AEW Rampage Results 9/6 - All Out Go-Home Show, MxM Collection Vs. House Of Black, More

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "AEW Rampage" on September 6, 2024, coming to you from the NOW Arena in Chicago, Illinois!

We don't know a whole lot about this episode going in, but we do know that it's the last bit of AEW programming before All Out 2024, and that The House of Black will be taking on upstart newcomer tag team MxM Collection!


The "Rampage" broadcast begins with the continuation of the main event from "AEW Collision" between The Elite and the Blackpool Combat Club!

BCC vs. The Elite, Queen Aminata squash match

Jack Perry dropkicks Bryan Danielson, kips up, and poses, but Wheeler Yuta fires off strikes and drives him into his corner, where Kazuchika Okada tags in. Okada squares off with Yuta and hits him with a dropkick. Yuta dodges the Rainmaker but gets hit with double superkicks from The Young Bucks, then a Tombstone Piledriver from Okada. The BCC break up the pin and the competitors take turns doing over-the-top-rope dives before Okada teases one and then stops. PAC then drops Okada and hits a twisting moonsault over the top to the outside. PAC with a springboard 450 Splash on Okada for two. The fans chant "this is awesome!"


PAC drives Okada's face into the top turnbuckle, then hits a big kick to the face in the corner. PAC with more kicks including one to the head. PAC chops Okada in the corner and hits another kick, then tags in Danielson, who drags Okada out of the corner and hits an uppercut. They then begin to trade uppercuts. Danielson eventually wins the exchange and tag PAC back in. PAC drives his foot into Okada's neck in the corner. Claudio Castagnoli tags in, hits Okada in the corner, then tags Yuta, who grabs Okada's arms and allows him to be dropkicked by Danielson after he tags in. Danielson goes for a surfboard stretch before stomping on Okada's calves.

PAC tags in and sets up Okada in the corner. PAC hits a running European uppercut, but Okada kicks out at two. PAC delivering stomps to Okada as we go to break!


Back from break as Perry and The Elite break up a pin and rock PAC's world. Castagnoli tags in, Okada gets him in a Tombstone position but Claudio reverses and gets into Tombstone position himself, with two of his teammates hitting simultaneous Tombstones on the Bucks. Okada reverses a Claudio powerbomb attempt into a back body drop and tags in Matt Jackson, who jumps at Castagnoli but gets caught and dropped by Yuta for a two count.

Claudio and Yuta set up another tag team move but Perry breaks it up, then gets run out of the match and apparently out of the arena by Danielson. Matt hits a superplex on Yuta, then the Bucks hit the EVP Trigger on Yuta, but PAC breaks up the pin. Okada hits a DDT on PAC on the outside. The Bucks set up for the Tony Khan Driver, but Claudio catches Matt as he jumps off the top rope and gets into into the Giant Swing! Claudio spinning, spinning, still spinning, until Yuta hits a dropkick and picks Matt for the win!

 Winners: Bryan Danielson, Claudio Castagnoli, Wheeler Yuta, and PAC

Backstage with Lexi Nair, The Outrunners are excited after their first televised win! The Outrunners reference a recent report about their merchandise doing well, but they're jumped by Jon Moxley and Marina Shafir and beaten down.


Queen Aminata comes out for a squash match and drops her opponent immediately, suplexing her again seemingly for fun. Aminata with a German suplex and she looks bored. Her opponent fires back with punches and chops. She comes off the ropes but Aminata hits a double chest slap before delivering the Brain Drain headbutt for the win.

Winner: Queen Aminata

Commentary says they have word from Tony Khan that Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, and Hologram will take on The Dark Order tonight in Hologram's "Rampage" debut. We go to a break.

Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, and Hologram vs. The Dark Order

A video package airs hyping the MJF vs. Daniel Garcia match for All Out on Saturday and running down the history of their feud.

Rhodes, Guevara, and Hologram make their way to the ring, followed by The Dark Order. Evil Uno starts with Hologram, who goes for a handshake, but Uno kicks him instead. Hologram slides out of Uno's grasp, bounces around on the ropes, poses, and hits an enzuguiri. Uno bails from the ring while Hologram shows off, allowing Alex Reynolds to take advantage, but Guevara tags in. They do a double team move that ends with a Hologram DDT on Reynolds, followed by a spinning enzuguiri from Guevara. The babyfaces then do a complicated flippy posedown in the ring.


