WWE NXT Results 9/10 - Four Championships On The Line, Last Man Standing Match & More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on September 10, 2024, coming to you live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

After coming up short to Jey Uso in a Fatal Four-Way Number One Contenders Match for the Intercontinental Championship on last night's edition of "Raw", Pete Dunne has another chance to secure a championship match tonight as he squares off with Trick Williams and Pete Dunne in a Last Man Standing Number One Contenders Match for the NXT Championship. Williams and Dunne went head-to-head with one another in singles action last week, but were both ultimately counted out of the match after they both crashed through the announce desk.


Axiom and Nathan Frazer will be putting the NXT Tag Team Championship on the line for the first time since becoming new titleholders at "NXT" No Mercy earlier this month as they defend against The Street Profits. Although Zachary Wentz and Trey Miguel were originally slated to challenge Axiom and Frazer when they defeated Gallus and Hank Walker and Tank Ledger during last week's edition of "NXT" in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders Match, "NXT" General Manager Ava announced that Montez Ford and Angelo Dawkins would instead be receiving the title shot on her X page following "somewhat conspicuous circumstances".

Two other titles will be on the line, as Jordynne Grace puts the TNA Knockouts World Championship on the line in an Open Challenge. Grace last defended her title on TNA iMPACT! this past Thursday when she successfully retained against Karmen Petrovic, and last competed on "NXT" programming when she unsuccessfully challenged Roxanne Perez for the NXT Women's Championship at "NXT" Battleground back in June.


Je'Von Evans will be challenging Charlie Dempsey of No Quarter Catch Crew for the NXT Heritage Cup in what will be Dempsey's first defense since becoming the titleholder on the August 13 edition of "NXT". Wren Sinclair accepted Evans' request for a title match on Dempsey's behalf during last week's edition of "NXT".

Giulia will be going one-on-one with Chelsea Green as the former competes in her first ever match in WWE. The two women came face-to-face last week after Green confronted the aforementioned Perez last week while she was addressing the "NXT" Universe in search of her next challenger. With Giulia following Green soon after, the three found themselves involved in a verbal altercation that ultimately turned physical.

Additionally, Ridge Holland will be taking on Duke Hudson as the latter looks to seek his retribution for Holland's attack on Andre Chase after they lost the NXT Tag Team Championship at No Mercy.

We are live! Vic Joseph and Booker T greet audiences at home as The Street Profits make their way down to the ring. Axiom and Nathan Frazer follow.

Axiom and Nathan Frazer (c) vs. The Street Profits for the NXT Tag Team Championship

Montez Ford and Axiom begin the action. The bell rings and the two lock up. Ford connects with a shoulder tackle on Axiom, then connects with a trio of mat returns and cinches in a side headlock on him. Axiom responds with a dropkick, but Angelo Dawkins and Frazer tags in and Dawkins lands a shoulder tackle. Frazer sends Dawkins crashing out of the ring, then looks to fly. Dawkins intercepts him with a right hand, but Frazer sends him crashing into the middle turnbuckle face first.


Axiom tags in and goes back and forth with Dawkins, but Axiom tags in Frazer. Frazer wears down Dawkins, then tags in Axiom. Axiom cinches in a sleeper on him, but Dawkins escapes and connects with a Fallaway Slam. Frazer and Ford tag in, and Ford levels Frazer with a pair of clotheslines. Frazer intercepts Ford with a boot, but Ford catches Frazer with a uranage and follows it up with a standing moonsault. He goes for a pin, but Frazer kicks out.

Dawkins and Axiom tag in, and The Profits double team on Axiom. Ford tags back in and Axiom ascends to the top, then hits a crossbody. Frazer, having tagged in, then connects with a 450 Splash and goes for a pin, but Ford kicks out. Axiom tags in and double teams on Ford with Frazer, but Dawkins tags in. Axiom catches him with a Spanish Fly off the top, but Dawkins gets Frazer in an Electric Chair position. Ford tags in and ascends to the top, then lands a blockbuster and goes for a pin. Tama Tonga breaks the fall, forcing the disqualification.


Winners (and still): Axiom and Nathan Frazer (double disqualification as the result of outside interference)

After the match, Tanga Loa and Jacob Fatu join Tonga to beat down The Profits, Axiom, and Frazer. Fatu ascends to the top and flies to level Dawkins.

Giulia then makes her way down to the ring. Chelsea Green follows.

Giulia vs. Chelsea Green

The bell rings and Green slaps Giulia. Giulia responds with a headbutt, then sends her crashing into the corner and dumps her across the ring. Giulia then follows it up with a splash to Green and hits a dropkick off the top rope, but Green sends Giulia's head bouncing off her knee. Giulia responds with a forearm and wears Green down with a submission, then drapes Green through the middle rope and delivers a knee to her head.


