WWE NXT Results 9/3 - Triple Threat NXT Tag Team Title #1 Contenders Match, Trick Williams Faces Pete Dunne

Welcome to Wrestling Inc.'s results for "WWE NXT" on September 3, 2024, coming to you live from the WWE Performance Center in Orlando, Florida!

After dethroning Andre Chase and Ridge Holland to regain the new NXT Tag Team Championship at "NXT" No Mercy, Axiom and Nathan Frazer's first challengers will be revealed tonight as Trey Miguel and Zachary Wentz collide with Mark Coffey and Wolfgang of Gallus and Hank Walker and Tank Ledger. During the Premium Live Event this past Sunday, all three teams made it known that they wanted a shot at the NXT Tag Team Championship, with both Gallus and Ledger and Walker calling their shot on their X accounts and The Rascalz on the show itself.


Trick Williams and Pete Dunne look to settle their differences once and for all tonight as they battle one another in the ring. The issues between Williams and Dunne have been no secret over the course of the past few weeks, culminating in Denver, Colorado when Dunne landed a Bitter End on Williams after he had served as special guest referee during the NXT Championship match between Ethan Page and TNA Wrestling's Joe Hendry.

Additionally, Lexis King will be going one-on-one with Oro Mensah of Meta-Four. The two men found themselves face-to-face in a verbal confrontation with each other backstage during last Tuesday's edition of "NXT" which ultimately resulted in a physical altercation.

We are live! The show kicks off with a video recapping the events of No Mercy this past Sunday.


Vic Joseph and Booker T then greet audiences at home as Trick Williams makes his way down to the ring. 

Trick Williams and Ethan Page Come Face-To-Face

Williams tells Pete Dunne ahead of their match later tonight that while he stared things, he's going to finish it now.

Ethan Page's music hits and he makes his way down to the ring. He brag about retaining the NXT Championship and forcing Williams to raise his hand on Sunday. He says the titleholder traditionally opens the show, but Williams tells him that while he called the match down the middle, he's not done with Page yet. Page takes objection with Williams calling the NXT Championship his, then addresses his upcoming defense in when "NXT" makes its debut on The CW. Pete Dunne then appears out of nowhere and looks to blindside Williams with an attack, but Williams sees him coming and the pair begin to brawl.


We then head backstage and see a verbal confrontation between Jaida Parker and Jazmyn Nyx.

Back at ringside, The Rascalz make their way out. Gallus, Tank Ledger, and Hank Walker follow. 

The Rascalz vs. Gallus (w/ Joe Coffey) vs. Tank Ledger and Hank Walker in a Triple Threat Number One Contenders Match for the NXT Tag Team Championship

The bell rings and Gallus goes straight after Ledger and Walker. The Rascalz pulls Gallus off Ledger and Walker, then fires off kicks on their chest and delivers double stomps to their spines. Walker sends Trey Miguel crashing into the top turnbuckle.


Wolfgang tags in and pins Walker, but Miguel breaks the fall. Miguel then rolls up Wolfgang, but Walker breaks the fall and sends Miguel crashing into the mat with a back suplex. He goes for a pin of his own, but Wolfgang breaks the fall.

Mark Coffey tags in and sends Walker crashing into the mat with Wolfgang. Miguel delivers a pair of double knees to the back of Walker's neck, then connects with a hurricanrana on Mark and lands a dropkick on his spine. He goes for a pin, but Walker breaks the fall. Zachary Wentz then tags in and fires off strikes on Mark and Walker. Walker uses Wentz to level Mark as Ledger scoops up Miguel, and Walker and Ledger send The Rascalz crashing into one another. They then send them both crashing into the mat with a pair of slams and double team on Gallus.


Back from the break, Mark lands a shoulder tackle off the middle rope on Walker and goes for a pin. Walker kicks out and exchanges right hands with Mark before Wentz joins them. Ledger and Mark tag in, and Ledger levels Mark with a clothesline. Miguel connects with a double neckbreaker on Mark and Ledger

Joe hops up on the apron, but Je'Von Evans attacks Joe on the outside as The O.C. appears at ringside to distract Tank Ledger and Hank Walker. Miguel delivers a meteora to Ledger off the top rope, and Wentz follows it up with a Swanton Bomb for the win.