The heels immediately attack and take over as we go to commercial.

Back from break, Guevara counters a couple Dark Order moves and tags in Rhodes, who drops to a knee and uppercuts Reynolds. Rhodes comes off the ropes with a kick and then a bulldog, followed by powerslams to all three members of Dark Order. Rhodes tags in Hologram an Guevara also comes in, they all punch the Dark Order guys, who scream and escape. Then Silver and Reynolds hit a double team move on Hologram. They try to get another one but Hologram fights out and elevates Guevara into the air for a double dropkick. Hologram and Guevara do stereo moonsaults on Uno and Silver, Rhodes hits the Canadian Destroyer on Reynolds in the ring, and Hologram hits the 450 Splash for the win.


Winners: Dustin Rhodes, Sammy Guevara, and Hologram

Backstage, the Bang Bang Gang cut a promo. Juice Robinson says they have to string wins together. Austin Gunn says there's a problem they need to address, which is that he still doesn't have a nickname. Cage of Agony show up and call him "Ass Boy," then a "nepo baby," then a former AEW Trios Champion. Colten says that's tough talk coming from the guys they beat for the ROH Six-Man titles. They posture at each other to set up a future match as we go to break.

MxM Collection vs. House of Black

Backstage, Lexy Nair announces a trios three-way on All Out Zero Hour. She's joined by Top Flight and Action Andretti and Shane Taylor Promotions, who have The Beast Mortos on their side for some reason. The third team is Roderick Strong and The Kingdom, who show up to talk trash and tell Mortos he should be hanging with them instead. Top Flight promise to win the match and walk away, leaving Mortos to growl in (presumed) frustration.


Buddy Matthews and Brody King come out to the ring, they will be honoring The House of Black tonight. MxM Collection come out, followed by some extras who appear to be here to judge the "Friday night fashion fight." The bell rings and Matthews and Mansoor start off. They counter each other for a little bit and Mansoor poses for the "judges." Matthews hits a back elbow and keeps Mansoor from bouncing around him to escape, then corners him. Mansoor begs off, Matthews poses; the judges give him low scores. Matthews catches a Mansoor kick and flapjacks him over. Mansoor escapes to his corner and tags in Mason Madden, who emphasizes that he's bigger than Matthews. That provokes Matthews into tagging in King. Mansoor then tags himself back in, gets in King's face, and chops his chest to no effect. Mansoor turns around, celebrates, and turns back around to take another chop. Mansoor asks for a judge ruling and they score him low, so he gets in their faces. King hits a running crossbody, driving Mansoor into the judges. Matthews follows up with a running knee strike to Madden and the House is definitely winning as we go to break.


MxM have taken control as we come back from commercial, but Matthews uses Mansoor as a springboard to kick Madden. He almost makes it to his corner but Madden pulls King off the apron. Mansoor with a roll up for a two count, then hits an enzuguiri. Matthews his a desperation knee and tags King. Mansoor tags Madden, and the big men collide as the crowd chants "meat." Madden and King exchange strikes, including punches, kicks, and knees. King hits a rolling elbow, then gets Madden on his shoulders, but Mansoor breaks it up. King drops Mansoor but Madden grabs his throat and headbutts him. Madden runs and King in the corner but King turns it into a suplex, then a cannonball for a two count.

King goes to tag Matthews but Mansoor drags him off the apron. King goes over the ropes, grabbing at Mansoor, who hits him with a chair while the ref's back is turned. Madden delivers a chokeslam but only gets two. Madden and Mansoor go for a double team move but King gets out of it and tags Matthews, who hits a top rope meteora on King and a knee lift on Mansoor, followed by a rising knee strike. Matthews sets up Mansoor in the corner but Madden attacks from behind. Matthews counters and drives Madden into Mansoor's "family jewels," and now King is back and levels Madden before hitting him with a suicide dive to the outside. This allows Matthews to hit his finisher on Mansoor and get the win.


Winners: The House of Black

Will Ospreay cuts a promo backstage after the main event. Ospreay runs down the history between himself and PAC before their match for the International title at All Out. Ospreay says he's been chasing PAC his entire career without even realizing he's actually lapped PAC. Ospreay says nobody has forgotten about PAC, but maybe they've lost faith in him. If he wants to change that, All Out is in 24 hours.

Commentary runs down the All Out 2024 card as "Rampage" goes off the air!