Green locks in a sleeper on Giulia, but Giulia gets her in an electric chair position. Green escapes and delivers a German suplex, then sends Giulia crashing into the mat with a flatliner and goes for a pin. Giulia kicks out and fires off strikes on Green, then follows it up with a Shining Wizard and a back suplex. She then delivers a hanging neckbreaker to Green off the apron and dumps her back in the ring, but Green rolls out of the other side and sends Giulia crashing over the announce desk.

Green dumps Giulia back in the ring and ascends to the top, but Giulia moves out of the way and sends Green crashing into the mat. She rocks her with a running knee and sends her crashing into the mat with the Glorious Driver for the win.


Winner: Giulia

Je'Von Evans and Cedric Alexander then make their way down to the ring. No Quarter Catch Crew follows.

Charlie Dempsey (w/ No Quarter Catch Crew) (c) vs. Je'Von Evans (w/ Cedric Alexander) for the NXT Heritage Cup

Round one kicks off, and the pair lock up. Dempsey wears Evans' arm down with a submission hold, but Evans returns the favor and wears Dempsey's arm down with a pair of submissions of his own. Dempsey lock in another submission on EVans, and the pair go back and forth. Evans lands a hurricanrana on Dempsey as the round comes to a close.


Round One: Dempsey 0-0 Evans

Round two begins, and Dempsey and Evans take turns pinning one another. Evans looks to roll up Dempsey, but Dempsey blocks it before Evans sends Dempsey crashing into the corner. Dempsey responds with a Half Nelson suplex and transitions into a pinfall to score the first point.

Round Two: Dempsey 1-0 Evans

Back from the break, round three has come to a close and Evans has scored a point.

Round Three: Dempsey 1-1 Evans

Evans connects with a suplex on Dempsey, but Dempsey responds with one of his own and locks in a submission on Evans as round four comes to an end. Dempsey keeps the hold locked in for a few more seconds after the clock has run out, but Alexanders pulls him off and Myles Borne gets in his face.


Round Four: Dempsey 1-1 Evans

Round five kicks off, and Evans looks to connect with a springboard crossbody. Dempsey intercepts him with an uppercut mid-air, but Evans rolls him up. Dempsey kicks out and Evans delivers a spinning roundhouse kick to level him, then delivers a clothesline off the top and goes for a pin. Borne puts Dempsey's foot on the bottom rope to break the fall, but the referee catches him and Alexander flies over the top. The pair brawl to the back as Evans flies over the top to level Dempsey on the outside and dumps him back in the ring. Tavion Heights surprises Evans with a belly-to-belly suplex as he looks to get back in the ring, and Dempsey pins Evans for the win.

Round Five: Dempsey 2-1 Evans

Winner (and still): Charlie Dempsey

We then head over to an unsettling video of Rosemary and Wendy Choo playing with a dollhouse and some dolls.

Back from the break, Oba Femi is waiting inside the ring. His mystery opponent chosen for him by Tony D'Angelo, Hammerstone, follows.

Oba Femi (c) vs. Hammerstone for the North American Championship

The bell rings and the two stare each other down. They then lock up, but Hammerstone sends Femi crashing into the mat as we see The Family watching the action from backstage. Hammerstone ascends to the top, then connects with a missile dropkick on Femi and clotheslines him out of the ring. He follows him up out there, but Femi levels him on the apron and slides back in the ring to join him.


Femi clotheslines Hammerstone from behind, then fires off stomps on his spine and connects with a pair of elbow drops, then follows it up with a Fallaway Slam and a running uppercut in the corner. Hammerstone gets Femi up on his shoulders, but Femi escapes and sends Hammerstone crashing into the mat with a Military Press. He goes for a pin, but Hammerstone kicks out. Femi then looks to land a stomp on Hammerstone, but Hammerstone catches it.

Femi rocks Hammerstone with a headbutt, then charges at him. Hammerstone moves out of the way and sends Femi crashing into the ring post, then fires off forearm strikes and chops on him. He levels Femi and hits a pair of belly-to-belly suplexes on him, then follows it up with a chokeslam and goes for a pin but Femi kicks out. Femi sends Hammerstone crashing into the mat face first, then delivers a slam and a powerbomb for the win.


Winner (and still): Oba Femi

Ridge Holland then makes his way down to the ring. Chase U follows.

Ridge Holland vs. Duke Hudson (w/ Thea Hail and Riley Osborne)

The bell rings and the pair waste no time going after one another. Holland fires off uppercuts and right hands on Hudson in the corner, but Hudson runs him over with a boot and sends him crashing out of the ring. He follows him out there and sends Holland's face bouncing off the announce desk, then clears it. Holland blindsides Hudson from behind, but Hudson sends him crashing into the ring steps and lands a shoulder on his midsection through the middle rope.


Hudson delivers a German suplex to Holland over the top and from the apron, then dumps him back in the ring. Holland slides out of the adjacent side, and Hudson considers using his MVP trophy to hit Holland. He decides against it after some convincing from Hail, but Holland sends Hudson crashing into Osborne on the outside.

