under makes their way down to the ring. Kevin Owens and his mystery tag team partner, Ricky, follow after Owens announced his first partner of choice couldn't make it due to travel issues. Owens is then informed that his original partner did make it, and Owens delivers a Stunner to Ricky before Randy Orton makes his way out.

A-Town Down Under vs. Randy Orton and Kevin Owens

Owens and Grayson Waller The bell rings and Owens fires off right hands on Waller. He charges at him, but Austin Theory pulls Waller out of the ring. Orton levels Theory on the outside, and Owens sends Waller's face bouncing off the announce desk. He dumps him back in the ring and looks to join him, then clocks Theory when he tries to prevent him from doing so. Waller surprises Owens with a clothesline and delivers a back suplex to him on the announce desk.


Back from the break, Owens lands an Atomic Drop on Waller and runs him over with a clothesline. Theory tags in and clocks Owens from behind before the pair teeter on the ropes. Owens fires off headbutts on Theory and sends him crashing off the ropes with one, then delivers a Swanton Bomb and looks to tag in Orton.

Waller pulls Orton off the apron before Owens can make the tag, then tags into the match himself and hits a double suplex on Owens with Theory. Waller rocks Owens with a jumping knee, but Owens sends his face bouncing off the announce desk on the outside.

Orton tags in and levels Waller with a pair of clotheslines, then follows it up with a scoop powerslam and lands one on an interfering Theory. He then sets up for a hanging DDT on Waller, but Theory saves Waller. Orton levels him with a right hand and hits an uppercut on Waller, then sends both Theory and Waller crashing into the announce desk spine first. He dumps Waller back in the ring and delivers a hanging DDT to him as Owens does the same to Theory. Orton follows it up with an RKO to Waller for the win as Owens connects with a Stunner on Theory.


Winners: Randy Orton and Kevin Owens

We then head backstage to Cathy Kelley, where Nick Aldis announces that Cody Rhodes and Roman Reigns will be taking on Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu in a tag team match at WWE Bad Blood granted Rhodes and Reigns both agree. Rhodes approaches Aldis and informs him that he will not be competing in the match as he is now done with The Bloodline.

Nia Jax then makes her way down to the ring. 

We Hear From Nia Jax

Jax says since returning to WWE a year ago, every woman in the locker room has realized why she's called "The Irrestible Force". She says she won the 2024 Queen Of The Ring Tournament and the WWE Women's Championship with ease, then says that every woman in the locker room fears her. She says Nick Aldis informed her that she would be defending the WWE Women's Championship at Bad Blood, and she doesn't care who her opponent is because she will annihilate them.


Bayley's music hits and she makes her way out. She gives Jax credit for having the greatest year of her carrer this past year, but she never set the bar that high for herself. She says she's glad Jax is feeling confident because she wants her WWE Women's Championship rematch. Jax says Bayley is in no position to demand things of her, and says it's not like last year when she was running behind Damage CTRL. She says she doesn't need a posse to run the women's division, and Bayley questions what her partnership with Tiffany Stratton is. She says she won the WWE Women's Championship without Damage CTRL while Jax didn't without Stratton.

Stratton's music hits and she makes her way out. She says that Jax doesn't buy what Bayley is trying to sell, then says like every other woman in the locker room, she's jealous that she isn't Women's Money In The Bank holder. Bayley reminds Stratton that she beat her last week, and Stratton says she only lost because Jax got involved. Jax stares down Stratton, but refocuses and says she doesn't


Naomi's music hits and she makes her way down. She says if Jax and Stratton want a fight, she's ready for one. She says that she won't let Stratton and Jax verbally go after Bayley, then demands a WWE Women's Championship match. Jax suggests that Bayley and Naomi square off with Stratton and her in a tag team match next week, with whoever gets the pin on the winning team winning a shot at her WWE Women's Championship at Bad Blood and whoever gets pinned leaving "SmackDown" permanently.

Back from the break, Carmelo Hayes makes his way down to the ring. Andrade follows.

Carmelo Hayes vs. Andrade

Hayes clocks Andrade from behind and fires off stomps on him. He rains down right hands before the bell rings and the action spills out of the ring. Andrade delivers a moonsault to Hayes off the ropes, but Hayes responds with a chop to him. Andrade levels Hayes with a clothesline, then climbs on the barricade near the timekeeper's area. Hayes joins him, but Andrade takes him down with a Spanish Fly.


Back from the break, Andrade runs over Hayes with a back elbow and goes for a pin. Hayes kicks out and Andrade looks to land a moonsault on him off the ropes. Hayes moves out of the way, but Andrade immediately transitions into a second moonsault. Hayes then sends Andrade crashing into the mat face first and ascends to the top, then looks to hit Nothing But Net. Andrade avoids it and delivers a Canadian Destroyer to Hayes.

Andrade lands a meteora on Hayes in the corner, then goes for a pin but Hayes grabs the bottom rope to break the fall. Hayes then sits Andrade on the top rope and joins him up there, but Andrade pushes him off. Hayes connects with an enzuigiri on Andrade, but Andrade responds with The Message for the win.


Winner: Andrade

After the match, LA Knight makes his way out and congratulates Andrade on his win. He says that Nick Aldis has declared him as the next Number One Contender for the United States Championship, but expresses his confidence in retaining the United States Championship in their match next week.

Back at ringside, Roman Reigns makes his way down. Nick Aldis is already waiting inside.

We Hear From Roman Reigns

Aldis tells Reigns that he knows it's been a chaotic night and he knows that he has a long history with Reigns, but Reigns cuts him off by extending his hand for Aldis to hand him the contract he has and the mic. Aldis does so, and Reigns says while some things change, he doesn't. He says he doesn't need Aldis or a contract as his business with The Bloodline is family business. He says he doesn't need a tag team partner or Cody Rhodes, then says whether he has the lei or not, he's the "Tribal Chief". He says he's not just the original "Tribal Chief", but also the only "Tribal Chief". He says the ring is his and so is WWE.


Rhodes' music hits and he makes his way down. He says WWE was Reigns', but it hasn't been since WrestleMania 40 when he dethroned him as Undisputed WWE Champion. He stares down Reigns, but Solo Sikoa's music hits and he makes his way out with Solo Sikoa and Jacob Fatu. Tama Tonga and Tanga Loa blindside Reigns and Rhodes, but Rhodes catches Loa with a Cody Cutter and Reigns sends Tonga crashing into the mat. Reigns then picks up the contract and signs it as Rhodes places his Undisputed WWE Championship down in the ring and stares down Rhodes. Rhodes then extends his hand for Reigns to hand him the contract, and Reigns does so. Rhodes signs it much to the irritation of Reigns as the show goes off the air.