Winners (and new Number One Contenders): The Rascalz

Lexis King then makes his way down to the ring. 

Back from the break, we see Pete Dunne attack Trick Williams in the locker room and the pair begin to brawl.

Back at ringside, Meta-Four makes their way out.

Lexis King vs. Oro Mensah (w/ Lash Legend and Jakara Jackson)

The bell rings and the two lock up. Mensah fires off right hands and chops on King, then connects with a kick on his head and sends him crashing onto the floor off the barricade. Mensah lands a few chops on King and looks to fly back in the ring, but King pushes him off the apron and onto the floor. He fires off right hands on Mensah and clocks him from behind, then fires off right hands on King in the corner. King then rolls up Mensah with his feet on the ropes for the win.


Winner: Lexis King

After the match, Mensah chases King to the back out of frustration.

We then head backstage and see a verbal exchange between Oba Femi and The Family.

Back at ringside, Tatum Paxley makes her way out. 

Back from the break, we head over to a verbal confrontation between Gallus and No Quarter Catch Crew, after which Charlie Dempsey warns Wren Sinclair about giving out NXT Heritage Cup shots to others so fruitfully.

Back at ringside, Rosemary and Wendy Choo then make their way down to the ring.

Rosemary (w/ Wendy Choo) vs. Tatum Paxley

The bell rings and the two lock up. Paxley executes a mat return on Rosemary, but Rosemary responds with a sliding clothesline. Rosemary then turns Paxley inside out with a second clothesline and wears her down with a submission. Paxley responds with an enzuigiri to Rosemary and hits a crossbody on her in the corner, then follows it up with an elbow drop and goes for a pin. Rosemary kicks out.


Paxley charges at Rosemary in the corner, but Rosemary intercepts her and sends her crashing into the mat with a pair of Fallaway Slam. Paxley then responds with a Crucifix Bomb for the win.

Winner: Tatum Paxley

After the match, Choo attacks Paxley and Rosemary joins in. Lyra Valkyria's music hits and she runs down to the ring to even the score. Rosemary and Choo retreat as Valkyria and Paxley embrace in the ring.

We then head backstage and see Trick Williams and Pete Dunne get into yet another brawl as Dunne is giving an interview.

Back from the break, Pete Dunne is waiting in the ring. Trick Williams blindsides him and the pair begin to brawl.

Trick Wililams vs. Pete Dunne

Williams and Dunne get in the ring, and the bell sounds as we see Ethan Page watch the action from backstage. Dunne delivers a pair of double knees to Williams' arm, then wears him down with a submission hold to his legs. The pair then find themselves on the apron, and Dunne traps Williams in the ring skirt. He lands a knee on him, then connects with a boot to the side of his head and hits a stomp on Williams' head as he lays on the ring steps.


Back from the break, Williams connects with a flapjack on Dunne. Dunne responds with a German suplex and stomps on Williams' hand, then lands a boot on the side of his face and ascends to the top. Williams meets him up there, but Dunne pulls him down with a powerbomb and sets up for The Bitter End. Williams escapes and sends Dunne crashing into the mat, then stomps on his hand and delivers a spinning roundhouse kick.

The action spills out of the ring, and Williams looks to land a boot on Dunne. Dunne avoids it and Williams is sent crashing into the barricade. The two then teeter on it, but Williams looks to send Dunne crashing through the announce desk with a uranage. Dunne prevents Williams from doing so, then delivers a Russian Leg Sweep that sends them both crashing through it. Alicia Taylor then announces that both men have been counted out of the match.


Winner: N/A (due to double count out)

Williams rains down right hands on Dunne, but officials run down to the ring to break the two men apart. Dunne breaks free and rains down right hands on Williams, but Williams lands a kick on him.

We then head over to a video of Ridge Holland reflecting on his time with Chase U as he explains that he attacked Andre Chase at No Mercy because they failed and continued criticizing him (specifically naming Duke Hudson and Riley Osborne for doing so) after everything he did for them.

Back from the break, Gallus then makes their way down to the ring. Je'Von Evans follows.