Osborne is helped to the back by an official as Holland lands a clothesline and a series of elbow drops. He follows it up with a belly-to-belly suplex, then hits a slam but Hudson rolls him up. Holland kicks out and connects with an elbow on Holland, but Holland catches him with a crossbody and a delayed vertical powerslam, then follows it up with the Redeemer for the win.

Winner: Ridge Holland


After the match, Holland continues beating down Hudson as Hail pleads with him not to. Holland sends Hudson crashing through one of the barricades, then uses it to hit Holland with and sends him crashing on top of it with a second Redeemer. Medical officials then check on Holland with a stretcher in hand.

Back from the break, Wes Lee takes Vic Joseph's headset and tells Zachary Wentz that he's responsible for taking out Trey Miguel. He challenges Wentz to a rematch in a Street Fight at the upcoming "NXT" Chicago show on October 1.

Jordynne Grace then makes her way out to the ring. Sol Ruca follows, answering her open call.

Jordynne Grace (c) vs. Sol Ruca for the TNA Knockouts World Championship

The bell rings and Grace levels Ruca with a shoulder tackle. She lands a splash in the corner, then whips her into it and follows it up with a spinebuster. She floats over into a pin, but Ruca kicks out and sends her crashing out of the ring. Ruca then delivers a moonsault off the ropes to level Grace and dumps her back in the ring, then connects with a splash and goes for a pin. Grace kicks out.


Back from the break, we see Wendy Choo with a sleeper locked in on Grace as Rosemary eerily laughs.

Winner (and still): Jordynne Grace (double disqualification as the result of outside interference)

We then head over to Ava's office, where Ava congratulates Giulia on her win as Funaki stands by. Roxanne Perez interrupts and begins running her mouth about Giulia jumping the line to get a shot at the NXT Women's Championship, and Giulia tells Perez that she's doing this because she's scared.

We then head over and see Brooks Jensen inquire with Dion Lennox about what exactly gaslighting is. Shawn Spears interrupts and assures Jensen that Lennox isn't being forthcoming with him.

Pete Dunne then makes his way down to the ring. Trick Williams follows.


Trick Williams vs. Pete Dunne in a Last Man Standing Number One Contenders Match for the NXT Championship

The bell rings and the pair waste no time firing off right hands on one another. Williams runs over Dunne with a clothesline, but Dunne sends Williams crashing out of the ring and flies over the top rope to level him. He hits a right hands on him and sends him crashing into the ring steps shoulder first, but Williams responds with several chops of his own and looks to land a piledriver on Dunne on the ring apron. Dunne counters into a back body drop.


Back from the break, Williams connects with a pair of leg lariats on Dunne. He follows it up with a flapjack and kips up, but Dunne grabs a chair and stomps on Williams's fingers on top of the chair. Williams hits Dunne's midsection with the chair, then delivers a neckbreaker to him on top of it. The referee beats a ten count, but Dunne makes it to his feet before he can finish it.

Dunne fires off stomps on Williams's chest, then sets up the chair between the middle and top turnbuckles and sends Williams crashing into it face first. The referee begins a ten count, but Williams beats it. Dunne then sends Williams crashing into the ring steps on the outside and lands a boot on his head before the referee begins another ten count. As Williams makes it up to his feet, Dunne exposes the concrete and sends Williams crashing on top of it with a DDT. The referee begins another ten count, but Williams makes it to his feet before he can complete it.


Dunne lands a boot on Williams' face back in the ring and fires off stomps on his head, and the referee starts about ten count. Williams beats it and lands a pop-up right hand on Dunne. He sets up for the Trick Shot, but Dunne sees him coming and sends Williams colliding into the corner. He then sends Williams crashing into the mat and grabs the chair before looking to hit Williams with it. Williams sees Dunne coming and levels him with a spinning pump kick using the chair. The referee begins a ten count, and Dunne beats it. Williams then catches Dunne with the Trick Shot, and the referee starts another ten count.

Dunne powers back up to his feet, and Williams clears the announce desk. Dunne powerbombs Williams on top of the part with the "NXT" logo that Williams had placed in the corner. The referee counts to ten, but Williams makes it back up to his feet. Dunne then dumps Williams into the crowd and drags him up onto the platform talent occasionally watch the in-ring action from. He pulls down one of the barriers, then looks to send Williams crashing through a table beneath it. Williams blocks it, but the two are then sent crashing through the table when Dunne lands a Russian Leg Sweep on Williams. Ethan Page appears at ringside to cheer Dunne on as the referee begins a ten count. Williams makes his way up to his feet at the count of nine and sends Page crashing through the announce desk with a back body drop to become the new Number One Contender.


Winner (and new Number One Contender): Trick Williams

We then head backstage to Ava's office, where Ava informs Stevie Turner and Mr. Stone that CM Punk will be appearing on next week's show to make a special announcement about the upcoming "NXT" Chicago show on October 1.