Joe Coffey (w/ Gallus) vs. Je'Von Evans

The bell rings and Evans connects with a right hand on Joe. He follows it up with a hurricanrana and a dropkick, then lands a tope suicida on him on the outside and dumps him back inside. Joe delivers a Vader Bomb to Evans and goes for a pin, but Evans kicks out. He then dumps Evans out of the ring and both Wolfgang and Mark look to attack him while Joe distracts the referee. Cedric Alexander then runs down to the ring and gets in Gallus' face, opening the door for Evans to fly over the top to level Mark and Wolfgang on the outside and connect with his finisher on Joe back in the ring for the win.


Winner: Je'Von Evans

Oba Femi then makes his way down to the ring.

Back from the break, we head over to Sarah Schreiber chatting with Ava. Ava announces that Trick Williams and Pete Dunne will compete in a Last Man Standing Match, with the winner securing a shot at the NXT Championship when "NXT" debuts on The CW.

Back at ringside, The Family makes their way out.

Oba Femi vs. Channing Stacks Lorenzo (w/ The Family)

The bell rings and Stacks fires off right hands on Femi. He lands a knee on his midsection, but Femi whips him into the corner and looks to rain down right hands on him. Femi sends Stacks crashing into the opposite corner and dumps him across the ring, then charges at him. Stacks looks to catch him with a boot, but Femi sees it and sends Stacks crashing into the mat.


Femi connects with a pair of elbow drops on Stacks as he stares down Tony D'Angelo on the outside. Stacks responds with a jawbreaker and a kick, then dropkicks Femi out of the ring. Femi levels Stacks with a right hand and lands a clothesline on the back of his neck, then delivers a bodyslam. Stacks fires off strikes on Femi, then sends him crashing into the mat and ascends to the top. He looks to fly, but Femi sends him crashing into the corner and follows it up with a powerbomb for the win.

Winner: Oba Femi

Fatal Influence then makes their way down to the ring.

Back from the break, we head backstage and see Je'Von Evans talk Wren Sinclair into granting him a shot at the NXT Heritage Cup as Myles Borne stands by with earphones in, having not heard what just happened. She then tells Charlie Dempsey what she just did, and Dempsey becomes frustrated.


Back at ringside, Jaida Parker makes her way down to the ring. 

Jaida Parker vs. Jazmyn Nyx (w/ Fatal Influence)

The bell rings and the two lock up. They go back and forth before Nyx connects with a dropkick on Parker. She wears Parker down with a submission, but Parker escapes and powers up to her feet. Nyx fires off elbows on Parker to escape her grasp, then runs the ropes. Parker intercepts her and connects with a Fallaway Slam, then follows it up with a pair of shoulder tackles and her signature Hip Attack in the corner. Nyx rolls up Parker, but Parker kicks out and runs the ropes. She then delivers a second Hip Attack for the win.


Winner: Jaida Parker

After the match, Jacy Jayne and Fallon Henley attack Parker. Parker gains the upper hand momentarily, but Jayne clocks her from behind and Nyx lands a Pele Kick on her

Back from the break, we head over to a verbal confrontation between Fatal Influence, Kelani Jordan, and Lola Vice. 

Back at ringside, Roxanne Perez makes her way out.

We Hear From Roxanne Perez

Perez runs her mouth about retaining the NXT Women's Championship against Jaida Parker at No Mercy, then says she's smashing all of Asuka and IYO SKY's records in "NXT". She says while Parker proved herself as the future of the "NXT" women's division, she proved that she can't be touched. She then continues gloating about how great she is as a talent, and says no one has the ability to dethrone her as the NXT Women's Champion.


Chelsea Green's music hits and she makes her way out. She asks Perez if she was expecting someone else, then rags on one section of fans and says there's been a lot of talk about Perez's next challenger. She says she's beloved by the WWE Universe and would do anything for most of her fans, then says she's here to interrupt and no one can tell her that she's not Perez's new Number One Contender.

Giulia's music hits and she makes her way out. Green gets in Giulia's face and looks to slap her, but Giulia intercepts it and takes down Green with a knee. She stares down Perez and grabs Green's mic, then tells Perez that she'll see her at the debut of "NXT" on The CW. The pair then stare one another down and Perez holds up her NXT Women's Championship as the show goes off the air.

